Micheal J. Callahan
MICHEAL J. CALLAHAN, a successful farmer of Ross township, Cherokee County, Kansas, and one of its leading citizens, resides upon his well improved farm of 240 acres, in section 2, township 32, range 23. Mr. Callahan was born at Lowell, Massachusetts, August 10, 1854, and is a son of Daniel and Catherine (Thomas) Callahan.
The parents of Mr. Callahan were born in County Kerry, Ireland, where they were reared. They came to America single, were married in Massachusetts, and in 1854 went to Bureau County, Illinois. The mother died in Shelby County, Iowa, where the family located in 1869. They had two children,Micheal J. and John.
Micheal J. Callahan was reared in Bureau County, Illinois, until he reached the age of 13 years, when he accompanied the family to Shelby County, Iowa. Two years later he came alone to Cherokee township, Cherokee County, and there worked for Luke Hughes for three years; since that time he has been working on his own responsibility. He understood all the practical details of farming, and found no unsurmountable obstacles in his way. For eight years he continued to rent land, occupying property which is now the present site of Scammon, long before the mineral wealth of the region was suspected. When Mr. Callahan purchased his present farm, it was wild, prairie land, and all the improvements made upon the property have been effected by him. He now has one of the best farms and finest homes in his section of the county. He has about 160 acres of his land under cultivation, raising wheat, oats, corn, hogs and a good grade of horses and cattle. In addition to his home farm, Mr. Callahan owns 160 acres in section 4, Mineral township, and 80 acres in section 13, township 32, range 23, in Ross township, which he devotes to pasture.
Besides a fine home and productive farm, Mr. Callahan has other blessings, chiefly among these being a most estimable wife and a large, interesting and intelligent family of children. He was married on November 14, 1875, to Ann Coman, who was born at Arlington, Illinois, and is a daughter of James and Joan (O'Maley) Coman. Mrs. Callahan's parents were born in Ireland, emigrated to America, and lived in Bureau County, Illinois, until 1869. Then they came to Cherokee County, settled in Cherokee township and both died here. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan have had 14 children, namely: Agatha, a Sister in Mount Saint Scholastic Academy, at Atchison, Kansas; Daniel; Josie, also a Sister in Mount Saint Scholastic Academy; Eva; Rosanna, who died aged 17 months; and James, George, Charles, Mary, Chloe, John, Annie, Florence and Paul. These children have all been carefully reared, as members of St. Bridget's Catholic Church at Scammon. In politics Mr. Callahan votes with the Democratic party, but he is not an office seeker.
Mr. Callahan takes a just pride in what he has accomplished by years of personal industry. What he owns he has earnedhonestly earned,and during this time he has also won the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens. His word is as good as his bond, and he finds the hand of friendship extended to him on every side. He is one of the good citizens and good men of Ross township.
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History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Erin Randall, student from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, November 19, 1996.