J. D. M. Crockett
IMAGE J.D.M. Crockett
J. D. M. CROCKETT. - The sons of ministers are often unable to live up to the
high standards of conduct required of them, Mr. Crockett, however, has proven an
exception to that rule. He is an earnest Christian worker, who has done much for
the spiritual uplifting of Kansas City. He is a man who has lived a clean life
and has taken the time to interest himself in the welfare of those with whom he
comes in contact, a man of culture and sterling merit, looking at the world with
an optimism that is bound to bring something to pass. As an accountant he stands
at the head of his profession, no man being better qualified to audit and
systematize accounts.
He is the son of Duncan R. Crockett, who was born in Nova Scotia, July 20th, 1843. Mr. Crockett, Sr., was a very scholarly man, having taken a thorough classical training and then a course at Center Theological Seminary at Danville, Kentucky. After he left Danville he was ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian church. He had charge of churches in Canada and in Texas, and also in Missouri and Oklahoma, and being an able speaker as well as a scholarly man, he was very successful in each church over which he ministered. He was, however, not very strong, partly due to the fact that he had studied so hard and he was advised to locate in Missouri where the climate was warm. He accepted a charge at Laclede, Missouri, and was very successful there. His last charge was at Ardmore, Indian Territory, where he was overcome while preaching, in September, 1892, and he died November 3, of that year, a comparatively young man. His honored remains were removed to Greenwood, Missouri. The wife of the Rev. Duncan R. Crockett was Ellen Robertson, and was seven years younger than her husband, having been born March 2, 1850. She was not yet sixteen when she married and the little mother of sixteen grew up with her children, sharing their joys and sorrows, grieving over the loss of three who died and yet accepting her bereavement with a fortitude that was born of courage. She entered into the life of her husband as much as it was possible, considering his reserved nature. She was a helpmeet in every sense of the word, an ideal wife and a perfect mother. She is now, (in 1911) living at Longwood, Missouri, with her son John.
J. D. M. Crockett was born in Nova Scotia, July 2, 1868, being the second child of his parents. His preliminary education was received in Texas, after which he attended the Superior School at Hampton, New Brunswick, and he afterward attended the Brookfield Academy and the college at Brookfield, Missouri. He was always a very good scholar, being especially brilliant in mathematics. He came to Kansas City, Missouri, in April, 1890, and spent the first year working for the Kansas City Stock Yards Company. In 1892, just after his father's death, he took up the study of stenography and became very proficient He worked as a stenographer for a Kansas City, Missouri, commission house, which position he held for two years, then becoming manager. He was next employed by the Laning-Harris Coal & Grain Company, first as bookkeeper and later as credit man. He remained with that company for over three years and his resignation at the end of that time was a great loss to the firm. He had, however, received a better offer from the Ash-Grove White Lime Association, and he remained with the same for over six years, first serving as credit man and for the last two and a half years he was the manager of their office and plant. Mr. Crockett then decided to go into business for himself in the real estate line and after dealing in real estate for a short time he finally opened an office as an expert accountant. He had taken a course in accounting from the International Accountants' Society and has been certified under the Missouri laws and has found the work for which he is best fitted.
November 2, 1895, Mr. Crockett was married to Miss Mellie Wise, a young lady of very attractive personality, who was born in the state of Illinois. Their marriage took place in Kansas City, Kansas, soon after Mr. Crockett went there to live. They have one child.
Mr. Crockett is a member of the Yeoman Brotherhood of America and has many friends in that society. He is a member of the Mercantile Club of Kansas City, Kansas; belongs to the Missouri and the Kansas City Society of Public Accountants, and the American Association of Certified Public Accountants. He has not departed from the Presbyterian faith of his parents, but is one of the elders of the Grandview Park Presbyterian church and for the past five years has been superintendent of the Sunday school. Being one of a large family himself he is genuinely interested in children, their welfare and their future. He was appointed to serve on the school board to finish an unexpired term and was then elected for one full term. Politically he is a Prohibitionist. There is always something very fine about the man who is willing to place himself with the minority, and whether the cause will ever triumph or not, whether one agrees with the principles for which Prohibition stands or not, one cannot fail to admire the faith and enthusiasm of the man who espouses that cause. Mr. Crockett has performed many noble acts of which the public has some knowledge, but of the number of times he has stretched out a helping hand to those in trouble, the public knows nothing.
Transcribed from History of Wyandotte County Kansas and its people ed. and comp. by Perl W. Morgan. Chicago, The Lewis publishing company, 1911. 2 v. front., illus., plates, ports., fold. map. 28 cm. [Vol. 2 contains biographical data. Paged continuously.]