I realize, of course, that no words are adequate to bring comfort to you when you contemplate the name of your loved one upon this honor roll. You have made a greater contribution to your country's service than most of your fellow citizens, because of your loved one was demanded the supreme sacrifice and to you is left only the incomparable memory.
But what a rich sacrifice it was and what a sacred memory it leaves. I do not think of these boys as dead. To me they will always be alive, because the service they rendered gave a new and living hope to the world of the Better Day for which these men made their supreme gift.
I am inspired when I contemplate the eager courage with which they went forth to lay their lives upon the altar of the cause which their country had adopted as its own. I believe that their supreme gift will live through the ages. No nation may receive the rich sacrifices of human life which have been given to us by these boys and not be better and stronger as the result of these pure gifts. The world could not have won its cause except for the contribution which America made, and America could not have won without these lives, whose memory we hallow.
May God make us worthy as a nation of what they gave to us, and may He impart to us the courage, the unselfish fidelity and the patriotic devotion which led them unafraid into the land of those immortals who have given themselves as willing sacrifices to the cause of human advancement.
[signed] H J Allen
July 20, 1920.
The following list of Kansas casualties is compiled from records furnished the state of Kansas by the War Department under provisions of the act of Congress approved July 11, 1919. In certain cases incomplete information has been furnished, and in others, owing to present inaccessibility of the records, no records of deceased soldiers have been prepared. It is believed, however, that the state will eventually receive from the War Department a complete list of casualties, and records of deceased soldiers not included in the present publication will be compiled and published as a supplement to the present list.
Transcribed from KANSAS CASUALTIES in the WORLD WAR - 1917-1919: Regular Army, National Guard, National Army, Enlisted Reserve Corps, Compiled under Supervision of the Adjutant General of Kansas, printed by Kansas State Printing Plant, Imri Zumwalt, State Printer, Topeka. 1921. 8-4185
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