The subject of this sketch is L.M. Duvall, one of the most successful
educators in this section of the country, and few have inspired their pupils
with greater or better influence tending toward a desire to excel in a higher
education, or infused into their minds those impressions that are never effaced
and with this training even under the most adverse circumstances men and women
do not often recede from their purpose.
Mr. Duvall came to Clyde as principal of the high school, retaining that position four years with much credit to himself and universal satisfaction to the scholars and patrons. His work there was principally in the high school department; his specialties are mathematics, history, botany, economics and the sciences. Mr. Duvall came to Kansas in 1887, and that year and the two following he taught the Sibley school. In 1895 he was employed in District No. 47 and during the two years he was engaged there, several of Cloud county's best teachers were sent out. Miss Kate Butler, of the Concordia high school, and her sisters, Rose and Frances, are among this number.
Mr. Duvall substituted another teacher and taught an unfinished term as principal of the Glasco schools. He was chief instructor of the Nevadaville (Colorado) schools for one year. Mr. Duvall graduated from the Central Normal College, of Indiana, where D.M. Bowen, Professor Miller, of the Holton schools, and other prominent educators received their knowledge. Mr. Duvall began his career as a "Hoosier" school master in Union county, Indiana, where he was born and bred. Early in life he began reading law with the intention of becoming a legal practitioner, but was drawn into other channels. He read Blackstone when a mere youth and was admitted to the bar in Indiana; to the district court and subsequently to the supreme court of Colorado.
Politically Mr. Duwall is a Republican and has been a candidate for office. In 1895 he rcceived the nomination for county surveyor and was defeated by the Populists, but ran one hundred ahead of his ticket. In 1902 he aspired to the office of county clerk, subject to the Cloud county convention, and though he ran well did not receive the nomination. Had Mr. Duvall been elected he would doubtless have filled the office with the same excellent result that characterizes his efforts as a teacher, but by his ambitions being thwarted the schools of Glasco, where he is employed the present year, are insured of a superior instructor, who will contribute very materially to the wisdom and welfare of the rising generation of their city. In 1898-99-1900 and 1901 Mr. Duvall was a member of the examining board of Cloud county.
Our subject is a son of Ira P. Duvall, of Indiana. The Duvalls came to Pennsylvania and settled there in the pioneer days of that state. His father was a farmer and in his earlier Iife a potter by occupation. His mother was Elizabeth Gard, of Ohio. Her ancestors were early settlers in Virginia. He is the eldest son and second child of a family of mile children, all of whom are living, except the oldest sister. Four members of this family are teachers. Mr. Duvall has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for ten years.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.