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The Colby Tribune
"Rexford Items"
(Gleanings from
The Colby Tribune)

Gold Bar


The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for the time period of January 7, 1897 
through July 22, 1897. During this time, several small towns corresponded their local 
news to THE COLBY TRIBUNE. Below are news items that pertained to Rexford, 
Thomas County, Kansas only. They have been transcribed to the best of my ability and 
quality of the copied microfilm that has preserved these words for over 100 years. 
You may find several surnames that appear mistyped. While I am not saying that these 
have been typed perfectly, I have checked several surnames and many appear to be the 
same but are spelled differently in the original type.

This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information. 
I hope you find what you are looking for. 

Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan Henderson (DaveSu1611@cs.com) 23 October 1999

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January 7, 1897 (page 8)

Born - On Dec 30th to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cousins, a son. On Jan. 2nd to 
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Harper, a daughter.
New Year's night a social dance was given at the residence of F. O'Leary. All appeared 
to enjoy themselves until the "Wee sma' hours".
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, of Oakley, are at present visiting with Uncle Wescott Williams.
Two little daughters of W. Tilden are at present on the sick list.
Frank Houck, who has been husking corn in Smith county, returned home last week.
They say the hotel at this place is not plumb.
Tom McCue of Colby was a pleasant caller Tuesday.
Dr. Miller of Selden was in our town Tuesday.
~ signed Vox Populi

January 14, 1897 - No "Rexford Items" reported 

January 21, 1897 (page 8)

Frank O'Leary is at present having an acute attack of rheumatism.
Born: - To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoffer, a daughter.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson is still confined to her bed but is slowly convalescent.
Mrs. Eugene Middleton has been sick for the past week.
Mr. Orvill Suitor is at present on the sick list.
On last Saturday Miss Rosa Havice got two of her toes cut off making a serious and 
painful wound. At present she is resting fairly well.
Mun Patterson and George Morris started for Wallace county Saturday but will return 
before long.
Perry Monroe has established a barber shop in our town, this is a thing long needed, 
and we predict success for the young man
~ signed Vox Populi

February 4, 1897 (page 1)

Mr. Branbough and Geo. Thomas of Selden, were in town Thursday.
Len Miller, of Selden, came up Thursday to see his "best gal."
Wednesday evening a little son of Mr. Havic had an acute attack of pleurisy.
Mr. Strayer and John Dean, of Cumberland, were in our town Thursday trading with our 
Any one needing an auctioneer will do well to call on Jake Reed.
Jack Williams returned from Kansas City Thursday morning.
The weather has been intensely chilly for the past few days.
Raffling is still the order of the day in this locality.
E. Frank Hawkins, of Denver, with comedy and dramatic company came to our town Tuesday 
and gave an entertainment at this point Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
Mrs. Jake Reed is at present on the sick list.
Miss Maggie Strayer who has been working at Jim Harper's, returned to her home Monday.
Tuesday at noon the snow began falling and the present indications are that we will 
have an abundance of snow.
Mr. Maulsby returned from Oberlin Wednesday morning. He had been visiting his family 
since Saturday.
We noticed quite a number of people from the vicinity of Gem trading at Tilden's Monday.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson is still confined to her bed, with prospects of being sick for some 
time to come.
Len Miller of Selden made a flying trip to our town Monday.
Adolph Ogier of Menlo was in town Monday.
John Badgely of Menlo was in town early Wednesday morning trading with our merchants.
Wm. Barrett is doing an extensive business with his feed mill.

February 11, 1897 (page 1)

John Hartstine and wife started Wednesday evening for Long Island possibly to be 
gone all winter.
The dance at Joe Terrill's Friday night was well attended, a few parties attending 
from town and returning minus a few horse blankest and whips.
Bob Patten, who has been away all winter, returned home a few days since, a wiser but 
not a richer man.
Thursday and Friday last Mr. Wescott Williams was a very sick man. His many friends 
did not think it possible for him to live but a short, but we are glad to note he is 
getting better.
A few of our citizens are practicing up for Jim Corbett.
Wm. Williams, of Lamar, Colo came in on the vestibule Sunday night in answer to a 
telegram, to see his brother Wescott who was so seriously ill.
If anyone asks Jack Williams about building a tank in a building and then being obliged 
to tear up the tank or the building in order to get the tank out of doors, well, they 
had better have a gun ready.
Wm. Hartstine and wife returned home Saturday evening. They have been in Republic County 
for the past three months.
Alf Williams who has been in Kansas City with a load of hogs, returned home Saturday night.
Mrs. Blackenship, of Pawnee City, Neb., came in on the vestibule Monday night and will 
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, who live six miles south of Menlo.
W.W. Smith, of Colby, was a visitor in town Monday evening.

February 18, 1897 - No "Rexford Items" reported 

February 25, 1897 (page 1)

Mrs. Arthur of Denver, Col who has been visiting with her Uncle W. D. Williams during 
his illness, returned to her home accompanied by her father Wm. Williams.
Mr. McKillip, of Colby, was in our town last Friday.
Graham Crawford of Gem was in town Friday.
L. D. Wentworth, of South Solomon, was in town Saturday.
Jack Williams who has been visiting in Denver returned home Monday.
Dr. Patterson was called to Selden Monday night.
Mr. Bower the furniture man, of Colby was in our town Tuesday.
John Harstine returned from Long Island a few days since but talks of returning soon.
Quite a number of people from a distance have been in town trading with our merchants. 
The fact is they are paying more for produce.
~ signed Vox Populi

March 4, 1897 (page 1)

Chet Miller and Mr. Fritz made a flying trip to Selden Sunday.
Among the sick this week are Mrs. Fouler, Bacon, Grinnell, Patterson, and John Arndt, 
the latter with a broken leg. On last Monday while crossing the railroad with a team 
he slipped and fell, dislocating the right ankle and breaking the small bone a few inches 
above he ankle.
Born, on March 2nd, to Lark Claar and wife, a son.
J. T. Patterson is still on the sick list.
It is a daily occurrence for people who live 20 miles away to be trading with our merchants.
C. M. Havice is wrestling with the Grippe at present.
Sherman Houston came in on Wednesday's train and is sick.
~ signed Vox Populi

** Also in March 4, 1897 (page 1)**
The undersigned will offer at public auction at his residence on sec. 28-6-31, 3 1/2 
miles northwest of Rexford, on Friday, March 5, 1897, beginning at 10 a.m. sharp, 
the following property, bewit:
10 head of stock hogs
8 head of milch cows
3 head of horses
1 stirring plow
2 breaking plows
1 harrow
1 disk
1 organ
1 stack German millet
1 stack prairie hay
Choice seed corn
Milk tank
Household goods
Many other things too numerous to mention.
Terms:--Nine months time with 10 percent interest on approved security. Ten per cent 
off for all sums of $5.00. All amounts under $5.00 will be cash.
~signed J. E. Harstine

March 11, 1897 (page 1)

Mrs. Frank Roller, of Halford, came in on the morning train Friday. She has been in 
Iowa on a visit for some time.
March 6th, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Read, a son.
Frank Maulsby left Saturday evening for Oberlin to move his family to this place.
Geo. Snab, who has been in Nebraska for some time, returned home a few days since and 
reports the farmers in this locality in better condition than in Nebraska.
Among the sick this week are J. T. Patterson, Mr. Andres, Mrs. Fouler, Mrs. Neff, 
Mr. Bacon, Mrs. Patterson, a little girl of Commissioner Samuelson, and John Arnedt.
Mr. Wm. Williams, who has been visiting in Denver, came in Saturday night and is at 
present visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity.
Tuesday night Dr. Patterson was cited in Selden. The Dr. says of late he has been 
"biting off more then he can chew."
Farmers are very busy sowing spring grain.

March 18, 1897 (page 1)

Esq. Giese, of Wendell, was in town Wednesday.
Wm. Williams left on the evening train Friday for his home in Ottawa county.
Born to Wm. Harrison and wife, on March 12th, a daughter.
Mr. Maulsby moved his family over from Oberlin to our town. We are glad to welcome them. 
He is a man of rare business ability.
J. G. Stoffer of Jewell county, came in on the train Monday and will visit his brother 
and other relatives.
Born, on March 16th, to Wm. Blincow and wife, a daughter.
Mrs. Glenn, wife of agent Glenn, is having a severe attack of the LaGrippe.
W. Tilden made a flying trip to Colby yesterday.
We are glad to note that many of our sick are improved.

March 25, 1897 - No "Rexford Items" reported

April 1, 1897 (page 1)

Some parties left this town Sunday morning at one o'clock, to go duck hunting on the 
creek, north of town, but they went via Selden, saw lots of ducks but got none: we 
understand the atmosphere was perforated in a number of places.
Chas Harper has rented his farm and will no doubt live a retired life.
Mrs. Glenn is at present visiting her parents, at Jennings, and S. G. is rustling the dishes.
Miss Clara Drew returned from Salina Monday night.
A. E. Smith Mr. Hubbard, John Miller of Cumberland, and Mike Ryan of Rawlins county, 
were visitors in our town Tuesday.
On Monday as Mr. Havice was hauling from the depot he left his team and they ran away 
scattering boxes in the street; but strange to say but little damage was done except 
breaking the wagon.
J. Williams will soon have a large assortment of implements as he as well as other are 
confident of an immense crop this year.
Attorney Patterson, of Sheridan county, took a slight cold and the result is a relapse 
and at present his condition is critical.
A son of Mr. Barrett's, who lives south of Menlo, is quite sick.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson is slowly convalescent. Mrs. James Harper and Mrs. Chas Harper are at 
present on the sick list.
The wheat in this locality was never in better condition than at the present time.
Mr. Read, of Colorado, was here a since and will get his sheep that Lark Claar has and 
ship them to Colorado.
An infant child, of John Garris' was buried at the cemetery at this place the 24th.
~ signed Vox Populi

April 8, 1897 (page 1)

Perry Cathcart, of Peru, Nebr came in Saturday and is visiting relatives and friends.
Farmers are beginning to complain of wet weather.
Lacy Miller, of Selden is hauling corn from this town to Selden.
Wednesday Marshall Leech started with a car load of sheep for Rosalis for W. H. Reed.
C. M. Havice while hauling a load of potatoes down main street got stuck and had to 
unload part of them.
~ signed Vox Populi

April 15, 1897 (page 3)

Dick Cheynee, of Menlo, is building a new milliner store for Miss Harper.
A little child of Mr. Bennett, south of Menlo, is at present very sick.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson is slowly convalescent.
Wm. Richardson, of Sherman county is at present working for Dr. Patterson. 
Sunday night it rained all night and the ground is at present wet down a little over 
four feet and in our opinion there is more rain to follow.
Since April the 1st to the 14th our merchants hipped 12 cases of eggs and 602 pounds 
of butter; which means $381.20 to the farmers.
We have conversed with a number who lived in the county before its organization and 
they all say the ground is at present the wettest it has ever been.
Farmers are obliged to put in their spring grain between showers.
~ signed Vox Populi

April 22, 1897 - No "Rexford Items" reported

April 29, 1897 (page 1)

Mr. Campbell the miller from Burlington, Colorado was in town Saturday buying wheat. 
A little girl, aged two years, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Glint died Saturday morning. 
She has been sick for some time, and suffered intensely. The family has the sympathy 
of the entire community.
Jas. Harper started Saturday for Garden City. Jim concluded it was to dry in this 
locality and he went where he could make it rain with a shove.
Frank Houck came into town Friday with a 18X20 grin. It's a girl.
Judge Bonnett, of Colby, was in town Monday.
Mr. Hartstine, who lives a short distance from town, is at present having serious 
trouble with his cattle; 9 are already dead and a few more are unable to get up, our 
local Garvier diagnosis of the cases is poison.
A few days ago a little child of Mr. Rutterfords fell off from a shed and caught its 
leg on a barbwire cutting it severely.
Mr. Turner has planted about 30 acres of corn.

May 6, 1897

Chas. Tilden, of Oberlin, is at present visiting friends and relatives in our city.
Mr. Speenburg, of Selden, was an early visitor to our town Wednesday.
Arthur Loomis started for Kansas City Wednesday morning with two car load of hogs and 
Frank Johnston is at present working for Dr. Patterson.
Chet Miller and Dr. Patterson was in Selden Saturday night.
On Tuesday a little daughter of Mr. Maulsby, while playing got caught in a horse power 
and sprained her foot severely.
Mr. Hartstine has up to date, May 5, lost eleven head of cattle.
The Ladie's Aid Society will have a conundrum supper at the M. E. church Saturday evening. 
All are invited.
All members of the Kimball Post of G. A. R. will be in attendance Saturday May the 8th, as 
business of importance in regard to memorial services will take place.
Jack Williams has taken the contract of breaking the R.R. Co's land north of the depo 
and is to plant the same. Jack, lets suggest "Mellons," at they would be "handy to market."
Mrs. Frank Cheynee, of Indiana arrived Tuesday and will locate north of town on their 
old homestead. She says Thomas is good enough for her.
~ signed Vox Populi

May 13, 1897

Clyde Blake and Dick Cheynee of Menlo are on the sick list.
A little child of Mr. VanValkenberg is seriously ill at this writing.
Last Friday Marshall Leach had a slight shaking up. His horse ran away and he was thrown 
from the cart yet he was neither scared or hurt very bad. But the cart is on the 
"dry dock" for repairs.
Mr. Summers, of Wendell, was in our town Saturday.
The time is drawing near when the day set apart by the G. A. R. and by law and custom is 
devoted and consecrated to the memory of our nations dead heroes. Then let us as citizens 
unite in making the services as impressive as possible. Kimball Post has decided to hold 
memorial services Sunday May 30th. A cordial invitation is extended to churches; schools 
and societies to assist with their presence and contributions of flowers. 
The following committees have been appointed: Arrangements, Patterson, O'Leary, and 
Couchman; Decoration, E. Couchman and wife, Ira Tompson and wife, Mrs. Glenn, 
Vergie Latimer, Rose Havice, Miss Houston, Mrs. Maulsby, Mrs. Dennison, Mrs. Wm. Smith, 
R. R. Lucas and wife, Mr. Bacon and wife and Mrs. Roller; on Flowers, Amanda Latimer; 
On Speakers, Houston, O'Leary and Patterson. The Post will meet Saturday the 22nd, for 
final arrangements and all members are requested to be present.
On last Saturday Arthur Loomis lost a fine driving horse. Caused by eating to much barley.
Mrs. Duyer, of Denver, is at present visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ruthurford.
C. M. Havice moved out of the hotel Tuesday and we learn that parties from Phillipsburg 
will soon take charge and cater to the wants of the public.
We would advise some of our neighbors to cut the stalks from their wheat fields as the 
wheat is getting so large they will be unable to find the same.
J. T. Patterson was on our streets Monday, the first time for months.

May 20, 1897

Mrs. C. M. Havice who has been in Atchison for some time returned Wednesday morning.
Sullivan Havice has been seriously sick for he past few days.
Geo. Latimer is again on the sick list.
Mr. Cline the townsite man for the Rock Island railroad gave our town a pleasant call 
Len Miller, of Selden, was a visitor in our town Sunday.
Dolph Rullison, of Hoxie was a visitor in our town Tuesday.
Mrs. Margaret Riggs, of Pineville, Missouri, came in on the train Tuesday morning and 
will visit relatives here.
Mr. P. Keeper, of Portland, Oregon, has been visiting his nephew north of town.
Rye in this locality is heading and in quite a number of wheat fields the wheat is knee 
Jim Cheynee returned from Kansas City Saturday morning where he has been for treatment 
for his eyes.
Uncle Wescott Williams has the finest garden sass we have seen yet this season.
The Brewster correspondent last week informed us that they will be strictly in the 
push and says they intend to raise 25 to 30 bushels of wheat per acre and kindly asked 
us to raise his hand. We will inform him we hold a royal flush and will punch the edge 
and go him five better.
On the evening of the 14th, quite a number of friends and neighbors gathered at the 
residence of J. Chambers of Randall township to admonish his son Oscar that he had 
passed his 26th milestone of this life. The company enjoyed themselves with pleasant 
conversation, music etc. At a late hour a sumptuous supper was served which indicated 
that Mrs. Chambers was no novice in the culinary art. All departed wishing Oscar's 
birthday came oftener.

May 27, 1897

Whooping cough is getting to be quite prevalent in town and vicinity.
Mr. McKillip, of Colby, was a caller in our town Thursday.
On last Friday Mr. Turner lost a valuable cow. But he informed us that he had 135 acres 
of corn and expects to get 40 bu., per acre.
J. F. Munkrest, of Andres county, Missouri is at present visiting relatives and friends 
in this locality.
G. Bain, of Selden, came to our town Monday and is building an addition to the Drug Store.
Dr. Foster, of Morrill, Kansas, gave our town a short visit Saturday. We learn he will 
shortly locate in Thomas or Sheridan county. He is a man of fine abilities, 
and such we gladly welcome.
W. S. Quissenberry, of Hoxie, was in town Sunday and Monday shaking hands with old friends.
A. Cressler, of Hoxie, was called to Colby Monday to see a horse that had been injured. 
He made this town a pleasant visit.
On last Sunday Wm. Hartstine was seen riding at a fearful rate towards Geo. Swabs and 
wildly waving his arms like he was gestulating to an audience, and said to Geo., 
"It's a girl."
Dr. Patterson was called to Selden Monday evening.
Jack Williams soled five cultivaters Monday and has sold ten headers this week.
~ signed Vox Populi

June 3, 1897

Mr. J. F. Munkrest, who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity, left Friday evening 
for his home in Missouri. Mr. Munkrest is greatly impresseed with Thomas county.
Mr. Arnold, of McCook, Nebraska, is at present visiting Mr. Sutor, of Randall township.
On last Saturday the D. A. S. gave an ice cream social for the benefit of the church.
Saturday morning a little child of Mr. Sears died and was buried Sunday at 11 a.m. 
We hear that Whopping cough caused its death.
The "pencil pusher" of Brewster in forms us that a cold deck was run in on him. 
In that case it was a misdeal and we will be obliged to begin again. We can tell better 
when we know the number you wish to draw.
Miss Vandiver, of Selden, was visiting Miss Barret last Saturday and Sunday.
Jack Williams and W. Tilden started for Kansas City Sunday morning.
Judge Fowler and wife, of Rawlin's county, were in town Monday.
Harry Barrett is at present wrestling with the measles.
The memorial serives, at this place, were well attended, addressed by Rev's Armstrong 
and Beauchamp, the choir rendered some fine music, and the band played some select pieces. 
A Cornet solo was rendered by Prof. Ackard, of Colby, and Mun Patterson, of this place, 
which was hard to excell. Quite a number from Colby, Selden and other places were in 
We had a nice rain on the afternoon of June 1st, and another the morning of the 2nd.
~ signed Vox Populi

June 10, 1897

Mrs. Glenn is at present visiting relatives at Jenning and S. G. is visiting the dish rag.
Jack Williams and Mr. Tilden returned from Kansas City Friday morning.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Neal O'Leary is at this writing seriously ill.
Mrs. Sarah Duling who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hartstine left for 
Almena Saturday evening.
Mrs. Nye, of South Randall, is at present visiting her sister Mrs. Bray.
J. H. Williams will have two carloads of implements in a few days.
Frank Roller, of Halford, was a visitor in our city Monday. He reports crops in that 
locality in fine condition.
Tilden & Maulsby on Tuesday received a car load of dry goods.
Ira Thompson was in Colby Wednesday to prove up on his homestead.
W. Tilden is driving a fine team of blacks which would be a credit to any city.
Jack Williams and Charley Havice made a flying trip to Colby Tuesday.
Geoge Latimer and others are on the sick list, but the indications are it's a 
healthy country; as on Monday 3 ladies were in Smith & Thompson's store and their 
combined weight was 647 pounds.
Mrs. Glenn returned home Monday morning.
Wheat and oats in this locality are heading and it looks fine.

June 17, 1897

Mr. Bently and Mr. Clark, of Randall township, were in the city last Thursday and 
reported crop prospects in that locality never better.
Dick Cheynee, of Menlo, was in our town Saturday.
Mr. Maulsby went to Oberlin Friday and returned Saturday evening.
A. Cresslor, of Hoxie, was in town Friday and Saturday.
On last Monday Jack Williams unloaded from the cars twelve Headers.
On last Thursday during the storm Mr. Drew had a steer killed by lightning and we learn 
that Mr. Drew and wife who were near were badly shocked.
Thursday Mrs. Frank O'Leary who hae the toothache was applying to the offending molar 
some Creosote she swallowed a portion of the poison. Her medical attendant pronounces 
her case out of danger.
During the storm of Thursday evening three of Samuel Cumins children were struck by 
lightning. Two small boys and one girl, the boys were not badly injured but the little 
girl, aged 10 years, had the hair on the front and top of her head badly scorched and as 
the current passed down the body it left a bright scarlet mark about three inches wide 
and about 8 to 10 inches in length badly blistered. The little lady was for some time 
unconscious but her attending physical thinks she will recover.

June 24, 1897

On Monday another carload of implements and binders was put off at this enterprising 
little city.
Miss Mamie Gilbert, who has been attending school in Creston, Iowa for some time, 
returned home Friday accompanied by her Aunt, Mrs. Carr, a sister of Mrs. Gilbert.
George Smith and Ira Thompson are at present breaking horses.
S. W. Roller went to Kansas City with a carload of hogs and will go from there to Iowa 
where he will visit with relatives.
John Crawford and Mr. Parker, of Gem, were in town Monday.
We notice quite a number of fields of wheat that will soon do to cut.
George Swab has bought a new wagon.
Mr. Neff and Mr. Peterson, of Rawlins county, were on our streets last Tuesday.
Farmers are very busy with their corn and repairing their machines for harvest.
Tilden and Co. are still selling 20 lbs. sugar for a dollar.
Mr. Houston was in the city Tuesday and took out 1,000 pounds of binding twine. 
He has 800 acres of grain to cut.
Mr. McPherson, of Gem, was in our town Tuesday.
The weather is exceedingly hot.
Measles are still prevalent in this community.

July 1, 1897

Jas. Harper returned from Colorado Friday.
Ed Patterson and Charly Harper returned from the west Friday.
Mrs. Sathoff, of Hoxie, was in town Saturday trading with our merchants.
On last Tuesday Mr. Hulvey, of Colby, moved into the hotel at this place and now the 
traveling man can get suitable lodging and a good square meal.
Miss Thede Parsons is at present visiting Mrs. S. G. Glenn.
Fay Gibbs and wife, of Rawlins county, was in town Saturday.
S. W. Roller returned home Saturday night.
Mr. Curtis, of Omaha, Nebr., is at present visiting his sister, Mrs. Edmond Drew.
Quite a number of our farmers are cutting wheat, which in this locality is fine.
Harvesting will begin in earnest next week.
Eight of Mr. Garris' family are at present down with the measles. One of the boys 
took a cold and acute pneumonia set in and at this wr4iting his recovery is doubtful.
Mr. Cathcart, of Decatur county was a visitor in our city last Saturday and Sunday and 
took a binder home with him.
Mr. Larsen, of Rawlins county was in town last Tuesday, trading with our merchants.
Mrs. Wark is at present on the sick list and Miss Rose Havice is staying with her.
Mr. McAfoos' family are at present having measles.
Corn and oats are needing rain.

July 8, 1897

W. S. Quissenbury and D. L. Wiggens, of Hoxie, were callers in our town Wednesday.
G. M. Baum returned Friday and at present he is busy with his harvest.
Dr. Patterson was called Lund last Tuesday.
S. G. Glenn our popular agent has been officiating as night operator at Selden during 
the excursion.
Mr. Sylvester, of Mineral Point, Wis is at present looking after his property in this 
The Epworth League, of Rexford will meet promptly at half past seven o'clock next Sunday 
evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
The farmers are very busy cutting wheat.
Harvest hands are very scarce and good wages are offered and there is no need for even a 
tramp to be out of employment.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Neal O'Leary died the 1st of this month and was buried 
at the cemetery the 2nd.

July 15, 1897

Frank Roller, of Halford, was a caller in town Thursday and reports crops in that 
locality in fine condition.
Parties are at present fixing the Councilman elevator, which will soon be ready to 
receive grain for shipment.
Mrs. Wark and Mrs. Frank Bray are still on the sick list.
Mrs. Young, of Missouri, who has been in this vicinity for sometime, to regain her 
health, returned home Thursday.
We understand that Frank O'Leary is at present studying French.
Mr. Stapleton will have a new steel windmill in the near future.
Patterson Bros., of Sheridan county came in Saturday and purchased a new header.
Last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were excessively hot which somewhat retarded the 
progress of what harvest. One man said that the mercury was 10 feet hight and we were 
within 1/2 mile of Haes.
Dr. Nahrung, of Oakley, was in our town Saturday.
J. R. Moore, of Shelby county, MO., is at present visiting friends and looking for work.
Vince Nicol and C.B. Dakin, of Colby, were in our little city Monday.
Mr. King and family, of Salina, Kas., are in this locality harvesting.
Farmers are very busy harvesting. Possibly 30 per cent of the grain in this locality is cut.

July 29, 1897

The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Kalip Geisenhener died Saturday morning.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Patterson fell off the bed which resulted 
in a fractured forearm.
The majority of grain in this locality is cut.
Mr. Dennison began threshing last Friday and his poorest grain is yielding about 
15 bu per acre.
Dr. Patterson was called to Selden Monday and again Tuesday.
Jack Williams is selling quite a number of buggies.
Joe Alcott, of Colby, was in the city on business Monday night.
Harry Dibble received his new separator Monday.
On last Saturday a mad dog was killed in this town by two mad men.
Chas. Tilden, of Oberlin, is in town looking after his wheat crop.
Mr. McKillip, of Colby, was in town Tuesday.
Dan Bruce, of Rawlin county was in town Tuesday.
Lew Miller and Mr. Neuton, of Selden was in town Thursday.
On last Friday a little son of Mr. Rhotens caught his hand in the gearing of a 
binder and frightfully smashed lacerated the arm and hand.
Mr. Todd and Mr. Hogland, of Shelby county Mo., came to our town Monday looking 
for work, and we are of the opinion that thy will be abundantly supplied.
Braddy Dull was a Colby visitor last Monday.

July 22, 1897 - No Rexford Items reported

Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:45:16


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