Thomas Haynes
THOMAS HAYNES, Old England, the little island upon whose possessions the sun never sets, has a number of representatives in Cherokee County, and as a rule they are classed among her most thrifty citizens. The biographer is privileged to present here the name of one who, although born under the Union Jack, received the baptism of fire in the Civil War, which made him forever a "child of the republic." Thomas Haynes is a farmer who has for the past 27 years resided in section 35, township 32, range 23, in Ross township. He was born in Shropshire, England, March 29, 1834.
William and Hannah Haynes, his parents, were both natives of the same English shire. The father, who was a cooper by trade, died in middle life, in 1839; the mother lived to the old age of 84 years. They reared a family of five children, of whom Margaret, the eldest, is now deceased; Hannah still resides in England; Mary, also, is deceased; John resides in McLean County, Illinois; and Thomas is the subject of this review.
During the boyhood and early manhood of Thomas Haynes, there was small chance for him to procure an education, owing to the fact that his father died when he was but five years old. He early became inured to toil and hardship of the severest kind, and it was the hope of bettering his condition that led him, when but a lad, to embark for America. Here he secured work on a farm, and was engaged at that occupation when the war cloud burst upon the country in 1861; at that time he was near Bloomington, Illinois. He was among the first in his neighborhood to enlist, and became a private in Company B, 52d Reg., Illinois Vol. Inf. He was mustered in at St. Joseph, Missouri, and arrived at the front in time to participate in the fight at Fort Donelson. The bloody battle of Shiloh followed. In both of these the subject of this sketch took the part of a soldier, after which, on account of failing health, he was detailed as a driver in the ambulance corps. In this position he continued with the Army of the West in its different operations, finally winding up with Sherman in his memorable "March to the Sea." His health now became so much impaired that it was necessary for him to return from the front, and he spent the remaining few months of the war in a hospital at Coney Island, New York. He rejoined his regiment but a few days before the final discharge of its members at Louisville, Kentucky, July 3, 1865. He now draws a pension of $17 per month.
Returning to Bloomington, Illinois, he remained in that vicinity for about 11 years, thence moving, in 1877, to Cherokee County, Kansas. During the first year he rented a farm in Ross township, and then purchased the place on which he now resides. It contained 160 acres, only 25 of which had been broken, and on it was nothing but a small box houseno fences, no trees,in fact the splendid farm property which he now possesses is the product of his own brawn and brain. His first crops were corn and flax, but he later branched out and took up the line of the diversified farmer, in which he has made so signal a success.
The marriage of the subject of this sketch was consummated in October, 1866, when he was wedded to Sarah Buzard, a native of Ohio. To them were born seven children, as follows: William, who died, aged 17 years; Clara (Mrs. Ernest Thatcher); John, a farmer of Ross township, Cherokee County; Anna, who married Jacob McCune, a farmer now residing near Kansas City; Sarah Agnes (Mrs. Fred Green), of Scammon, Cherokee County; Frank, a farmer of Lola township, Cherokee County; and Howard, who now manages the home place, his father having retired from active work about five years ago.
The life of Mr. Haynes during his residence in the county has been that of a quiet and industrious farmer. He has never aspired to office, but in politics votes the Republican ticket. He and his wife are consistent and worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in the large circle of their acquaintance they are held in the highest regard.
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History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Shanel Shafer, student from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 12-6-96