K. Ellis Sherrill
K. ELLIS SHERRILL, M. D. A physician and surgeon of finished ability and wide
experience practicing at Formoso, Doctor Sherrill located in Kansas about two
years ago, having previously practiced in Missouri and Arkansas. He was licensed
to practice by the Missouri State Board of Examiners in 1911, by that of the
Arkansas Board in 1912, and by reciprocal privileges now has the right to
practice in about forty states of the Union
Doctor Sherrill was born at Bismarck in St. Francois County, Missouri, April 7, 1873. His paternal ancestry is of English descent and was established in old Virginia in colonial times. His father, De Lafayette G. Sherrill, was born in Hall County, Georgia, in 1826 and at the age of thirteen accompanied his parents to St. Francois County, Missouri, where the family located on January 1, 1839. He grew to manhood there, and spent his active life as a farmer. However, he was a California forty-niner and for five years he carried pick and shovel up and down most of the famous gulches of that country and was an unusually successful prospector and miner. He died as Bismark, Missouri, in 1900. He was a democrat and was one of the leading local members of the Baptist Church. He also belonged to the Masonic fraternity. The maiden name of his wife was Emeline Wallen, who was born in St. Francois County, Missouri, October 3, 1842 and died at Bismarck, January 18, 1914. Their children were: C. M. Sherrill, also a farmer there; Doctor Sherrill; H. D., a farmer at Bismarck; and Mary Ellen who died at the age of three months.
Doctor Sherrill was educated in public schools at Bismarck, graduating from high school in 1892. Like so many successful professional men he had considerable experience as a teacher. He taught school in the various districts of St. Francois County for about fifteen years. In 1907 he entered Barnes University at St. Louis where he completed his course and received his M. D. degree in 1911. He has returned to the university three different summers for post-graduate work. Dr. Sherrill practiced at Knoblock, Missouri, from July 1911, until January, 1912, when he became house surgeon for the Missouri-Pacific Railway Hospital at Little Rock, Arkansas. After twelve months he diversified his experience still further by becoming lumber camp physician and surgeon for . J. Neimeyer Lumber Company in Arkansas. Thus with a thorough training and many exceptional qualifications Doctor Sherrill began practice at Formoso, Kansas, in 1915. He has already built up a very gratifying general practice. His offices are on Main Street and he is a member of the county and state medical societies and the America Medical Association.
While living in his native county Doctor Sherrill was recorder of vital statistics. In politics he is a democrat. A believer in fraternalism, he has identified himself with a number of the best orders. He is senior warden of Formoso Lodge No. 336, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, is a member of Copestone, Chapter No. 33, Royal Arch Masons, at De Soto, Missouri, has Scottish-Rite affiliation with Arkansas Consistory at Little Rock, and is a member of Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Salina. He is past patron of Formoso Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and was one of the organizers and first worthy patron of Sabylla Chapter of that order at Bismarck, Missouri. He also belongs to the Kansas Fraternal Citizens, Lovewell Lodge No. 647, Independent Order Odd Fellows, Superior Encampment No. 63 of Odd Fellows, and Concordia Lodge No. 386, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He is a life member of the Red Cross.
Doctor Sherrill first married at St. Louis, in 1898, Miss Mary Robadeux. She died in 1904, leaving four children: Alta and De Lafayette G., both students in high school; and Hardee and M. M., who are still in the grade schools. In 1906, at Bismarck, Missouri Doctor Sherrill married Miss Isabelle Pyrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pyrtle, who live at Glen Allen, Missouri, her father being a railroad man. Dr. and Mrs. Sherrill have seven young children named Hoke K., Pinckney E., Sydney H., Ellibelle Korania and Armon Hadlai, twins, Harmon Adlai and Consuella Charmion.
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Secretary of the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, copyright 1918; transcribed 1997.