Andrew Shearer
ANDREW SHEARER, a prominent resident of Columbus, and one of the most
substantial citizens and largest land owners of Cherokee County, whose portrait
accompanies this sketch, was born in Scotland, and is a son of Robert and
Elizabeth (Chambers) Shearer.
Robert Shearer was born in Scotland. His wife, while of Scotch parents, was born in White Haven, England. She died in Illinois, in the winter of 1902, but Robert Shearer still survives, residing near Keelville, Lyon township, Cherokee County, and, although almost 87 years of age, still takes an active interest in agricultural affairs. The subject of this sketch is the eldest of his family of six children. A brother and sister still reside in Illinois, and two brothers Hugh and John, settled in Lyon township, where the former died in April, 1902.
Andrew Shearer was reared in Will Country, Illinois, and attended the public schools. His business has always been of an agricultural nature and he has been highly successful. He located in Cherokee County, Kansas, in February, 1881, having purchased a farm of 160 acres from the railroad company in the previous year. To this first purchase he has added until he now owns over l,000 acres in Cherokee County, including one entire section. When he came here he brought with him some fine Clydesdale stock, and has continued to raise this breed ever since. He has done an immense amount of feeding, buying and selling cattle. In 1900 Mr. Shearer purchased his present home site in the northwest portion of the city. He improved it greatly and now enjoys one of the really fine homes of Columbus.
Prior to coming to Cherokee County, Mr. Shearer had married, in Illinois, Kate Kassabaum, who was born in Pennsylvania, but was reared in Illinois. They have three children, namely: Mrs. Addie McIntosh, born in Illinois, and now residing on the old homestead in Lyon township, who has one son,Arthur,born there; Mrs. Maggie Deem, born in Illinois, who also resides in Lyon township and has one son,Harry: and Oliver, born in Cherokee County, who is still at home.
Politically, Mr. Shearer is a Republican, and has been a very prominent factor in county politics. From 1893 to 1896 he served as country commissioner, and from 1897 to 1898 as county treasurer. Prior to this he had served in various township offices, and has always done his full duty as a public-spirited citizen.
The family is connected with the United Brethren Church, although Mr. Shearer was reared in the Presbyterian faith, his father having prepared for the Presbyterian ministry. While still a resident of Illinois, Mr. Shearer became identified with the Masonic fraternity, and since coming to Kansas he has become a member of the Odd Fellows. He is one of the highly respected and widely known citizens of this section.
![[Biog. Index]](../../images/btbndx.gif)
![[1904 Index]](../../images/btndx.gif)
![[Cherokee Co.]](../../images/btksck.gif)
History of Cherokee County Kansas and its representative citizens, ed. & comp. by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, 1904, transcribed by Casey Kleman, student from USD 508, Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, 1-8-97