Elmore Robert Pattyson
ELMORE ROBERT PATTYSON, register of deeds for Cherokee County, and one of the valued residents of Columbus, was born June 13, 1850, in Cattaraugus County, New York, and is a son of Philonas and Orilla (Markham) Pattyson.
Philonas Pattyson died at Columbus, Kansas, March 21, 1904, aged 81 years, two months and 15 days. His wife passed away in 1887, aged 62 years. Both were natives of Allegany County, New York. During his earlier years Philonas Pattyson had been a teacher, and through his entire life he was more or less interested in educational matters, serving in the office of the superintendent of public instruction in New York, and during 1869 and 1870 he was a member of the board of examiners for teachers in Cherokee County. For some years he was successfully engaged in the oil business in Pennsylvania. In October, 1876, he to Kansas to establish a permanent home. He bought a "treaty-right" farm in Pleasant View township, and resided upon it until within a year of his death. His family consisted of three sons: Elmore Robert; Elbridge W., who died in 1859, aged 15 months and Maynard I., born April 26, 1846, who died November 15, 1864.
The subject of this sketch was 17 years old when he accompanied his parents to Cherokee County, Kansas, and followed farming and school teaching after completing his education. He has since been a continuous resident of the county, and during the past 20 years has been in the abstract business, and much of the time connected with the office of register of deeds. For four years he was a resident of Scammon, employed as a bookkeeper, and interested in the coal mines there. In November, 1902, he was elected register of deeds by the Republican party, of which he has been a very active member for years. His long connection with this office as deputy made him so intimately acquainted with the demands of the situation that scarcely any one could be found better qualified.
On June 20, 1868, Mr. Pattyson married Addie M. Scott, of Pleasant View township, Cherokee County, Kansas, formerly of New York. They have four children, namely: May, Maynard A., Arthur E., and Roscoe H. May, born May 27, 1869, is the wife of George H. Hurst; she has two children,Robert and Addie,and resides at Scammon, where Mr. Hurst is interested in the mines. Maynard A., born November 15, 1871, resides at Scammon, where he is interested in mining and is also proprietor of the "Racket" store; he married Agnes Gore and has a daughter, Irene, aged three years. Arthur E., deputy register of deeds in his father's office, was born September 23, 1879, and resides at home. Roscoe H., born June 27, 1886, is a student in the Columbus schools.
Mr. Pattyson's fraternal associations include Masonry in its higher branches,the Blue Lodge and Royal Arch Chapters at Columbus; Galena Commandery, No. 46, Knights Templar, and 32d degree Scottish Rite, Fort Scott Consistory, Wichita Council, and Shrine at Leavenworth. He is also a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge and Encampment at Columbus; the Knights of Pythias, of Columbus; and the Sons and Daughters of Justice, also of Columbus. Mr. Pattyson is now president of the Old Settlers' Association of Cherokee County, after serving some years as its secretary. In religious life he is a Baptist.
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History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by students from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 2/14/97.