Chapter 29 |
Part 4 |
On the same day the proclamation of I. B. Donalson was brought to the attention
of the people of Lawrence. This proclamation had been sent to all the border
towns several days before the Free-State people of Lawrence knew anything of its
WHEREAS, Certain judicial arrests have been directed to me by the First District
Court of the United States, etc., to be executed within the county of Douglas,
and whereas an attempt to execute them by the United States Deputy Marshal was
evidently resisted by a large number of the people of Lawrence, and as there is
every reason to believe that any attempt to execute these writs will be resisted
by a large body of armed men; now, therefore, the law-abiding citizens of the
Territory are commanded to be and appear at Lecompton, as soon as practicable,
and in numbers sufficient for the execution of the law.
Given under my hand this 11th day of May, 1856. |
United States Marshal of the Territory of Kansas. |
P. S. - No liability for expenses will be incurred by the United States until
its consent is obtained. |
The Law and Order party, in connection with the Border-Ruffians, were planning
another attack on Lawrence. This proclamation was only a part of the well-laid
plan. Missourians began to assemble along the Wakarusa two days before the date
of the proclamation. They waylaid travelers, robbed teamsters, stole horses and
cattle, and initiated a reign of lawlessness and terrorism. Anarchy existed in
Kansas. The condition of the people of Lawrence was critical in the extreme.
General Lane had gone East in March at the direction of the Free-State
Legislature, and was then laying the cause of Kansas before the people of the
North. Robinson was a prisoner. Other leaders were being sought by Salters and
Fain. In this extremity the people determined to make one more appeal to
Governor Shannon. A mass convention was called at Lawrence on the 13th which
adopted a preamble and resolutions. Copies were immediately forwarded to
Governor Shannon and Marshal Donalson.
This harsh and partisan letter from the Governor, under such circumstances,
could not be regarded as anything short of a declaration of war.
As the citizens of Lawrence were anxious to avert troubles, if possible. a
meeting was held and the following action taken:
WHEREAS, By a proclamation to the people of Kansas Territory, by J. B.
Donaldson, United States Marshal for said Territory, issued on the 11th day of
May, 1856, it is alleged that certain judicial writs of arrest have been
directed to him by the First District Court of the United States, etc., to be
executed within the county of Douglas, and that an attempt to execute them by
the Deputy United States Marshal was violently resisted by a large number of the
citizens of Lawrence, and that there is every reason to believe that an attempt
to execute said writs will he resisted by a large body of armed men, therefore,
Resolved, By this public meeting of the citizens of Lawrence, held this
13th day of May, 1856, that the allegations and charges against us, contained in
the aforesaid proclamation, are wholly untrue in fact, and in the conclusion
which is drawn from them. The aforesaid Marshal was resisted in no manner
whatever, nor by any person whatever, in the execution of said writs, except by
him whose arrest the said Deputy Marshal was seeking to make. And that we now,
as we have done heretofore, declare our willingness and determination, without
resistance, to acquiesce in the service upon us, of any judicial writs against
us, by the United States Marshal for Kansas Territory, and will furnish him
with a posse for that purpose, if so requested; but that we are ready to
resist, if need be, unto death, the ravages and desolation of an invading
mob. |
J. A. WAKEFIELD, President. |
The Border-Ruffians continued to arrive in the vicinity of Lawrence. Atchison
came with his Platte County Rifles and two pieces of artillery. Captain Dunn
appeared with his Kickapoo Rangers, which had been augmented by recruits from
Platte County, Missouri. The Stringfellow brothers, Robert Kelly and P. T. Able
were in command of the Law and Order forces from Atchison and from Buchanan
County, Missouri. Colonel Warner D. Wilkes, of South Carolina, and Colonel
Titus, of Florida, were present in command of forces from their respective
states. Four hundred men were at Franklin under the command of Colonel Boone of
Westport, and Colonel Jefferson Buford. These were the emigrants who had come
into the Territory early in the spring as the result of the efforts of Atchison,
Buford, and others. Those having no arms were furnished guns by Governor Shannon
from the United States Armory at Lecompton. These forces lived off the country,
robbing the settlers of supplies of food and of live-stock.
On the 13th of May another meeting of the citizens of Lawrence was held. The
resolutions passed were similar to those of the former meeting. These, together
with a letter signed by three of the leading citizens, were sent to Marshal
Donalson by a Pro-Slavery resident of Lawrence. The letter and Donalson's reply
are here shown.
LAWRENCE, MAY 14, 1856. |
I. B. Donalson, United States Marshal for Kansas Territory.
Dear Sir - We have seen a proclamation issued by yourself, dated 11th of
May inst., and also have reliable information this morning that large bodies of
armed men, in pursuance of your proclamation, have assembled in the vicinity of
That there be no misunderstanding, we beg leave to ask respectfully, that we may
be reliably informed what are the demands against us. We desire to state most
truthfully and earnestly, that no opposition will, now or at any future time, be
offered to the execution of any legal process by yourself or any person acting
for you. We also pledge ourselves to assist you, if called upon, in the
execution of any legal process.
We declare ourselves to be order-loving and law-abiding citizens, and only await
an opportunity to test our fidelity to the laws of the country, the Constitution
and the Union.
We are informed, also, that these men collected about Lawrence, openly declare
that their intention is to destroy the town, and drive off the citizens. of
course, we do not believe that you would give any countenance to such threats;
but, in view of the excited state of the public mind, we ask protection of the
constituted authorities of the Government, declaring ourselves in readiness to
co-operate with them for the maintenance of the peace, order and quiet of the
community in which we live. |
Very respectfully, |
(Reply) |
LECOMPTON, K. T., MAY 15, 1856. |
Messrs. G. W. Deitzler and J. H. Green, Lawrence, Kansas Territory.
On yesterday, I received a communication addressed to me, signed by one of you
as President, and the other as Secretary, purporting to have been adopted by a
meeting of the citizens of Lawrence, held on yesterday morning. After speaking
of a proclamation, issued by myself, you state, "That there may be no
misunderstanding, we beg leave to ask respectfully, that we may be reliably
informed what are the demands against us. We desire most truthfully and
earnestly to declare that no opposition whatever, will now, or at any future
time, be offered to the execution of any legal process, etc."
From your professed ignorance of the demands against you, I must conclude that
you are strangers, and not citizens, of Lawrence, or of recent
date, or been absent for some time, more particularly when an attempt was made
by my deputy to execute the process of the First District Court of the United
States for Kansas Territory, against ex-Gov. Reeder, when he made a speech in
the room and in the presence of the Congressional Committee, and denied the
power and authority of said court, and threatened the life of said deputy, if he
attempted to execute said process, which speech and defiant threats were loudly
applauded by some one or two hundred of the citizens of Lawrence, who had
assembled at the room on learning the business of the Marshal, and made such
hostile demonstrations that the deputy thought he and his small posse would
endanger their lives in executing said process.
Your declaration that you will truthfully and earnestly offer now, or at any
future time, no opposition to any legal process, etc., is indeed difficult to
understand. May I ask, gentlemen, what has produced this wonderful change in the
minds of the people of Lawrence? Have their eyes been suddenly opened so that
they are now able to see that there are laws in Kansas Territory which should be
obeyed? Or, is it that just now, those for whom I have writs, have sought refuge
elsewhere? Or, it may possibly be that you now, as heretofore, expect to screen
yourselves behind the word "legal," so significantly used by you. How am I to
rely on your pledges, when I am well aware that the whole population of Lawrence
is armed and drilled, and the town fortified - when, too, I recollect the
meetings and resolutions adopted in Lawrence and elsewhere in the Territory -
openly defying the laws and the officers thereof, and threatening to resist the
same to a bloody issue, as recently verified in the attempted assassination of
Sheriff Jones, while in the discharge of his official duties in Lawrence? Are
you strangers to all these things? Surely you must be strangers in Lawrence. If
no outrages have been committed by the citizens of Lawrence against the laws of
the land, they need not fear any posse of mine. But I must take the liberty of
executing all processes in my hands as United States Marshal, in my own time and
manner. and shall only use such power as is authorized by law. You say you call
upon the constituted authorities for protection. This indeed sounds strange,
coming from a large body of men, armed with Sharpe's rifles, and other
implements of war, bound together by oaths and pledges, to resist the Government
they call on for protection. All persons in Kansas Territory without regard to
location who honestly submit to the constituted authorities, will ever find me
ready to aid in protecting them; and who seek to resist the laws of the land,
and turn traitors to their country, will find me aiding in enforcing the laws,
if not as an officer, as a citizen. |
Respectfully yours,
I. B. DONALSON, U. S. Marshal Kansas
Territory. |
The condition in Lawrence on the 16th of May is well described by the Herald
of Freedom:
Outrage follows outrage with frightful rapidity. The list is swelling. Every day
some new crime is brought to light which equals in enormity its predecessors.
The reign of terror has commenced. The bowie-knife and revolver, the hatchet and
hempen rope are the instruments brought into requisition to awe, intimidate, and
crush out the liberty-loving portion of our fellow-citizens. Stealthily
assassins roam over the country, under cover of the night, dogging the footsteps
of unsuspecting citizens, and watching the opportune moment to strike the
cowardly blow. Men, known of men to be murderers, walk unabashed, unwhipped of
justice, in the very presence of the shameless officers of misnamed law, boldly
and boastingly proclaiming their complicity in crime. No man's life is safe from
one day to another if he has declared, never so mildly, his opposition to the
aggression of slavery. And if he has come out openly and manfully in the defence
of his inalienable rights he is hunted down like a wild beast. He must flee the
land. No place here is safe from the intrusion of the bloodhounds. He must run
the gauntlet in Missouri before he can reach a place of safety on soil free from
the curse and unsubdued by the blighting rule of oppression.
The hue and cry is now raised against Governor Robinson and Senator Reeder.
"Kill them! Kill them!" is in the throats of every brawler who goes unhung in
Kansas. Their movements are watched, their goings out and comings in carefully
noted, and they are forced to seek a place of safety in the free States. Thus it
is the people of Kansas are environed by bloodthirsty foes and hostile bands. As
affairs are working now, no earthly power call prevent a bloody collision. If it
must come, the sooner we have whipped out our enemies, the sooner will quiet be
restored to the country. Human patience cannot long endure this system of
terrorism and persecution. If we can secure quietude in no other way than by
fighting for it, surely it were infinitely better that we pass through a
sanguinary struggle than be made slaves. |
The people of Lawrence made every effort to avoid the disaster hanging over
them. The Congressional Committee, then in session at Leavenworth, being urged
to take some action in their behalf, declined. Shannon had sent Colonel Sumner
back to Leavenworth. He was requested by the people of Lawrence, to come to
their rescue, but he had no authority to do so. On the 18th of May, S. W. and T.
B. Eldridge, who had leased the Free-State hotel, went to the Border-Ruffian
camp and proposed that if Governor Shannon would order Colonel Sumner to return
to Lawrence and camp there, every gun in the city should be surrendered and held
by the United States troops until all the writs had been served. They were
arrested on their way to Lecompton by Ruffians under command of Stringfellow.
When they were finally permitted to see the Governor, he told them that the
South Carolinians would accept nothing but the surrender of all arms to himself
or Marshal Donalson. He declined to order Colonel Sumner to Lawrence. In
remonstrating with the Governor over the terms he proposed, the gentlemen
expressed fears that the people would fight rather than submit to such
humiliation. To this Shannon said, "War, then, by G__d," and left the room.
On the 19th the Marshal's posse murdered a Free-State boy named Jones. They met
him near Blanton's bridge, as he was returning home. He was carrying a bag of
meal for bread for his widowed mother and himself. Coming upon him one of the
Marshal's force shot him. He exclaimed, "Oh, my God, I am shot," and fell dead.
When this was told in Lawrence, two of his companions started out to find the
boy. Two men from the Border-Ruffian camp at Franklin met them, insulted them,
and finally fired upon them, killing one of them named Stewart, whose bloody
corpse was carried into Lawrence. Indignation and excitement resulted. A company
of boys was formed, which immediately left for Lawrence to attack the
Border-Ruffians. So rash a movement was stopped by the Committee of Safety.
On the evening of the 20th, Deputy Marshal Fain made two arrests in Lawrence. He
was not opposed. At that time the people would have aided him in making arrests
of any persons for whom he had warrants regularly issued. But it was not the
intention to let this matter be settled in so peaceful a manner. Lawrence was
surrounded by about eight hundred Border-Ruffians. During the night of the 20th
they assembled on Mount Oread. They were well informed as to the conditions
existing in Lawrence, and were satisfied that no resistance would be offered by
the town.
On Wednesday morning, the 21st of May, the people of Lawrence beheld, encamped
on Mount Oread, the eight hundred men who had been gathering for weeks to
destroy their city. The Committee of Safety, having been unable to come to any
agreement with Governor Shannon or Marshal Donalson, had determined that no
resistance should be made. The women and children were sent to the ravine at the
mouth of which lay the Lane-Jenkins contested claim. It was expected that the
Border-Ruffians would burn the town.
About 11 o'clock Fain rode down from Mount Oread with a guard of ten men. He
summoned a small posse from the citizens. These obeyed the summons. He then
arrested G. W. Deitzler, Gaius Jenkins and Geo. W. Smith. It was by that time
noon. Fain and his guard dined at the Free-State Hotel, which was open to the
public on that day for the first time. They did not pay for the dinner. Having
no further business to transact in Lawrence, the Marshal returned to the camp of
the Ruffians on the hill. He had been handed a letter written by the Committee
of Safety, saying that the citizens would acknowledge the constituted
authorities of the Government and make no resistance to the laws, National or
LAWRENCE, K. T., MAY 21, 1856. |
I. B. Donalson, United States Marshal Kansas Territory:
We, the Committee of Public Safety for the citizens of Lawrence make this
statement and declaration to you, as Marshal of Kansas Territory:
That we represent the citizens of the United States and of Kansas who
acknowledge the constituted authorities of the Government, that we make no
resistance to the execution of the law National or Territorial - and claim it as
law-abiding American citizens.
For the private property already taken by your posse, we ask indemnification,
and what remains to us and our citizens we throw upon you for protection,
trusting that under the flag of the Union, and within the folds of the
Constitution, we may obtain safety. |
 SAMUEL C.
by Willard of Portrait in Library of Kansas State Historical
Society] |
When Marshal Fain returned to the headquarters of the Border-Ruffian force on
Mount Oread with his prisoners, he dismissed his guard, saying: "Sheriff Jones
has writs yet to be served, and you are at liberty to organize as his
posse if any desire to do so." Sheriff Jones was not recovered from his
wounds, but was able to ride his horse. He now came forward and was greeted with
enthusiastic cheers. Selecting twenty armed men as a guard, he rode into
Lawrence. He halted in front of the Free-State Hotel and called for some
representative of the people to come forth. S. C. Pomeroy went out and was
greeted by Jones in a friendly way. The two shook hands. Jones demanded that the
citizens give up their arms, allowing five minutes for decision on that demand.
Pomeroy said that the arms of the citizens could not be given up, as that was an
individual matter, but that he would surrender the cannon under control of the
Committee. The cannon had been concealed under Blood's Hardware Store. Pomeroy
led Jones and his company to that building and tore out the foundation wall,
when the cannon was revealed. He turned it over to Jones.
The main force of the Border Ruffians were a long time coming down from Mount
Oread. They finally descended to the plain. It was about three o'clock. When
they had all assembled at the-point where the Court House now stands, Atchison
made them the following speech:
Boys, this day I am a Kickapoo Ranger, by God! This day we have entered Lawrence
with "Southern Rights" inscribed upon our banner, and not one damned
Abolitionist dared to fire a gun. Now, boys, this is the happiest day of my
life. We have entered that damned town, and taught the damned Abolitionists a
Southern lesson that they will remember until the day they die. And now, boys,
we will go in again, with our highly honorable Jones, and test the strength of
that damned Free-State Hotel, and teach the Emigrant Aid Company that Kansas
shall be ours. Boys, ladies should, and I hope will, be respected by every
gentleman. But when a woman takes upon herself the garb of a soldier by carrying
a Sharp's rifle, then she is no longer worthy of respect. Trample her under your
feet as you would a snake! Come on, boys! Now do your duty to yourselves and
your Southern friends. Your duty I know you will do. If one man or woman dare
stand before you, blow them to hell with a chunk of cold
lead. |
Jones had returned to the main force, which he now led north on Massachusetts
street. The Ruffians had brought one fair sized cannon with them. Jones
exhibited the writs authorizing him to destroy the printing presses of the
Herald of Freedom and the Kansas Free State, as well as the
Free-State Hotel. Short work was made of the printing presses. They were broken
up. The type was carried to the river and thrown in. The stocks of paper were
destroyed. All the tools and appliances at the offices were broken and cast into
the street. The cannon was planted on the east side of Massachusetts street,
opposite the Free-State Hotel. A Ruffian carried the South Carolina flag to the
top of the hotel and fastened it in a chimney. In doing so, he removed a brick
to make a notch to hold the flag-staff. This brick he dropped, or perhaps it was
accidently brushed off the chimney, when it fell, striking a Ruffian on the
head, killing him instantly, as some accounts say. By other accounts he died
that night in the camp of the Westport company, on the Wakarusa. He seems to
have been a resident Ruffian, from Hickory Point. Some say the Ruffians trained
four cannon on the hotel.
The appearance of the South Carolina flag on the battlements of the Free-State
Hotel, created great enthusiasm in the ranks of the Ruffians. Major Buford was
galloping about giving orders. Colonel Titus was in charge of the cavalry -
about two hundred men. These he paraded in the street north of the hotel. The
Stringfellows were there. G. W. Clarke was in command of the Doniphan Tigers and
the Kickapoo Rangers. These swarmed about the hotel, cheering, yelling in
triumph. Atchison fired the first shot at the hotel, and missed the building.
The Stringfellows then took charge of the artillery and fired more than fifty
shots through the hotel. It was seen that the walls could not be broken down by
solid shot. Major Buford called out: "Shoot the corners of the buildings out.
Then the walls will fall." But the gunners were not expert enough to do that.
Kegs of powder were then exploded in the building. These had little effect, the
floors heaving up and settling back into their proper places. A barrel of pitch
was rolled into the hotel and set on fire. Brands were carried from this burning
pitch into all the rooms and applied to the beds. Furniture was piled in
hallways and the large rooms and set on fire. In a short time the building was
enveloped in flames. As they rose in the sky, so did the enthusiasm of the
Border-Ruffians rise. The mightiest shout went up when the walls collapsed.
Jones was the most exultant of all. He frequently affirmed, "This is the
happiest moment of my life. I determined to make the fanatics bow before me in
the dust and kiss the Territorial laws." When the walls fell in, he exclaimed,
"I have done it, by __, I have done it." Turning to the soldiers he discharged
them, saying, "You are dismissed, the writs have been executed." The Ruffians
then dispersed. They broke into the principal stores under pretense that they
were searching for arms. These stores were looted. The loss of the town from
this cause alone must have been not less than $150,000. As they were leaving,
the Ruffians burned Governor Robinson's house. It had already been plundered of
every valuable thing. The
Lecompton Union, a rabid Pro-Slavery paper, had
this account of the sacking of Lawrence:
During this time appeals were made to Sheriff Jones to save the aid society's
hotel. This news reached the company's ears and was received with one universal
cry of "No, no; blow it up. blow it up!"
About this time a banner was seen fluttering in the breeze over the office of
the Herald of Freedom. Its color was a blood red, with a lone star in the
center, and South Carolina above. This banner was placed there by the
Carolinians. The effect was prodigious. One tremendous and long-continued shout
burst from the ranks. Thus floated in triumph the banner of South Carolina -
that single white star, so emblematic of her course in the early history of our
sectional disturbances. . .
Thus floated victoriously the first banner of southern rights over the abolition
town of Lawrence, unfurled by the noble sons of Carolina, and every whip of its
folds seemed a death-stroke to Beecher propagandism and the fanatics of the
east. O that its red folds could have been seen by every southern eye!
Mr. Jones listened to many entreaties, and finally replied that it was beyond
his power to do anything, and gave the occupants so long to remove all private
property from it. He ordered two companies into each printing office to destroy
the press. Both presses were broken up and thrown into the river, and all the
material belonging to each office destroyed. After this was accomplished, and
the private property removed from the hotel by the different companies, the
cannons were brought in front of the house and directed their destructive blows
upon the walls. The building caught on fire, and soon its walls came with a
crash to the ground. Thus fell the abolition fortress, and we hope this will
teach the aid society a good lesson for the future. . . . The "red shirts"
raised the first flag upon the Free State Hotel. They have in possession the
12-pound howitzer taken from the enemy, and whenever necessary can use it
effectually. Captain Donalson may feel proud of his "red
shirts." |
The correspondent of the Missouri Republican wrote to his paper:
At the expiration of two hours, the artillery was drawn up in front of the
public entrance to the hotel, and a dozen or fifteen shots fired into it,
completely riddling the inside and breaking holes in the wall; and after shaking
the walls with two or three blasts, the structure was fired, and before the sun
went down all that remained of the aid hotel was a solitary wall, holding itself
up as a warning to the law-breakers, and seeming to say, "Look at me and
beware!" |
Not a life of the Abolitionists was lost; but two of the Pro-Slavery ranks lost
theirs accidentally. A young man by the name of Kirget shot himself accidentally
through the shoulder, and another from Hickory Point was hurt by the falling of
a brick from a chimney, so that he died. This case was singular: The South
Carolina company, whose flag was blood-red with a single star, had planted it on
one of the small chimneys on top of the hotel; the breeze being brisk, the
banner whipped of a brick, which fell on the poor young man's head, breaking the
skull. He died that night in our camp.
The day, Wednesday, the 21st of May, was truly a May day; the sun scarcely ever
shone more brilliantly, and all, save Lawrence, looked fresh with life and
glory. But that ill-fated town appeared deserted, doomed. The women and children
had been removed for safety and the men had run away for cowardice. I shall
continue my notes on this subject when I can, but for the present must conclude,
etc. I want to end this with a moral. Had not Ward Beecher better give
his emigrants hickory shirts to protect their bodies with, in fact, than
Sharpe's rifles to keep up a fuss with, and when the time to use them comes, run
away to fight another day? |
A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans , written and
compiled by William E. Connelley, transcribed by Carolyn Ward, 1998.