1918 KANSAS AND KANSANS | Chapter 27 |
Wilson Shannon succeeded Andrew H. Reeder as Territorial Governor of Kansas. Shannon was born in what is now Belmont County, Ohio, February 24, 1802. His father moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio at an early date and was frozen to death in the winter of 1803 while on a hunting expedition along the Ohio River. He left seven sons and two daughters. These sons seemed to have been of more than ordinary ability. The eldest, John, was nineteen at the time of his father's death. He immediately went to work to support his widowed mother, and his brothers and sisters. He enlisted as a private in the army in the War of 1812 and rose to the rank of captain.
The second son, George, was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. On the Upper Missouri, while repelling an Indian attack, he was wounded in the leg. Upon his return it was found necessary that his leg be amputated because of this wound. He superintended the publication of the valuable journals of the expedition, in Philadelphia. There he studied law and was admitted to practice. Later he went to Lexington, Kentucky, where he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court. From Lexington he moved to Hannibal, Missouri, where he was elected to the State Senate. Afterwards he was appointed United States District Attorney for Missouri. He was defeated for the United States Senate by Thomas H. Benton. He died in August, 1836, in the Court House, while defending a man in a criminal action. Shannon County, Missouri, was named for him.
The third son, James, was educated by the efforts of his brother John, and sent to Lexington to study law in the office of his brother George. He became a fine lawyer and a leader in the Democratic party. He married a daughter of Ex-Governor Shelby. In 1832, the President appointed him to an important position in Central America. He died on the way to his post of duty.
John assisted the fourth son, Thomas, to enter commercial life. He was established as a merchant at Barnesville, Ohio. He was elected to Congress after a second year in the State Legislature.
David, the fifth son, was sent to Lexington to study law in the office of his brother George. He was admitted to the bar and afterward settled in Tennessee. President Jackson appointed him Judge of the Courts of Florida Territory. He died while arranging his affairs to enter upon his duties there.
![]() GOV. WILSON SHANNON [Copy by Willard of Portrait in Library of Kansas State Historical Society] |
When Reeder was removed, the position of Governor of Kansas Territory was tendered to John L. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, who declined it. Shannon was an applicant for the place, and, upon the declination of Dawson, it was given to him. His commission was dated August 10, 1855. He arrived at Westport, Missouri, September 1st. In an address at Westport, he was reported to have admitted the validity of the laws of the bogus Legislature and to have expressed himself in favor of the establishment of slavery in Kansas Territory. In a communication to the newspapers, the Governor denied that he had uttered 1hese sentiments, but it was well known that he held the views said to have been expressed by him, and in his article of denial he did not disavow them.
Affairs had changed greatly in the Territory during the administration of Governor Reeder. These changes have already been noted. The Missourians had in no wise relinquished their intention of making Kansas a slave State. The Free-State people of Kansas had organized the Free-State party and set up a Free-State government. Their actions were denounced as rebellion, and the people of Missouri were prepared to go, in the future, to much greater lengths than ever before, in order to accomplish their purpose in Kansas. While the South generally, had been much slower to act than had the North, there was a settled conviction and unity of purpose there that Kansas should be made a slave State. Organizations in various Southern states, for the purpose of sending Pro-Slavery emigrants into Kansas, had been effected. Many companies were in the process of formation in the winter of 1855-6. South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia were foremost in this promoted emigration for political purposes. Major Jefferson Buford, of Eufaula, Alabama, left that place about the 1st of February with two hundred men bound for Kansas Territory. The emigrants from the Southern states were all well armed and formed into military companies. In the month of January the State of Alabama had appropriated $25,000 to "equip and transport emigrants to Kansas." It is supposed that Buford had the benefit of at least a portion of this appropriation. Major Buford arrived at Kansas City, Missouri, in April, with his Alabama companies and large bodies from Georgia and South Carolina. Thus was Mr. Thayer's promoted emigration bearing fruit and being met on the plains of Kansas.
From the organized resistance of the Free-State People. the Kansas or Territorial Legislature became known as the "Bogus" Legislature. It will be remembered that the Free-State people of Kansas had taken a position that the Legislature was largely a non-resident body, illegally constituted after an election by fraud. The resolutions passed on the subject of the Territorial Legislature by the Big Springs Convention, fairly represented the position of the Free-State party. While this Legislature was clothed with the vestments of legality and had the outward form of a legally constituted body, it will be spoken of hereafter as the Bogus Legislature. Morally it had no right to a minute's existence. It was villainously composed, and its purposes and acts reprehensible to the last degree.
The correspondent of the Missouri Republican furnished a communication to the issue of that paper of July 3, 1855, in which he gave an account of an altercation between General B. F. Stringfellow and Governor Reeder, which he described as follows:
From this incident originated the term, "Border-Ruffian." It was applied to those Missourians, and all the promoted emigration from the South, who took an active part in the effort to force slavery upon Kansas. By the Free-State men it was considered an epithet of opprobrium. The Missourians, however, gloried in it. In many Missouri border towns, merchants called their stores and business enterprises, the Border-Ruffian Store, the Border-Ruffian Company, etc.
On the 5th day of November, 1855, Atchison replying to an invitation to attend the King's Mountain Celebration, wrote the following letter, in which he complained that the South was slow in responding to the calls for help in the work of establishing slavery in Kansas.
PLATTE CITY, MO., SEPT. 12, 1855. |
Gentlemen: - Your letter of invitation, requesting my attendance at the Celebration of the Battle of King's Mountain, has been received. It will be altogether inconvenient for me to be present on that occasion. I have certain duties, both private and public, to discharge at home. The Battle of King's Mountain was fought by the Whigs, under the lead of Campbell, McDowell, Shelby, Sevier and Williams, against the forces under the gallant Ferguson. We have a similar foe to encounter, in Kansas, on the first Monday in October next - the "border ruffians," such as fought with McDowell, Shelby, etc., on the one hand, and the Abolitionists, such men as fought with Ferguson, on the other. We (the "border ruffians") have the whole power of the Northern States to contend with, single-handed and alone, without assistance and almost without sympathy from any quarter; yet we are undismayed. Thus far have we been victorious; and with the help of God we will still continue to conquer. Gentlemen, I thank you for the kind expression in the concluding paragraph of your letter - "three cheers for Atchison and Kansas!" I have read this paragraph to sundry of the "border ruffians," and their eyes sparkle; their arms are nerved. We have been acting on the defensive altogether. The contest with us is one of life and death, and it will be so with you and your institution if we fall. Atchison, Stringfellow, and the "border ruffians" of Missouri fill a column of each Abolition paper published in the North; abuse most foul and falsehood unblushing is poured out upon us; and yet we have no advocate in the Southern press - and yet we receive no assistance from the Southern States. But the time will shortly come when that assistance must and will be rendered. The stake the "border ruffians" are playing for is a mighty one. If Kansas is Abolitionized, Missouri ceases to he a slave State, and New Mexico becomes a free State; California remains a free State; but if we secure Kansas as a slave State, Missouri is secure; New Mexico and Southern California, if not all of it, becomes slave States. In a word, the prosperity or the ruin of the whole South depends on the Kansas struggle. |
The correspondent of the Cleveland Ohio Leader, writing from Leavenworth October 2, 1855, gave this forecast of the situation:
These are turbulent times. We are in the commencement of a great battle. The 6kirmishes we have had are but the scattering drops before the storm that is approaching. The thunders will be upon us unless the PEOPLE of the North rise in their might and say to the Slavery Propagandists and their subservient slaves - the present Administration - THESE OUTRAGES MUST CEASE! We hope to hear the thunders of the voice of the people of Ohio, on the 9th day of October, in the ears of these tyrants. Arouse, Free-men! Slumber not while this black nightmare of Slavery rests upon the bosom of Liberty! Awake! And scare away the grim demon that haunts our rest! Our hope is in YOU. Our election is appointed for October 9th, the same day of your own. The enemy is preparing to attack us in large forces that day. A band of seventy-five are now approaching our Southern border. The officers of the United States troops stationed in this place, under instructions from headquarters, wink at the villainies of the Missourians and refuse to interfere or protect life, property and liberty. Unless you rebuke and frighten with the thunders of your just indignation this corrupt pro-slavery Administration, we fear that our fate is sealed and this fair land doomed forever to the black curse of Slavery. |
(1) Resolved, That we, the people here assembled, believing the
Constitution of the United States, and the laws passed in pursuance thereof, are
sufficient for the protection of our rights, both of person and property, and
that in the observance of the same are vested our only hopes of security for
liberty and the Union, and that we will maintain the same at all hazards.
(2) Resolved, That in every government, whether Monarchical, Aristocratic, Democratic or Republican, the liberty, the life and the property of no individual is safe unless the laws passed by the properly constituted authorities are strictly and freely obeyed. (3) Resolved, That we hold the doctrine to be strictly true, that no man or set of men are at liberty to resist a law passed by a legislative body, legally organized, unless they choose by their actions to constitute themselves rebels and traitors, and take all the consequences that legitimately follow the failure of a revolution. (4) Resolved, That the course pursued under this Territory by certain persons professing to be the peculiar friends of human freedom is at variance with all law, and entirely subversive of good order, and is practical nullification, rebellion and treason, and should be frowned upon and denounced by every lover of civil liberty and of the perpetuity of the Union. (5) Resolved, That the repudiation of the laws and properly constituted authorities of this Territory, by the agents and servants of the Massachusetts Aid Society, and the armed preparation of such agents and servants to resist the execution of the laws of Kansas, are treasonable and revolutionary in their character, and should be crushed at once by the strong, united arm of all lovers of law and order. (6) Resolved, That the admission of Andrew H. Reeder, to a seat in the next Congress of the United States, would be in violation of all law and precedent, and would have a tendency to encourage treason against all good government, and that the same would be an outrage upon the citizens of Kansas. (7) Resolved, That the convention lately assembled at Topeka, to form a constitution for a State Government, called and elected by and composed of members of one political party, the so-called "Free-State Party," and neither called nor elected by THE PEOPLE OF KANSAS, would have been a farce if its purposes had not been treasonable; and any constitution presented by such a convention is unworthy the serious consideration of freemen, and if presented to Congress, as the Constitution of Kansas, should be scouted from its halls as an insult to its intelligence and an outrage upon our sovereign rights. (8) Resolved, That we cordially indorse the Kansas-Nebraska act, and more especially that part of it which repeals the Missouri Compromise and enunciates the principle that the people of every Territory, in framing their organic law, have a right to decide for themselves what domestic institutions they will or will not have. (9) Resolved, That the Kansas-Nebraska bill recognizes the true principles of Republican Government, and that we feel that we are as fit for, and as capable of, self-government as we were when citizens of the States, and that we denounce any attempt on the part of Congress or the citizens of other States to interfere with or control our domestic affairs. (10) Resolved, That, as citizens of a Territory, not having any right to the expression of our voice in the election of the Chief Magistrate of the nation, yet we cannot refrain from the expression of our gratitude to the Democrats of the Northern States for their undeviating support of the true principles of government, contained in the organic law of this Territory. (11) Resolved, That we condemn and scorn the acts and falsehoods of the Abolition and Free-soil prints throughout the country, in misrepresenting the facts growing out of the organization of this Territory, all which are calculated to mislead public sentiment abroad, and retard growth, settlement and prosperity of the Territory. (12) Resolved, That we, the members of this Convention, the Law and Order Party, the State Rights party of Kansas, the opponents of Abolitionism, Free-soilism and all the other isms of the day, feel ourselves fully able to sustain the organic law of the Territory and the acts of the Territorial Legislature passed in pursuance thereof, and we hereby pledge ourselves to support and sustain Gov. Shannon in the execution of all laws, and that we have the utmost confidence in the disposition and determination of the Executive to fully and faithfully discharge his duties. |
The address provided for was issued on the 30th of November. It was signed by Wilson Shannon, John Calhoun, George W. Purkins, G. W. Johnson, A. Rodrigue, G. W. Clark, A. J. Isacks, I. B. Donalson, John A. Halderman and Ira Norris. The closing paragraph of the address is as follows:
In conclusion we have to say what Whig and Democrat, Pro-slavery and Free-state men, making a sacrifice of all party names and organizations upon the altar of the public good, have resolved to be known hereafter as the Law and Order party, or "State Rights" party of Kansas, and have given to the world, and have pledged their united faith in support of a platform of principles laid down in the resolutions which follow. Upon that platform they will stand, insisting upon the execution of the laws; the maintenance of the principles of the organic act of the Territory, affirming for the citizens of Kansas the right to frame their own institutions in their own way, and resisting and repelling all interference from abroad, let it come from what quarter it may, claiming for ourselves the capacity of self-government, to be the friends of the Union, and of the rights of the States. We ask of our friends abroad only the benefit of their advice, sympathy and prayers for our success, and hope to merit their approving judgment. |
The adoption of the resolutions by the Pro-Slavery party founded the Law and Order party in Kansas Territory. The Law and Order party as organized by the meeting at Leavenworth was, in fact, a vicious and atrocious vigilance committee, and it developed into an instrument of terrorism. It was a weapon placed in the hands of the lawless element which had invaded Kansas to fraudulently carry elections, and which it was designed to have invade Kansas in the future to inaugurate civil war.
1918 Kansas and Kansans | Previous Section | Next Section |
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans , written and compiled by William E. Connelley, transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1998.