1905 History of Crawford County Kansas
Prior to 1871, the banking of this county was transacted at Kansas City and Fort Scott. The pioneer banker of Crawford county is Franklin Playter. He was born at Whitechurch, Ontario, Canada, June 30, 1841. Mr. Playter was the son of a farmer, and worked on his father's farm, attending school in winter, until a teacher's certificate was obtained. He taught four years in a country school, attended Toronto University, Canada. Left Canada for Kansas in December, 1868. Studied law and was admitted to the bar at Fort Scott, in the spring of 1869, shortly afterward removing to Girard. Formed a partnership with C. G. Hawley in the law, and George H. Richey in the real estate business. Their office was located a few doors south of the southwest corner of the square. In 1871 Mr. Playter bought out the interests of his partners, and fitted up the front room of the office as a banking room. The following is a clipping from the Girard Press of June 8, 1871:
"Mr. Frank Playter has fitted up his office in regular bank style. He has had it beautifully painted and grained in an elegant manner, and it is furnished with one of Hall's Patent Burglar Proof Safes."
This was a private bank owned and controlled by Mr. Playter. It was called "The Crawford County Savings Bank," but was more generally known as "Playter's Bank." In the fall of 1872, Mr. Playter built a two-story brick building on the south side of the square, and on January 9, 1873, the bank was moved into that building. This was the first brick business house built in the county, and has always been used for banking purposes. It is now occupied by the Bank of Girard.
On March 1, 1877, the Crawford County Bank was organized under the banking laws of Kansas, with a capital stock of $50,000. The following constituted the board of directors: Franklin Playter, Loren Brown, Girard; J. H. Playter, Cherokee; F. M. Shaw, Paola. The officers were, president, Franklin Playter; vice-president, F. M. Shaw; cashier, J. H. Playter; assistant cashier, George E. Howard. August 2, 1877, the Crawford County Bank was re-organized under the name of the Merchants and Farmers Bank. Board of directors were: Franklin Playter; B. P. McDonald, J. E. Raymond, John Tontz, B. C. Redlon. The following officers were elected: President, Franklin Playter; vice-president, B. P. McDonald; secretary, J. E. Raymond; cashier, J. T. Leonard; assistant cashier, J. H. Playter. January 22, 1878, the bank was re-organized, James Hull and John T. Voss becoming stockholders. The following were the directors: James Hull, John T. Voss, H. P. Grund, John Tontz, B. C. Redlon. The officers were: President, James Hull; vice president, B. C. Redlon; cashier, J. T. Leonard. May 23, 1878, at the annual election of directors of the Merchants and Farmers Bank, the following were elected: James Hull, John Tontz, Nelson Smith, B. C. Redlon, J. G. Vincent. The officers were: President, James Hull, vice-president and acting cashier, B. C. Redlon.
June 12, 1879, the Bank of Girard, successor to the Merchants and Farmers Bank, opened for business, capital stock, $50,000. The following were the officers: President, E. R. Moffet; vice president, Franklin Playter; cashier, J. L. Moffet; assistant cashier, J. H. Playter. December 9, 1879, J. L. Moffet resigned, and T. C. Molloy was chosen to fill the vacancy. Franklin Playter, having sold his interest in the bank, also resigned and retired from banking business. March 4, 1882, E. R. Moffet closed the bank, all creditors being paid in full within thirty days.
July 10, 1882, the banking house of Chapman and Adams was opened in the Bank of Girard building, being owned by E. G. Chapman and H. Adams. October, 1882, the name was changed to Bank of Girard. July, 1884, E. G. Chapman retired, the business continuing with president, H. Adams; cashier, Oscar Schaeffer. October, 1884, H. W. Haldeman purchased an interest. The officers were: President, H. Adams; vice-president, H. W. Haldeman; cashier, Oscar Schaeffer. In 1886, H. W. Haldeman purchased the interest of H. Adams, becoming president, and for the past eighteen years there has been no change.
Oscar Schaeffer, cashier of the Bank of Girard, the oldest in point of service of the bankers of Crawford county, was born forty-five years ago, at Lisbon, Linn county, Iowa. Educated in the common schools of Wisconsin, Michigan and Kansas. Moved to Girard in 1872, from Coffeyville, Kansas. A mere boy, he was first employed as office boy and collector by Franklin Playter in his bank, in 1874. Was later with Booth's Bank, and the Merchants and Farmers Bank. Thus, for more than thirty years has Oscar, as he is familiarly called by his friends and associates, been identified and connected with the banking business of this county. To him belongs the distinction of longer service behind the bank counter than any other person in Crawford county.
May 15, 1878, the banking house of James H. Booth was organized, with the following officers: President, James H. Booth, East Saginaw, Michigan; cashier, E. W. Ross, formerly cashier of Hobart and Condon's Bank, Oswego, Kansas. February 9, 1882, James H. Booth sold his banking interest to E. H. Brown, H. P. Grund and J. T. Leonard. It was called the Citizens Bank. The following officers were elected: President, E. H. Brown; vice-president, H. P. Grund; cashier, J. T. Leonard. November, 1882, J. D. Barker purchased the interest of E. H. Brown, and succeeded him as president. May 8, 1884, the First National Bank of Girard was organized from the Citizens Bank, and assumed the deposits, discounts, etc. The following directors were chosen, June 23, 1884: J. D. Barker, H. P. Grund, J. T. Leonard, J. E. Raymond, D. Corning, Thomas McLaughlin, W. C. McMillan. Officers: President, J. D. Barker; vice president, H. P. Grund; cashier, J. T. Leonard. Capital stock paid up, $50,000. Opened for business July 9, 1884. January, 1891, H. P. Grund was elected president, D. Corning vice president, J. T. Leonard cashier. January, 1899, J. E. Raymond was elected president, W. C. McMillan vice-president, J. T. Leonard cashier. There has been no change in the officers for five years. May 8, 1904, the charter was renewed for a second twenty years. Thus, for more than twenty years, has this bank continued in active business without change in the personnel of the board of directors, a fact for which they may well feel proud.
J. T. Leonard, cashier of the First National Bank, Girard, was born in Cass county, Illinois, in 1854. Educated in the common schools of his native state, he migrated to Kansas in 1872, and was employed in a general merchandise store as clerk, in Girard, Kansas, for five years. He accepted the position of cashier of the Merchants and Farmers Bank in 1877, resigning in 1878 to engage in the general mercantile business, under the firm name of Kincaid and Leonard. In 1881 he purchased his partner's interest and conducted the business in his own name for ten days, when a fire, starting in an adjoining building, destroyed his stock, causing almost a total loss, only partially covered by insurance. Five years of hard work found him with his fire losses all paid in full, and once more free from debt. In 1882 he was elected cashier of the Citizens Bank. To Mr. Leonard belongs the honor of being the oldest cashier in the county, in point of service. Notwithstanding the vexations and anxieties constantly arising in the line of his duty, he always has a pleasant greeting for every one, making all feel it a pleasure to transact business with such a gentleman. For nearly a quarter of a century he has held this important and responsible position and today (1904) his familiar form may still be seen at the cashier's desk.
John E. Raymond, president of the First National Bank of Girard, and also of the Girard Building and Loan Association, was born at Raymond, Union county, Ohio, attended preparatory school at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio; for two years in the college course at Lombard University, Galesburg, Illinois, and two years' course of lectures in the law department of the University of Michigan. Migrated to Kansas in 1868, making the journey from Olathe, Kansas, to Crawford county, on horseback, a pair of saddlebags, thrown over the pony's back, containing his entire wardrobe. In 1868 and 1869 he assisted his uncle, R. B. Raymond, in collecting the first taxes ever assessed in Crawford county. In the fall of 1869 he entered into partnership with J. W. Officer, in the hardware business, and for twenty years the name of Raymond & Officer was well and favorably known throughout the country. They conducted the largest hardware and implement business in the county. J. E. Raymond was mayor of Girard in the early seventies. He retired from mercantile business in 1895.
In the winter of 1875, Franklin Playter opened the first bank in Cherokee, under the name of F. Playter & Brother, Joseph H. Playter having charge of the same. In 1877 the bank was discontinued, J. H. Playter taking the position of assistant cashier of the Merchants and Farmers Bank of Girard. October 1, 1881, George W. Pye opened a private bank called "The Cherokee Bank," proprietors, G. W. Pye and Company. In 1898 it was incorporated as a state bank, with A. C. Graves president, George W. Pye, cashier. July, 1900, it was organized as a national bank, with $25,000 capital stock, and same officers. February 1, 1904, G. W. Pye retired on account of ill health, R. A. Bolick succeeding him.
August, 1882, Chapman and Adams of Girard, opened a bank in Pittsburg, this
being the first bank in that town. It was known as the Bank of Pittsburg, Mr.
Chapman having charge. July, 1884, the Bank of Pittsburg was purchased and
continued as a private bank with the following officers: President, S. H.
Lanyon; vice president, H. C. Willard; cashier, James Patmore; assistant
cashier, F. W. Lanyon. Paid up capital, $20,000. In 1886 the bank was merged
into the National Bank of Pittsburg, paid up capital of $50,000. President, S.
H. Lanyon; vice-president, James Patmore; cashier, F. W. Lanyon; assistant
cashier, A. K. Lanyon. A few years afterward the capital stock was increased to
$100,000. In 1892, on the death of F. W. Lanyon, H. C. Willard was elected
vice-president, and James Patmore cashier. In the fall of 1898 Josiah Lanyon was
elected president in the place of S. H. Lanyon, deceased. November, 1903, James
Patmore severed his connection with the bank, and A. K. Lanyon succeeded him as
cashier. The bank officers at present are: President, E. V. Lanyon;
vice-president, H. C. Willard; cashier, A. K. Lanyon. Board of directors: E. V.
Lanyon, A. K. Lanyon, H. C. Willard, Josiah Lanyon, A. H. Lanyon, William
Lanyon, Jr., H. C. B. Flack.
March 16, 1886, the First National Bank of Pittsburg was organized, capital stock, $50,000. The following officers were elected: President, T. Judson Hale; vice-president, John R. Lindburg; cashier, C. P. Hale; assistant cashier, William Babcock, Jr. February 10, 1888, John R. Lindburg was elected president and J. W. Brewer vice-president. On the death of J. W. Brewer, in 1903, R. E. Carlton was elected vice-president. The present officers are: President, John R. Lindburg; vice-president, R. E. Carlton; cashier, James L. Rogers; assistant cashier, A. E. Maxwell. The present board of directors are: S. J. Parry, M. Schaen, R. E. Carlton, A. E. Maxwell, James L. Rogers, John R. Lindburg, E. J. Lindburg.
John R. Lindburg, in point of service, is the oldest bank president in the county. For sixteen consecutive years he has filled that position. He was born in Wimmerby, Sweden, educated at Wimmerby College, where he graduated in 1866. Came to this county in 1868, and located in Pittsburg in 1877. Was in the drug business until the organization of the First National Bank of Pittsburg, 1886. He has always been an active and energetic worker for the upbuilding of his adopted town and country.
January 7, 1904, the First State Bank of Pittsburg was organized with a paid up capital of $25,000, and opened for business January 25, 1904. The officers are: President, James Patmore; vice-president, E. B. Hoyt; cashier, Jay N. Patmore. Board of directors: James Patmore, A. J. Curran, J. N. Patmore, E. B. Hoyt, E. H. Klock, J. H. Beasley, A. H. Schlauger, H. C. Willard, George W. Smith.
James Patmore, the oldest cashier in Pittsburg, in point of service, was born and educated in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio. At the age of eighteen he engaged in railroading, construction department. Coming to Crawford county, Kansas, in the spring of 1877, he engaged in the coal and mercantile business until 1884, when he was elected cashier of the Bank of Pittsburg. For twenty years Mr. Patmore has been identified with the banking business of Crawford county. He has an extended acquaintance, and is a popular and successful business man.
The McCune City Bank was first opened as a private bank in 1883, J. L. Ward, proprietor. Capital stock, $15,000. On June 5, 1902, it was organized as a state bank, and called McCune City State Bank. Capital stock, $10,000. Officers: Mrs. E. Ward, president; J. W. Peak, vice-president; J. W. Martin, second vice-president, afterward succeeded by E. C. Hood; and E. S. Dolson, cashier. The present officers are: President, J. W. Martin; vice-president, J. W. Peak; second vice-president, Mrs. E. Ward Brink; cashier, E. S. Dolson. 1902 showed deposits amounting to $29,000. 1904 showed deposits amounting to $68,000.
December 13, 1899, the McCune State Bank was chartered with capital stock $6,000. Officers: President, W. E. Gregg; cashier, John Gregg. Board of directors: N. M. Smith, C. M. Wilson, W. E. Gregg, John Gregg, Sever Wilson. Opened for business February 11, 1900. The capital stock was increased to $10,000 January 1, 1904.
W. E. Gregg, president of the McCune State Bank, was born in Madison county, Ohio, in 1858. Moved with parents to Crawford county, Kansas, in 1871. Was reared on a farm and educated in the district schools of Osage township. In 1883 engaged in the furniture business, and has since added hardware, and is still conducting a large and successful business.
The Walnut Bank was opened by J. V. Pierce about the year 1887 and was discontinued in 1888 or 1889. In April, 1889, the State Bank of Walnut was organized with a paid up capital of $12,500, with J. A. Wood as cashier. January, 1890, J. M. Goff was elected cashier. The capital stock was reduced to $5,000 in July, 1891. July, 1895, J. M. Goff acquired all the stock and continued the business until October, 1897. On September 5, 1898, the Walnut State Bank was opened for business, with capital stock $6,000; president, W. M. Holeman; cashier, J. H. Holeman, and is still under the same management. April 6, 1904, the Farmers State Bank was organized, with capital stock $10,000. Officers are: James A. Carlton, president; D. B. Gregory, vice-president; George Goff, cashier. The board of directors are: James A. Carlton, D. B. Gregory, B. E. Carlos, W. W. Hess, George Goff.
On June 4, 1889, the Bank of Arcadia was organized, with capital stock $5,000. President, T. H. Condon; cashier, C. P. Anderson. A state charter was taken out October 30, 1891, with $8,000 capital. January 1, 1900, Mr. Condon severed his connection with the bank, and C. P. Anderson was elected president, and E. L. Wiert cashier. On January 1, 1902, Mr. Anderson sold his stock to D. B. Horton, who was elected president.
The Citizens State Bank of Mulberry was organized October 13, 1903, under the state laws, with capital stock $10,000. Board of directors consisted of J. C. Brown, J. T. Long, John Honstead, T. J. Shaw, J. W. Clarkson, B. L. Venable, H. C. Vaughn. Officers: President, J. C. Brown; vice-president, J. T. Long; cashier, W. H. Tharp.
The Frontenac State Bank opened for business April 9, 1904. Capital stock, $10,000. President, Jacob Dittman; vice-president, George W. Shelly; cashier, R. W. Gudgen.
On June 1, 1904, the Hepler State Bank opened for business. Capital stock, $10,000. President, G. E. Whitnah; vice-president, P. Y. Lewis; cashier, William Winn.
Thus has the banking business grown in Crawford county in the past thirty-three years. Starting in 1871 with one small bank and a nominal capital and a few hundred dollars' deposits, it has increased to fourteen active, prosperous banks in 1904, consisting of four national and ten state banks, with an aggregate of over $400,000 capital and more than $3,000,000 in deposits.
Pages 118-129 from A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas, by Home Authors; Illustrated. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL : 1905. 656 p. ill. Transcribed by Mirinda Massengale and Ryan Elsten, and other students at Baxter Springs Middle School, Baxter Springs, Kansas, in October, 2002.