A cut of the commodious and handsome new store building of J.W. Studt & Bro.
of Glasco is shown on following page. This enterprising firm demonstrated their
faith in Glasco and the Solomon valley, their intention to remain there
permanently and the magnitude of business they control by the erection of this
costly building.
Their increasing trade had outgrown their former quarters and in the summer of 1902, they erected a fine stone structure 44 by 100 feet in dimensions, two stories in height, and a basement under the entire building. It is of modern and extremely substantial architecture, full plate glass front, iron ceiling and steam heated throughout. There is an elevator from the basement to the first floor to be used in handling, heavy goods. The room is well lighted and ventilated, the whole front being glass, and windows above the shelving. The upper floor is owned and used by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is handsomely equipped for that purpose. The valuation of this property would reach $10,000 at a low estimate. The Studt Brothers increased their stock of merchandise when they established themselves in their new quarters and have one of the most complete general stores in the country.
One illustration shows the exterior and the other the interior of the
building, the photo of the latter having been taken before the goods were moved
in, gives a view of the handsome fixtures and equipments of this modern,
upto-date business house.
The firm of Studt Brothers, dealers in general merchandise, is composed of J.W. and Adam Studt. This enterprising firm embarked in business in Glasco in the year 1887, with a capital stock of about $4,000. They have gradually increased their stock to $15,000, and do a business of about $35,000 annually. They employ two clerks and own the building they occupy, a stone structure 24 by 80 feet in dimensions with a basement. The building was erected in 1886, by Hare & Welch. They first occupied the Dopp building where Hager & Company now are, remained two years and removed to their present quarters.
The Studt Brothers are natives of Iowa, of German origin. They came to Kansas in 1879, and located in Glasco where they have become leading citizens and one of the most enterprising firms of that city. Their father was Jacob Studt who died in Iowa in 1872, Their mother by a second marriage became the wife of Jacob Studt, a distant relative of her former bushand. To this union two children were born.
Adam Studt was married in 1885, to Maggie, a daughter of his stepfather. To this marriage two children were born, Leo and Mamie. Mrs. Studt was deceased in April, 1889. In 1895, he was married to Miss Clarissa Clark. Adam Studt owns one hundred and sixty acres of land three miles west of Glasco; well improved, good bottom land in the south side of the river.
J.W. Studt was married in 1889, to Miss Ota Hussey who died May 31, 1902, after a long illness. She was a member of the first graduating class from the Glasco high school and taught successfully for three years, one year in the Glasco schools. Mrs. Studt died at the age of thirty-one years. She was a woman universally beloved; a devoted mother and wife, Nearly one thousand people attended the obsequies and more than one hundred carriages followed to her last resting place. They were the parents of two sons, Roy George and Even J. The latter died at the age of six weeks. J.W. Studt has one hundred and sixty acres of bottom land adjoining Glasco. It is a well improved farm with good buildings. The Studt brothers each own residence properties which are among the most desirable of Glasco. Politically they are Republicans and are members of the Lutheran church. They are industrious, enterprising men and rank among the foremost citizens of Glasco.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.
New Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z