Among the old settlers who have witnessed the growth and prosperity of Cloud
county is James Neill. Like all the sons of "Uncle Bennie" - as he was known to
every citizen of Miltonvale and vicinity, - he is a straight-forward, honorable
man who numbers his friends among all classes of society. He is an honest, whole
souled fellow, the warmest and truest of friends.
Mr. Neill is a prosperous farmer living one mile west of Miltonvale. He homesteaded land two miles west of his present farm which he sold in 1883, and became interested in a meat market in Miltonvale, where he continued ten years. Mr. Neill began life without a dollar and experienced all the hardships of the majority of the early settlers. He was present at the birth of Miltonvale and has seen that little city flourish, and also during the panic, when on the downward slide. In 1884 he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land and in 1893 erected a residence and moved to the farm. He now owns four hundred and eighty-three acres of land.
Mr. Neill was born and reared in County Down, Ireland; born in 1850. He is of Scottish origin on the paternal side, his grandfather four generations removed, was from Scotland. Many of the Neill descendants are living on the homesteads of their ancestors in the old country.
Mr. Neill was married in 1879, to Eva S. Proctor, daughter of Charles Proctor (see sketch). To Mr. and Mrs. Neill have been born seven children, all but one of whom are living. The eldest child, Fannie, is a teacher in the grammar grade department of the Miltonvale schools. She is a graduate of the Miltonvale high school, class of 1896. Harry is a student of the high school department of Miltonvale. Ada, Eula, Eunice and Mabel.
Mr. Neill is a Republican in politics and has been trustee of his township almost continuously since 1876. He has been one of almost every convention audience held in Cloud county, Received the nomination for county commissioner in 1893, and again in 1902, being elected to that office from the third district. He has been a Mason for more than twenty years and was one of the charter members of the Miltonvale lodge. He has filled the chair of Master Mason.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.