Paul J. McBride
PAUL J. McBRIDE. Every one who has had any relations with the Department of
Labor in the state government during the last year realizes that Governor Capper
could not have made a better choice for the office of State Labor Commission
than when he selected Paul J. McBride for those important responsibilities.
To his official duties Mr McBride brought a long and varied experience, most of it obtained in the ranks of organized labor. He is in close touch with the men who toil and he also has that breadth of mind and sympathies which are the fruit of association with people and affairs in more than one field of work and in more than one locality. He has been a farmer, a machinist, both a worker and an employer, and for many years was active in railroad service.
He was born in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1860, one of four children, all of whom are still living, and whose parents were David N. and Jane (Clarke) McBride. His father was born in Lawrence County and his mother in Washington County, Pennsylvania. When a young man David N. McBride learned the tailor's trade, but most of his career was spent as a farmer. When the news of the discovery of gold on the Pacific coast reached his part of the county, he was one of those who eagerly accepted the opportunity to become an argonaut, and joined a company of men at Pittsburg in 1849. They proceeded by boat as far as St. Joseph, Missouri, where they outfitted, and their party combined with others to the number of about 250. This small army then crossed the plains, going through the Salt Lake Valley by way of the northern route and finally landing on the Yuba River in Northern California. He spent about three years in the gold fields of California, and then returned to his old home by way of San Francisco, the Isthmus of Panama and New York City. From Pennsylvania he moved just across the state line into Mahoning County, Ohio, and his remaining years were passed as a substantial farmer near Youngstown. He died in 1906.
Most of the youth of Paul J. McBride was spent in Ohio about a mile from his Pennsylvania birthplace. With a common school education, he has made the best of his opportunities and by observation and hard work has mastered no small share of the world's knowledge. He learned the machinist's trade at Warren, Pennsylvania, completing his apprenticeship in 1879. Thereafter for three years he was foreman for the Youngstown Hot Polish Shafting Company. After that came a period in his career when he was a farmer and he engaged in other occupations. In 1885 in company with a brother-in-law, John F. Van Auker, he came to Kansas. After a short time spent in Lane County he removed to Wichita County and there pre-empted a quarter section of land. That was in the early days of Western Kansas, and he has a keen knowledge of what the old time farmers experienced in the way of hardships and difficulties. In the fall of 1887 he removed to Colorado and for a season operated a sawmill in Eleven Mile Canyon in El Paso County.
On returning to Kansas Mr. McBride joined the operating service of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway at Norton in the capacity of locomotive fireman. In 1892 he was promoted to locomotive engineer and for many years handled the throttle on several different runs on the Rock Island lines in this state.
In the fall of 1914 Sherman County sent Mr. McBride as its representative to the State Legislature. He made a capable record in the Legislature, and his service there and his well known qualifications on other grounds brought him in 1915 the appointment as state labor commissioner. Since April of that year he has filled that office and now spends most of his time in Topeka.
Politically he is a republican. He still has his card of membership in the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, is a Knight Templar member of the Masonic fraternity and also affiliated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In 1892 Mr. McBride married Miss Frances Marshall, daughter of Thomas Marshall of Leicestershire, England. Mrs. McBride died May 27, 1914. The only son, Paul Francis, is a graduate in the electrical engineering course at the University of Boulder, Colorado.
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918; transcribed October, 1997.