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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Samuel Moyer, ex-treasurer of Doniphan county and one of the enterprising farmers and stock raisers of Wolf River township, was born in Union county, Ohio, March 20, 1839, his parents being Samuel and Eva (Kline) Moyer, the former of French lineage and the latter of German descent. The father was born in Union county, Pennsylvania, in 1802, and died in Three Rivers, Michigan, in 1875.
Samuel Moyer is the fourth in order of birth in a family of
nine children. He acquired his preliminary education in the schools of New
Berlin and Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, and in Clyde, Ohio. There he put
aside his textbooks in order to enter upon the duties of an active business
career. He has always followed farming, and in the spring of 1866 he
removed from Sandusky county, Ohio to Doniphan county, Kansas, attracted by
cheaper lands in this state and better facilities for raising stock. The
first year of his residence here was passed in Highland, but in 1868 he
purchased an 80 acre tract of land just north of Severance and began the
development of his present fine farm. Its boundaries, however, he has
since extended, and is now the owner of a large and valuable tract.
Before leaving the Buckeye state Mr. Moyer was married, in
the fall of 1861, to Barbara Haaser, who died January 18, 1888. One child,
Charles I. Moyer, was born to them December 23, 1864, and is now actively
identified with the extensive farming interests which claims his father's
attention. He was marred in 1889 to Annie Vigus, and their children are:
Barbara, Alma, Harriet, Donna and Rilla. Mr. Moyer is one of the leading
Republicans of the county, and in November, 1884, was elected county treasurer,
which position he acceptably filled through one term.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:06:29
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The KSGenWeb Project logo Copyright©1996- by Tom & Carolyn Ward, All Rights
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The Official USGenWeb Project logo designed by Linda Cole.