George W. Teasley, a stockman and farmer of Summit township, is the subject
of this sketch. Mr. Teasley, is a native of Georgia, born in Murray county,
December 5, 1847. He is a son of James S. and Susan W. (Reed) Teasley. His
parents were both natives of Elbert county, Georgia. His father was born
November 15, 1801; his mother September 8, 1805. The Teasleys were of English
origin, - our subject's grandfather being the emigrant. The Reeds were of Scotch
origin. James S. Teasley died April 12, 1963. In 1884 George W. Teasley visited
Georgia and returning brought his mother to live in his home where she died
March 5, 1892. Mr. Teasley received a limited education in his youth for when he
should have been in school the civil war was at its height, and what he gained
was for the greater part acquired at home, but the roaring of shot and shell
from cannon and musketry, detracted the scholars' attention, and not knowing
what moment they might be "picked off" by some daring sharpshooter, was not
conducive to study.
March 23, 1866, Mr. Teasley left his southern home, traveled by rail to Nashville, Tennessee, thence by steamboat to Kansas City, consuming about five days enroute from St. Louis to Wyandotte, now Kansas City, Kansas, where they boarded the Union Pacific train for Topeka, the terminus of the railroad at that date. Mr. Teasley, with his brother and family who accompanied him, procured an outfit, and via the "prairie schooner" line turned their faces toward the Solomon valley. A.C. Bagwell, one of their neighbors in the South, had traveled over the beautiful valley during his army life, and when he returned to Georgia reported its great possibilities to Allan Teasley and a Mr. Hayes. After listening to his description of its grandeur they concluded it was an opportunity to gain lands - the "opportunity that knocks but once at every man's door," and they hastened to avail themselves of the occasion. A sale was cried and without delay preparations were facilitated to start them on their journey to the chosen spot of the vast wilderness, where they must combat with frontier discomforts, prowling savages, and hungry coyotes. When they reached the terminus of the railroad their real experience began, but with that tenacity, energy and courage that marked the emigrant to the frontier, they pressed on, never losing the point of compass that directed them to the fertile valley of the Solomon.
On the fifteenth of April, 1866, they located the land south of Glasco, now owned by Charles Horn, where they proceeded to dig a trench over which were stretched wagon bows covered with canvas. In this improvised abode eleven people existed until a more commodious house could be built. Mr. Teasley and his brother at once began operations for farming and broke twenty-five or thirty acres of sod in which they planted corn, pumpkins and melons. One peaceful, quiet Sabbath morning our subject took his gun and sauntered forth to the melon patch - as the Southerners' attachment for the luscious, watery fruit almost rivals that of the sable children of that clime. Whatever the day or conditions the pioneer settler usually carried his gun. As Mr. Teasley surveyed the long stretch of country there was not an obstruction or object for miles to break the view - but going a few paces further in the direction of the river he turned and suddenly comfronted two Indians, whereupon they began patting their breasts and exclaiming, "Good Injuns," "Good Injuns." Mr. Teasley was appalled, and raised his rifle to shoot, but upon their repeated protestations of being "Good Injuns," Iowered his gun and as if to demonstrate his friendship and good feeling offered his unwelcomed guests some melons. But the gorgeous yellow coated pumpkins were more palatable to the depraved tastes of the savages, who ate eagerly of the golden fruit. After this repast the warriors exhibited their prowess and skill in archery. They belonged to a friendly tribe of Pawnees, which numbered from one hundred and fifty to two hundred, who were traveling through the country, and these two braves were simply foraging for something to eat.
During the autumn of 1866, the Union Pacific railroad was extended westward from Topeka, and after having garnered his crops Mr. Teasley worked on the railroad. Had there been more ground broken they would have raised enormous crops, for the yield of corn was heavy that year, but failures ensued in 1867-8. But the fruitful Solomon valley was visited by the raid in 1868, and their home on the frontier shadowed by dangers from Indian warfare. Mr. Teasley rode over to Asher creek to investigate the rumors, and in the meantime the Indians came into the settlement on Fisher creek, and with a field glass were seen skulking all over the prairies. The depredations were confirmed and our subject, along with his brother Allan Teasley and family, went to Franklin and Miami counties where they railroaded several months and made good wages. They employed men and sub-contracted work. They returned to Cloud county in 1872, where Allan Teasley died (see sketch of George[sic] Washington Teasley) and where G.W. continues to live on the old homestead.
Mr. Teasley was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth E. Jackson, of Osawattomie, Kansas, September 10, 1872. Orangeville, Orange county, Indiana was the birthplace of Mrs. Teasley. Her father was William Elias Jackson, a farmer and carpenter. The family removed to Missouri in 1867, and the following spring to Osawattomie. Mr. Jackson lived in the home of Mrs. Teasley for eight years prior to his death, December 24, 1891. Her mother was deceased one year later.
Mr. and Mrs. Teasley are the parents of four children, namely: Ida May, wife of Amos Musser, a farmer of Summit township: they are the parents of four children. Luella, Stanley, Forest and Tamworth. Susan Alena, wife of Frank Clark, of Concordia; three children brighten their home, Ruth, Dorothy and Bernice. Gerty, is the wife of Frank Mooney, a farmer of Solomon township. James was deceased at the age of eighteen months. Pearl, the youngest daughter, is the wife of David Beesley, a farmer, of Summit township.
In politics Mr. Teasley is a Populist and was elected by that party to the office of County Commissioner, and has just retired from serving his second term. His career as an official was marked for its justness, never swerving from his ideas of duty and honor, oftentimes bringing censure because no favors were shown. He was trustee of Summit township during the year 1894. Socially Mr. Teasley is identified with the Glasco lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, and the Fraternal Aid. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Teasley owns a fine farm and raises wheat and corn. He keeps a herd of fifty native cattle and a few Jerseys. Mr. Teasley and his estimable family are among the best citizens of the Solomon valley and have contributed to the promotion of every worthy cause.
Transcribed from E.F. Hollibaugh's Biographical history of Cloud County, Kansas biographies of representative citizens. Illustrated with portraits of prominent people, cuts of homes, stock, etc. [n.p., 1903] 919p. illus., ports. 28 cm.