Joseph Carney is a native of Steuben county, New York, born about sixty miles from the city of Buffalo. He is a farmer by occupation and settled in Manhattan, Kansas, in 1859, which was then a mere village on the frontier. Mrs. Carney was also born in New York in the beautiful and historic Mohawk valley. She came to Illinois, and after teaching school for a short period, came to Kansas in 1863 via Leavenworth and thence to Manhattan by stage. The journey through Missouri was a perilous one to make during the turbulent times of the Civil war, when every man under sixty and every boy over fourteen years of age were pressed into active service.
Mrs. Carney organized the first graded school in Manhattan, then a village of four or five hundred inhabitants. She first taught a miscellaneous school and was given one assistant. After the expiration of two years she was married to Joseph Carney, which ended her school work except in their immediate family, where much credit is due her for laying the foundation upon which most of them have builded successful educational careers. Mrs. Carney comes from Dutch colonial stock and from the same lineage as the inventor of the Wagner Palace Car.
Joseph Carney spent the early part of his life in New York on a farm, but after emigrating to Manhattan, engaged in the milling business until 1870, when with several other families he moved to Mitchell county, where he has since lived and built a beautiful country home. He has been a resident of Kansas forty-two years, and has seen the country grow to its present state of civilization.
To this union eleven children have been born, seven boys and four girls, all of whom lived to maturity. The eldest child, Lewis, was a graduate of the Beloit High school and entered upon a career of teaching, but died at the age of thirty years. Scott Winfield, until a year ago was interested with his brother Lewis, of Downs, in the mercantile business and where he was also postmaster. He is now mining in the Cripple Creek district of Colorado. G.D. Carney has been engaged in educational work all his life. He is a graduate of the Beloit High school, was two years at the State Normal school and lacked ten weeks of graduating. He is now superintendent of instruction of public schools in Mitchell county. This is his fourth year; was first appointed, then elected and re-elected. E.M. Carney, a resident of Emporia, Kansas, occupies a chair in the State Normal school. He a graduate in two courses from that institution, was a student of the Kansas Normal twelve months, and one year in Harvard. Helen A., a graduate and salutatorian of her class in the Beloit High school, is now teaching in the schools of Billings, Montana, and is also a musician of some local note. Winifred, a resident of Cawker City, where she is engaged in the millinery business, is also a graduate of the Beloit High school, and for several years a successful teacher. D.L. Carney entered upon the career of school teacher, but is now a student in the Kansas City Dental College. Nandora, associated with her sister Winifred at Cawker City, is the business woman of the family. Ella is a student of the Beloit High school. She has considerable musical talent. Walter, aged thirteen years, received a common school diploma and has finished one year in the Beloit High school.
A.B. Carney, with his elder brothers, was reared on a farm and began their career by herding cattle, over what is now the town site of Beloit, and the ordinary work on the farm, attending school in winter. When fifteen years of age he worked for his board and attended school in Beloit. About this time his ambitions began to soar beyond the corn fields which surrounded the home of his boyhood.
At the age of eighteen years he began teaching in a country school near Beloit, and one year later became principal of the Asherville graded schools, where he held forth two years, the proceeds of which enabled him to take a two years' course in the State Normal, where he graduated in 1892. He then became principal of the Jamestown schools for one year, in 1893 accepted the position of principal of the Concordia High school and two years later was made superintendent of the city schools and is now on his eighth year.
Mr. Carney's natural ability, coupled with his industry and ambition have caused him to be promoted to the head of the school system in Concordia. He is an indefatigable worker for the cause of education., a man of keen intellect and executive ability. It was chiefly through his efforts that the High school was secured in 1900, and also the public library of public schools and many other improvements which are his especial and pardonable pride. He instructs one-half day in the High school and lectures the other half. His specialty is history, both ancient and modern.
Mr. Carney is a very successful institute worker and in connection with this and regular school work has labored twenty-five consecutive months. He has given much time to lecturing before educational societies, has worked in twenty or more institutes, either as instructor or conductor, averaging two institutes a season. In 1901 he was appointed by the governor as a member of the board of Kansas state text books, and has been twice honored with the appointment of chairman of the state board of education.
Mr. Carney was married in 1899 to Miss Myrtle Latta, of Clay Center, Kansas. Mrs. Carney is a native of Ohio. She came to Kansas with her parents when a child and located in Clay Center, where she grew to womanhood. She is a graduate of the Clay Center High school. Mrs. Carney is a talented musician and possesses a well cultivated mezzo soprano voice. She has studied in Topeka and Kansas City. She was a member of the Clay Center High School Ladies' Quartette, known as the "Cecilian Quartette." They toured various parts of the state, singing for educational associations and concerts. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Carney was employed as special teacher of music in the Concordia schools.
Politically A.B. Carney is a Democrat. He is a member of the Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, Knights of Pythias and Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan. Mrs. Carney is a member of the Eastern Star and is president of the "Anatheum Club" of Concordia. Mr. and Mrs. Carney have a very comfortable and cozy home on Eighth, between Washington and State streets.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm. Scanned from a copy held by the State Library of Kansas.
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