Charles L. Moll
CHARLES L. MOLL, who has been a successful mine operator in Cherokee County for many years, is superintendent of the Merger Mining Company. He has lived in the city of Galena since 1866, and is the pioneer living citizen at the present time. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, September 16, 1852, and is a son of Egidious and Barbara (Hunt) Moll, both natives of Baden, Germany.
Egidious Moll, whose father was an officer of high rank in the German Army, came to the United States at the age of 10 years with his parents, who located in Buffalo, New York. His wife was three years old when she came over with her parents. With his parents, Egidious Moll removed to Perry County, Missouri, and there he followed farming during his early life and engaged in the mercantile business. In 1863 he located in Johnson County, Kansas, and farmed until 1866 when he came to Cherokee County, locating upon the quarter section which is included in the town-site of Galena. He farmed this tract until 1877, when he sold what is now known as the property of the Galena Lead & Zinc Company and thereafter lived in retirement until his death in 1890. He was married in Perry County, Missouri, to Barbara Hunt, whose relatives died in one night during an epidemic of cholera, the house being burned and all family records destroyed. Of the five children born to them, two died in infancy and three survive, namely: William Henry, who married his cousin, Emma Moll, and resides on a farm in Johnson County, Kansas; Charles L.; and J. E., who married Ida Effinger and resides on a farm in Johnson County.
Charles L. Moll was reared on his father's farm and when 14 years of age accompanied them to Cherokee County. He received his educational training in the public schools and lived on the home farm until it was sold, with the exception of three years spent in the livery business. He has since been continuously engaged in mining and has attained a high degree of success. He began at the lowest step as a miner and worked his way up until he had supervision of the interests of large mining companies. He was president of the Moll-Reid Paint Company, and at different times superintendent of the Cripple Creek Mining Company, the Pittsburg Mining Company; the M. & F. Mining Company; the Merger Mining Company, and many other smaller companies. At the present time he is superintendent of the M. & F. Mining Company, which has large interests and a prosperous business. Mr. Moll is a member of the Commercial Club of Galena, and one of that city's public spirited business men.
In September, 1876, Mr. Moll was united in marriage with Nancy E. Casebeer, a daughter of Miles and Elizabeth Casebeer of Iowa. She died in 1890, having given birth to nine children, six of whom are living, namely: John who married Nettie Dorris, and lives at Galena: Irene Belle (Dillon), who lives at Galena: T. C., of Galena, who married Bertha Dorris; David O., who is in the United States Army and is in the service in the Philippine Islands; and Henry and Arthur, who both live at home. These children have all received good educational training and are useful citizens. In 1891, our subject formed a second union, marrying Mollie Baxter, who is a native of Holton, Kansas.
![[Biog. Index]](../../images/btbndx.gif)
![[1904 Index]](../../images/btndx.gif)
![[Cherokee Co.]](../../images/btksck.gif)
History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Carolyn Ward, instructor from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 3/11/97.