George W. Douglass
GEORGE W. DOUGLASS, a prosperous farmer of Cherokee County, who is located on a good farm in section 13, township 33, range 24, in Crawford township, was born in 1853 in Lucas County, Iowa, and is a son of Milton and Samantha (Bales) Douglass.
The father of Mr. Douglass was born in 1818 in Indiana and after his marriage on December 29, 1839, settled down to farming until 1851, when he moved to Iowa, taking with him his teams and household possessions.
In 1868 he again moved Westward, and located, with his wife and their 10 children, in Cherokee County, Kansas. He secured the southeast quarter of section 12 in Crawford township. He was one of the earliest settlers in this section, and at that time no one could have been found rash enough to predict that the present bustling city of Columbus would grow up on the prairie wilderness. His death took place July 26, 1897, at the age of 79 years. His wife was born in 1823, and died on the home farm in Crawford township, Cherokee County, January 23, 1899. For several terms Milton Douglass served as a member of the Board of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, and he assisted in the organization of the Republican party, while in Iowa. This party he continued to support until President Grant's second administration. He was one of the leading members of the Baptist Church in Lucas County, Iowa. He was the father of 12 children, namely: Mrs. Melinda Lane, born June 2, 1841, who lives in Columbus; Mrs. Eliza Vincent, born May 21, 1843, who resides in Britton, Oklahoma; Martin, born June 26, 1845, who resides at Oswego, Kansas; Sylvia, born October 17, 1847, who died, aged 11 months; Lloyd Judd, born September 11, 1849, who lives at Crestline, Kansas; George W., who was born June 16, 1853; Mrs. Elizabeth A. Owens, born November 20, 1855, who lives near Crestline; Joseph Benson, born April 9, 1858, who resides at Victor, Colorado; Charles Ellsworth born April 22, 1861, who was killed at Afton, Indian Territory, September 7, 1896; Noah Milton, born June 28, 1863, who resides at Shawnee, Oklahoma; William Walter, born January 27, 1867, who lives in Crawford township; and one child who died in infancy. The subject of this sketch has passed the greater part of his life in Cherokee County, the years 1874 and 1875, however, having been spent in Southeastern Missouri. Since he reached the age of 20 years, he has made his way in the world without outside assistance, and has met with deserved success. He is one of the substantial farmers and most highly respected citizens of Crawford township.
On November 26, 1882. Mr. Douglass was married to Thula Ellis, who was born in Cocke County, Tennessee, August 6, 1863, and is a daughter of Richard Driskill and Sarah J. (Holdway) Ellis. They came to Cherokee County, Kansas, in April, 1869, and located two miles east of Crestline, where the father still resides, the mother having died in 1876. The three children of Mr. Ellis are: Mrs. Douglass; James Howard, of Columbus; and Elbert Hezekiah, a claim agent for the "Frisco" railroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass have had four children, namely: Richard L., born February 9, 1884; Sarah E., born September 28, 1886; Walter, born August 27, 1890, who died November 4, 1897; and Arthur Lloyd, born February 27, 1893. The children are all at home, and form a cheerful, intelligent family group. Politically, Mr. Douglass is independent, or, as he facetiously puts it, "an orphan,"none of the great parties quite meeting the issues which he considers of paramount importance, while he thinks all have excellent ideas in their platforms. He is a man of domestic tastes, enjoys his home and his farm duties, and cares little for outside matters. He is a member of the A.H.T.A.
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History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Jason Baldwin, student from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 5-5-1997