George B. McClellan
GEORGE B. McCLELLAN,M. D., senior member of the firm of McClellan, Revell, Iliff & Newton, all leading medical practitioners of Cherokee County, was born in 1864, at Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri, and is a son of Dr. Andrew Jackson and Sarah (Rowntree) McClellan.
Dr. Andrew Jackson McClellan was born in 1834 in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and died at Weir City, Kansas, in 1898, aged 64 years. His widow, who is a native of Kentucky, still survives and resides with her son, George B. The late Dr. McClellan attended the Michigan Medical University through 1858 and 1859 and at the outbreak of the Civil War was made a post surgeon, in the Federal Army. After its close he practiced at Baxter Springs, Cherokee County, Kansas, until 1895, when he settled at Weir City, where his death occurred, as stated. In political action, he was a Democrat. During several years of his residence at Baxter Springs, he served on the pension board. He was one of the early and prominent physicians of the county, and was both esteemed and beloved.
Dr. George B. McClellan was the only child of his parents to reach maturity. His mental training was pursued first at Baxter Springs, and later at Kansas City and in Gleason's Academy at Chicago. He read medicine with his father, whom he gratified by choosing the same profession, and then acquired practical experience in a drug store. In 1894 he graduated in medicine at the Northwestern Medical College of Missouri, and in the same year settled at Weir City. Here he has been successfully engaged in practice ever since, first alone, and later in association with other eminent physicians whom he has called into association with him. Dr. McClellan conducts his office at Weir City in conjunction with Dr. C. B. Coss, formerly of Topeka; Dr. A. T. Revell has an office at Scammon; Dr. D. A. Iliff is located at Cherokee; while Dr. Newton opened at office at Chicopee. These physicians and surgeons individually and collectively attend to a large proportion of the sick, injured and afflicted throughout the coal mining region, and all are men of proved ability and high character.
In 1895, Dr. McClellan was married to Lillian Revell, who is a sister of Dr. A. T. Revell. They have two children,Adelaide and Robert Crowe, both of whom were born at Weir City.
Politically, Dr. McClellan is a Republican, but takes no very active part in politics. He is a member of the Cherokee County Medical Association; the Southeastern Kansas Medical Association; the Kansas State Medical Association; the American Medical Association, and other State and county organizations, contributing to their literature, and keeping fully abreast of the times in scientific thought. Fraternally he is a member of the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, A. O. U. W. and several other societies. He is the medical examiner of the Modern Woodmen of America and the A. O. U. W. Personally, the Doctor has a wide circle of warm friends, and professionally, he enjoys the confidence of the general public.
![[Biog. Index]](../../images/btbndx.gif)
![[1904 Index]](../../images/btndx.gif)
![[Cherokee Co.]](../../images/btksck.gif)
History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Lacey Garvin, student from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 11-22-96.