Return to Volume 1 Index. Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Field & Staff | Non-Commissioned Staff | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | Unassigned to Company | Errata |
Some names appear more than one time in the same company, and sometimes in more than one regiment. The letter(s) and numbers following the name indicate the regiment and how many times the name appears within the regiment, and are a link to the extractions of the regiment listing. Since the names are not in alphabetical order in the listing, you will probably want to use your browser's "find" command to locate the surname on the web page.
Ackley,Uriah, A Adams,Benjamin F., E, M Adams,Christopher, G Adams,James A., D(2) Adams,John N., E, M Adams,John T., H Adams,Josiah D., Field & Staff Adams,Lucien R., I Adams,Nathaniel A., G, Field & Staff Adams,Osam T., C Adams,William, A Ainsworth,Richard M., Field & Staff Ainsworth,Richard M., Field & Staff Albin,John, B Aldrich,Jesse, D Alfriend,Richard, E(2) Allen,Jesse B., K(2) Allen,John A., G Allen,John M., K Allen,Samuel, G Alorid,Romulus, C Ames,Samuel H., A(2) Amo,Andrew, G Anderson,David, E Anderson,John G., M, E Anderson,Martin, Field & Staff, B Anderson,Samuel M., C Anderson,Thomas, E Anderson,William H., E Andrews,Andrew J., C Antram,Jesse E., H Aragone,Antoine, A Archibald,Frederick W., E, M(2) Armeho,Comelia, A Arnold,Robert R., G Artman,Peter, B Ashbaugh,Armenius, Noncommissioned Officers, E Ashburn,Charles, F Ashlien,John H., H Ashton,Thomas, G Avery,Henry, L Ayass,Henry, F Ayass,William, F Aye,Charles, H Babb,John, A Bahner,Adam, K Baicker,Charles W., F Bailey,John P., B Baker,Andrew, E Baker,Andrew, K Baker,David H., C(2) Baker,George, F(2) Baker,Israel, L Baker,John, C Baker,John W., A(3) Baker,Martin A., A Baldwin,Henry, M(2), E Baldwin,Lewis C., E, K Ballew,James, H Barbar,Thomas, Noncommissioned Officers Barber,Thomas, , C Barker,Enoch W., F Barker,Nathan W., F Barker,Saml T., Errata & Addenda Barker,Samuel T., D Barnes,James H., G(2), Noncommissioned Officers Barnes,Miller W., M, E Barnett,John C., D Barnett,William F., , B Bartlett,William D., E Bassett,Isaac H., E Bassett,Isaac N., K Bates,Anton, G Bates,Charles Jr., I(2) Bates,Charles Sr., I Bates,Daniel L., G Bates,Houston M., I Battey,Alvin D., M(2), E Beach,Charles, B(2) Beach,Joseph F., L Beach,Simeon D., L Bealer,Isaac N., F Beavers,Joseph, G(3) Beebe,Charles W., G Beeler,George H., D Beeler,William H., D Bellwood,John, K Bendall,William, F(2) Benedix,William, G Benee,Isaac W., G Benjamin,John, F Benson,Isaac, C Benson,Jacob, C Benton,Flaviel P., G Berry,Joseph, G Best,Richard H., C(2) Betts,John S., M, E Bick,John, G(2) Bickford,Joseph H., A(3) Bickford,Nicholas, A Bigelow,Jonathan, F(2) Biggs,Edward, B Bigham,Robert F., M, E Bingamon,Allen W., F Bishop,Joseph W., I(4) Bivins,John P., B Bixler,Arthur B., E Bixler,Christian J., E, F Bixler,Willett W., E , F Black,Jackson, F Black,William R., H Black,William R., H Blain,Rodman P., K Bland,Joseph, L Blandon,Samuel, E Blankenship,Francis, E, M(2) Blankley,Ephraim, B Blankley,Hiram, B Bliss,Alexander, E Bliss,Alexander F., M Block,John, G Blodgett,William W., G Blondell,Elenore, K Blossom,William A., B(3) Bodwell,Sherman, H(3) Bogue,Charles L., H Bonwell,David L., B Bonwell,George, E Bonwell,William I., E, F Booth,Henry, L(2), G(2), Errata & Addenda Booth,William, G(2), L Borland,Elijah S., I(2) Borror,William R., F(2) Bougher,John, D Bowen,Emery S., E, M Bower,Ebenezer A., K(2) Bowling,Samuel N., D Bowman,James H., H Boyles,David, G Boyles,James, M, E Boyles,John J.R., G Bradley,William A., B(2) Bradshaw,John, I(2), Errata & Addenda Brandly,Albin, C Branson,Napolean B., F , E Brenner,Labe, K(2) Bridges,Charles, G(2) Bridges,George O., G Bristow,Abel T., A Bristow,Ephraim E., A(2) Bristow,John L., A(3) Bronson,Divelly, B Brown,Alexander H., E(2) Brown,Hugh, H Brown,Ira J., B Brown,Isaac, B Brown,Jacob, E Brown,Moses, H Brown,William, H Brownlee,William C., M(2), E Bruner,Jacob, A Buchanan,John, I Bunn,Oscar, B Burdick,Lucius H., E(2) Burge,Robert M., H Burnett,Benjamin F., B Burns,James, C Burns,John, F, D Busbee,Balaam, E Bush,Eugene F., I Bush,James E., I Butcher,Isaac C., D Butcher,James, D Butcher,Samuel T., D(2) Butcher,William T., D Butler,Benjamin, D Butler,George W., D Butler,Ira T.M., F, E Butler,John L., E Butler,Martin, D Caillog,John F., K Cain,George H., B(4) Caldwell,Marias, D Calkins,Peter, L Callaham,Robert C., B Callahan,John F., B Callahan,Robert C., B Cameron,Thomas, L Camp,George, K Campbell,Francis L., H Campbell,Henry M., D Campbell,John, F Campbell,John H., B(2) Campbell,Samuel P., A Canning,Nathan B., E Carlyle,George W., F Carnine,John C., K Carter,Edward N., D Carter,George W., I(2) Carter,John F., E(2) Carter,Thomas B., D Casebier,John W., D Casebier,Lewis D., D(2) Casterline,William, G Castring,Frederick, K(2) Catt,Alfred E., M, E Catt,William, I Chadburn,William, B(3) Chandler,Abraham, M, E Chapell,David M., I, E Chapman,Amasa, E Chapman,John F., G Chase,George, G(3) Chase,John, Jr., B(3) Childers,Archer S., C(3) Childers,Talbert D., C(2) Chisam,Benjamin R., B(3) Choles,Allen B., B Christy,Granville D., B Clancy,James J., I(3) Clark,George H., A Clark,Henry C., C(3) Clark,Ira, G Clark,Peter, F Clark,Richard, A Clark,Wiat H., E Clark,Wiot H., M Clarke,Wiot H., M Clements,Richard, H Cline,Amon, D Cline,James S., Field & Staff Cline,John F., D Cline,Jones B., D Cline,William, D Clogston,Jeffrey B., H(2) Close,Herbert E., E(3) Cloud,Eugene W., E Cloud,James R., L Cochran,David C., A(2) Cockrell,George W., K Coen,George V., H Coffman,Jeremiah S., M, E Coffman,Noah W., I Coffman,William H., I Cohee,Lemuel, B Coheo,Lemuel, B Colburn,Everett, G Cole,Angevine, G Cole,John C., B Cole,Joseph E., I Cole,Robert A., A Cole,William P., B Collie,William, B Collins,Abraham, E Collins,David, A Colton,George B., L Combs,George, B Conant,Thaddeus, G Conklin,Charles L., A Conner,Henry C., E, I Conner,Marion T., I Conran,Peter C., I Conwell,James M., E Conwell,John W., D Conwell,Rufus T., E(3) Conwell,William E., D(2) Cook,George W., I Cook,Henry H., E Cook,Henry L., M Cook,Hiram A., D Cook,John B.C., E, M(2) Cook,Lyman G., M(2), E Cook,William M., B Cooley,James C., C(2) Cooling,John, I Cope,Seth E., E, F Copeland,Albert, L(2) Copeland,General M., H Copeland,James H., H Corker,Robert W., F Correll,Charles D., M, E Cory,Alfred, K(2) Cosgrove,William, G Cotton,James M., D Coulson,Charles M., K(3) Cowan,William H., E, Noncommissioned Officers Cox,Alfred H., C(3) Cox,Isaac, C Cox,Isaiah, H Cox,James B., E(2) Cox,Samuel, H Coy,Jehial, I Cozine,William A., I Crabbs,William A., D(2) Crain,Jerome C., B Crain,Zephaniah C., B Crane,Alexander, L Crane,Emmett, D Crane,Franklin L., E Crane,George W., I Crane,William H., A Craven,Harvey, I Crawford,Flavius J., K Crawford,John A., Errata & Addenda, I, E Crawford,Philip, E Crawford,Philip S., E Creitz,William A., B Cripps,Benjamin, E Croan,John A., E Crowder,William E., G Crowe,Emanuel, H(3) Crowl,Lawrence W., L(2) Crumb,John H., I(2) Culp,Adam, I Culp,Francis M., I Culton,Allen S., D Cummings,Chester, F Cummings,Joseph, G Curl,George W., I Curry,George W., G Curtis,Norman, I(2) Custard,Amos J., H(4) Dallas,Jeremiah S., B Daniels,Levi, F Daniels,William, A(2) Darby,Thomas B., A Dargitz,William, B(2) Dart,Henry V., F Darvo,Louis, K Davenport,James, H Davenport,James M., A Davidson,John R., E, M Davis,Charles, B(2) Davis,Christopher C., D Davis,Edward W., E Davis,Evan, C Davis,George L.K., C Davis,Henry J., G Davis,John F., B Davis,John H., B Davis,John L., A Davis,Moses, B Davis,Newton, E Davis,Owen L., C Davis,Warren, H, E Dawson,George W., H Day,Samuel, E, K Dean,William H., L Decker,Charles, A Deis,Pedro L., A Dekat,Joseph, H Delano,William L., M(2), E Delap,Anderson, E Deming,William P., I Demoss,Nelson, C Demoss,William, C Denison,William W., I Deshong,William H., B Dever,John, G(2) Dewey,Charles E., F Dewey,Green A., D(3) Dial,John A., M(2), E Dickson,Hewitt, F Dieball,Albert, K Dilday,John B., F Dill,Thomas, E(2) Dixon,Allen, G Dixon,John, G Dixon,William T., H Doane,Abner, H(2) Dobbins,James S., M(2), E Dodge,Daniel, H(2) Dodge,Jonas G., H Dodge,Theodore, L Dodge,William H., B(2) Dollfelder,George, A Dolson,Elza, C Donahoo,Morgan B., D(3) Donahue,James, G Donald,Samuel A., L Donavan,Carvall J., M Donavan,Carville J., E Donnelly,John, A(2) Doolittle,Lewis, C Doran,James C., K, E Doty,John N., E, M(2) Dougherty,Elijah N., D Dougherty,Joseph, C Doughty,Elijah N., Errata & Addenda, D Dow,James, B Doyle,James H., C Drake,Alexander, E Drake,Charles, E(2) F Drake,George W., B(2) Drake,Robert, E Drew,Charles P., I(2) Drew,George J., I Drew,Josiah R., I(3) Drew,William Y., I(2) Dubois,Albert A., A Dubois,Harrison, I Duncan,Richard J., A Dungans,Abraham, D Dunlap,John w., E Dunmire,Joseph A., M, E Dupee,Adam, E, M(2) Dutton,Henry A., I Dwiggins,James M., F, E Ealey,Daniel, L Earl,Robert J., K Earl,Samuel S., I(2) Eckenkamp,John, I Eckenkamp,William, I Eckhart,Fredrick W., E Edelblute,William H., G(2) Edwards,Francis, L Edwards,George W., A Eells,Horace, G(2) Eggers,Lorenz, E Egtchison,Elsbery, K Ellerman,Henry, A Elliott,Peter, H Elliott,Washington M., I Embry,Toliferro S., M Emmons,David D., K Emmons,Lewis W., L(2) Emmons,William W., K(2) Emrick,Samuel, I Enderton,Sherman B., E Ensign,George D., K Erhardt,Ferdinand, K Essick,Michael L., G Ester,Bluford, B(2) Evans,Jacob, H Evans,William, M, E Everline,George M., H Ewbank,George, B(2) Ewing,Fleming, B Ewing,Thomas, Jr., Field & Staff Fairfield,Stephen H., K(2) Farren,James, E Faucett,Maxmillian, C Fawcett,Maxmillian, C Felch,Samuel V., K Fenhouse,Frank, F(2) Fenn,Isaac, K Fenton,John H., A Fenton,John H., A Ferran,John H., C Ferrell,James R., B Feuerborn,John H., F Finch,James F., G Finelly,Samuel C., L Finney,Chauncey W., L Finney,Chauncy W., L Finney,Franklin W., L Firrel,John W., L Fisher,Caleb, D Folger,Nelson, C Foote,Myron E., B(2) Forkner,Isaac, A Forsythe,James, H Forsythe,Robert H., H Foster,Newton J., B Fouts,Zimri, E Fowler,Dorris, C Fowler,Eli, C(2) Fowler,Levi, C Frances,Henry D., C Frank,John, G Frankenberger,Wm. L., F(3) Franklin,Thomas, L(2) Frazier,Daniel H., I(3) Freeman,Charles L., M(3), E Freeman,James E., G(2) French,John B., D Fritz,Manford, C Frizzle,Riley, E Frost,David R., E Frost,Milton N., E Fuller,Daniel T., D(2) Fuller,Resoloed, D Fuller,William P., D(2) Furguson,Samuel H., F(2) Gale,Henry C., A(3) Galliher,William T., C Gann,Joshua N., L Gardner,Ehpraim D., D Gardner,Ephraim D., D Gardner,John F., D Garrett,Bailey M., D Garrett,Bracken M., D Garrett,John B., D(2) Garrett,John W., D Garrett,Robert H., D(3) Garvey,James J.S., G Garvin,James, K Gaster,Isaac R., E(2) Gaunt,James, K Gebhardt,Frederick, K Gebhardt,John G., K Gels,Gerad, H Gentry,David, I Gibar,Adam, K Gibbs,Elias, D Gibson,Jesse, C Gibson,Noah, C Gillegan,Thomas, A Gillpatrick,Ernest P., F Gilpin,John W., E, M Girt,Nathan, E Givens,John A., E, M(2) Glenn,Robert Y., C Glenn,Tiry, K Glidden,George W., A Glover,William R., I Glynn,John, B Goddard,Benjamin P., I Godfrey,William B., D(3), Errata & Addenda Godlove,Henry, K Goodier,Charles H., I Gooding,Isaac M., A Goodknight,George W., K Goodman,Benjamin, G Goodnight,William T., H Gordon,Charles L., B(2) Gordon,James F., A Gordon,John M., I Gordon,Thomas, C(2) Gorman,Timothy O., I Goss,Calvin W., I Gove,Grenville, G Gove,Grenville L., G Graham,William H.H., G Gray,Joseph, D Gray,William D., D Green,David, K Green,Josiah T., L(3) Green,Louis F., B(3) Green,Martin, D Greer,James E., H(2), I, Field & Staff Noncommissioned Officers Greer,Joseph D., M, E(2) Gregg,Nathan P., M, E(2) Gregory,Amos W., L(2) Griffith,Joshua, F Griffiths,William N., I Grigsby,Luther N., I Grigsby,William, I Grim,Paul P., K(3) Grimm,Henry, K(2) Grimsley,Abraham, E Grimsley,William, E Grow,Ambrose F., L(2) Guest,Alfred H., E, M(3) Guthrie,Ethree F., D Gyer,Charles, G(2) Haas,Henry C., K Haasel,Joseph, K Hadley,Elihu P., C Hadley,Evan B., C Hafer,Benjamin, B Hagans,Samuel T., H Hall,John, F Hall,Lucius G., L Halstead,Andrew J., L Halton,Fletcher, A Halzle,Wendell, H Ham,Elbridge S., K Hamer,Oliver B., B Hamill,James A., C Hamilton,William D., F Hamm,George L., B Hamm,James J., M, E Hammond,Pharus E., I Hankamer,Adolph, K(3) Hannaghan,John, A Hannahs,Harrison, H Hannon,George W., L Hanson,John F., B(3) Hanton,John, A Hardaker,William, G(2) Harden,Anderson M., H Hardy,John S., G Harman,Alexander, B Harman,George W., A Harness,James, D Harper,Robert J., G, Noncommissioned Officers, Field & Staff Harrigan,John, H Harrington,James T., A Harriott,John G., E Harrison,Charles S., E, M(3) Harrison,Franklin, E, M Harrison,John, B(2), L Harshberger,William M., G Hart,Henry C., A(2) Hart,Hugh F., I Hart,Hugh S., B Hart,John B., I Hart,Orvis Y., C(2), Errata & Addenda Hart,Robert M., F Hartnett,Charles H., B Hasler,George W., I Hass,Martin, B Hastings,James B., B(4) Hathaway,Rial A., H Hatton,Albert H., D Haver,Lewis, M(2), E Hawley,Samuel D., A(3) Haynes,William C., D(2) Hayward,Eber L., F(3) Haywood,William H., I Hazlewood,John C., D Hazlewood,William M., D Heberling,George, M, E Hegner,John P.P., K(2) Heidel,Joseph, G Heidel,Louis, G Heil,George, H Helstrom,Gustof, E Hemphill,John, L(2) Hendrick,Alfred B., D Hendrick,Alfred R., D Hendrick,John W., A Hendry,James M., M(2), E Hensley,John S., D Heritage,Lemuel T., C(2) Herth,Frederick W., C(3) Hiatt,Daniel B., H(2) Hiatt,William F., F(2) Hickox,Augustin A., C Hickox,Augustus A., Errata & Addenda, C Higgins,Levi G., Errata & Addenda, H Hill,George H., E(2) Hills,Henry W., I Hilty,Joseph, I Hilty,Joseph, I Hinchman,Carey, A(3) Hiner,Joseph M., F Hines,George B., L Hinshaw,Silas, A Hoar,John, L Hodgson,George, E Hodgson,Ira, E Hoffman,John F.W., D Hofman,Edman, K Hogeboom,George W., Field & Staff Holding,John W., I(3) Hollaway,James C., E Hollenback,Henry M., B(2) Holloway,James C., E(2) Hollowman,Ira E., F Holmes,Lucius, C Holse,, Errata & Addenda Holt,S.E.G., C Hooper,Obadiah, H Hoover,Henry, K Hoover,John, K Hoppe,August, H Horn,John, F(2) Horne,Daniel H., Noncommissioned Officers, E Horton,Ebenezer N., M, E Horton,John, H Horton,Nathan P., H Horton,Nathaniel D., Noncommissioned Officers, G Hoskinson,Minor, D Housell,William, G(2) Houston,Daniel H., E Houston,Edward W.S., M, E Houts,Christopher J., A Howard,John M., B(2) Howard,Marcus C., B Howard,Orson, H Howard,Orson, H Howard,Samuel A., B(2) Howe,Michael B., G Hoyt,Cyrel, K Hoyt,Samuel G., G Hubbard,Josiah M., K Hudnall,Isham C., F Hudson,John, G Huey,Thomas, G(4) Hughes,Madison T., I Hull,Hiel D., K(2) Hull,Isaac, F Hull,Leander R., A Hull,William, A(2) Humphrey,George S., D Hunt,Thomas, F Hunter,John M., E Huntoon,Joel, H Hurlburt,Simeon P., G Hyde,Charles V., C(3) Hyde,John M., E Hydorn,John H., F Ingle,Erastus T., A(2) Ingram,William R., F Ingram,Wm. R., Errata & Addenda Irvin,George L., C Irwin,Perry C., E, M Isaacs,Jesse, D Isbell,Isaac H., E, Noncommissioned Officers Isbell,William F., E, M Isler,Jacob, K Jacquemin,George, K(2) Jacquerain,George, K James,John, B James,Robert, E Jaquemin,George, K Javaran,Jose, C Jay,David R., A Jenkins,George, K Jenkins,George R., G Jesse,David, C Jewell,Charles P., B Johner,Joseph, A Johnson,Chester C., F Johnson,David H., Noncommissioned Officers Johnson,Dwight, B Johnson,Henry, H Johnson,Homer, F Johnson,James A., E Johnson,James P., E(2) Johnson,Neut A., E(2) Johnson,Thomas H., A(2) Johnston,Cyrus K., F Johnston,David H., F Johnston,John H., E Johnston,Philip, H Jones,Joseph H., M, E Jones,Richard A., F Jordan,Joseph S., H(2) Joy,Lewis D., I Judge,Mathias S., E Judy,David D., F(3) Jugram,William R., F Kappel,John, H(2) Karr,John L., H, E Keatley,Josiah, E Kees,Albert, E Kelley,Thomas S., F Kelley,William, M Kellogg,Everell, K Kelly,Thomas S., F Kelly,William, E Kelsey,Egbert A., L Kemp,Thomas J., I Kendall,William H., C Kennedy,Robert, A Kent,Eugene E., I(2) Kent,John T., L(2) Kent,Theodore G., L Kercheval,James L., F(2) Keyes,Hiram, K Kimball,Charles, G Kimball,John M., G(3) Kimball,Richard H., G(2) King,Benjamin H., G King,Campbell D., D King,James, G(3) King,Lewis, E, M Kirkbride,Edward, A Kirkbride,Frederick, A Kirkpatrick,James C., B Kitts,Albert, E Kitts,John H., E(2) Klien,Charles, G(2) Knapp,George W., G Knight,Michael, L Koeltz,George, K Koentz,John P., Noncommissioned Officers, K(2) Kolterman,Christ, K Kolterman,Christ F., K Kramer,George, K Kraus,Moritz, K(2) Kress,George W., G Kress,John, G Kress,Wesley, L Kunkel,Jerome, D Kyle,James B., B(3) Lack,William, L Lackey,Francis M., A Lacklighter,Eli, B Lacy,John M., K, E Laflin,Lewis, L(2) Lake,George W., C Lamb,Frederick, C Lambdin,Joshua T., C Lampkins,George W., C Lane,Stephen, K Langdon,Charles, L Lapham,William H., E, M Lapham,Wm. H., Errata & Addenda Larrison,William H., A Laughlin,Joseph, D Laughmiller,James A., A Laughmiller,John A., A Layton,Martin V., D Leadington,William, K(2) Lee,Allen B., G Lee,Daniel, B Lee,James A., M Leeper,Greenup, B(3) Leeper,John H., E, M Legere,John C., M, E Letcher,James C., E, M Lewis,George J., K Lewis,John S., E Lewsi,David G., E Limbocker,William A., K(2) Limerick,Thomas J., L Lindsay,John G., F(2) Lindsey,Henry C., E(3), M Linnville,Richard, K Lochterman,Frederick, F Logan,John W., C(2) Logston,James, E Logston,Matthew, E Logue,Benj. F., Errata & Addenda Logue,Benjamin F., B(2) Long,James H., D Long,Jesse, H Long,Robert, A Long,Samuel, G(4) Long,William B., H Lord,William H., I Lowe,David C., F(3) Loy,Samuel, E Lynne,William H., H M'Caw,Samuel P., E Mack,Robert, M(2), E Macomber,Egbert, D(3) Madison,Norman J., I Mahan,William, E Mains,William, A(2) Majors,William, E, M(2) Majors,William A., F Malone,Matthew, E Maloney,Michael, C Mamman,Christian, A(2) Maness,Adonijah, F Manlove,George, F Mann,Ones, E, M Marble,Lyman H., A Marlatt,William, E Marple,Joseph H., I Marple,Silas H., Noncommissioned Officers, I Marquis,William P., M, E Marshall,Andrew J., H Marteen,Antonio, A Marteen,Hosa, A Martin,Andrew J., K Martin,Charles E., H Martin,George W., C Martin,Hartwell, C(2) Martin,James B., C Martin,John, G Marvin,Fred M., G Mason,James J., F Maston,Silas A., D Maul,Jacob, L Maultby,William H., A Maxwell,Joseph, A May,George D., I May,Isaac N., I May,James M., I May,Solathiel T., I May,William J., I(2) Maybohn,John, Unassigned to Company McAfee,Josiah B., I McCafferty,Michael, G McCall,Joseph B., D McCall,William M., D McCann,Michael, G McCarthy,Jeremiah, B McCartney,James M., H McCartney,John, Unassigned to Company McCary,Alexander J., B McCaun,Michael, G McCaw,David A., E McCaw,James, E McCaw,John A., E McCaw,Samuel P., E(2) McClure,James R., Field & Staff McCormick,Armstead T., K McCormick,James M., F, E McCormick,John M., K McCoy,Alonzo D., E McCoy,John R., D(2) McCullough,James A., C McCune,Joseph, E McDavid,Patrick, L McDonald,George W., I McDougal,Duncan B., I(3) McDowell,Robert A., B(2) McEvoy,Thomas, H McGrew,Archibald, F McGrew,Martin, F McGrew,William, F(2) McIntyre,George H., C(2) McKee,Jacob, B McKinley,William H., L McKinney,Martin V., A McLain,Charles T., E McLain,William R., E, K McLean,Thomas A., G McLeod,John E., C(2) McMaster,Robert, H(3) McMining,John A., L McMining,William W., L McNair,John, K, D McPherson,Benjamin F., B(3) McQuiston,Simeon, Unassigned to Company McReynolds,Robert, L McShane,Francis, F(3) Meader,John P., G Meadowes,Joseph W., A Mecham,Cornelius J., H, E Mecham,James, H(2) Meira,John J., C Mentzer,Eli, Errata & Addenda Mercer,Edmond, I Merwin,Henry C., E, K Merwin,Scott C., E Metcalf,Charles A., M(3), E Metzger,Edson B.O., M, E Metzger,Eli, E(2) Metzger,George, E, M Metzger,Jacob, M, E Mihlman,Henry, G Miller,Albert, E(2) Miller,Daniel, E Miller,Delos E., H Miller,Ezra H., D Miller,Hiram, A Miller,Jacob, G Miller,Jasper N., Errata & Addenda Miller,Joseph A., E Miller,Joseph N., H Miller,Josiah A., K Miller,William H., D(3) Millis,Robert B., L Mills,Charles S., M(2), E Mills,John H., E Minkler,Manly M., F Minors,Frank, F(2) Minter,Frank, G Mitchell,John S., C Mitchell,Thomas J., C Mize,James H., A Mize,Johnson, A(2) Moffat,William H., H Moll,John M., K Molton,Joseph, H Montgomery,John R., F Montola,Publo, C Moon,Elihu, L Moon,Nathaniel T., M, E Moone,Silas A., C(2) Moonlight,Thomas, Field & Staff(2), Errata & Addenda Moore,Douglass J., H(2) Moore,Elijah, C(2) Moore,John, I Moore,Robert H., F Morehead,Charles, E Morehead,Elias, E Morgan,Charles H., G(2) Morgan,Edward M., M(2), E Morgan,James, E, M Morgan,James C., D Morgan,William L., C Morley,Henry, D Morris,Addison, F Morris,George W., E, M Morris,William B., C(3) Morris,William H., H(4) Morrow,Jacob, Jr., B Morrow,Uriah, B Morse,George H., L(2) Mossman,Leander J., M, E Moutre,Daniel T., A Moys,John, E(3) Mulatt,William, Errata & Addenda, E Mumaw,Abram R., F Munger,Charles P., E(2) Mungle,James, I Musgrave,Jeremiah T., C Myers,Hiram A., D Myers,Irenius C., I(3) Myers,James L., I Myers,John D., B(2) Myers,Jonathan N., D Myers,Moses W., B(2) Myers,William H., C Nealis,John, K(2) Nehring,Sebastian, K Neil,Edward W., H Nell,Edward W., H Nelson,Elijah, D Nelson,William, D Newberry,Allen, B Newell,Isaac, C Newlin,Jacob I., C Newlin,James A., C Nichols,Harrison, H Nichols,Thomas M., A Nichols,William, A Nichols,William F., A Nordyke,George, G Norton,Benjamin F., D Norton,Isaac, F Norton,John A., D Norton,Niram H., D Norton,Walter H., D(2) Norvall,John C., M(2) Norville,John C., E Nowehjbe,John, K Nunnink,Anthony, I Nuzman,Frederick C., B Nuzman,John, B(2) Nuzman,Lewis, B O'Neil,Alexander, E O'Rouke,Patrick, L O'Rourke,Richard, L Ochsenbein,Jacob, K Ogan,Stephan, H Ogee,Job P., E Olds,Chauncey, I Olds,Fernando G., I(2) Olgin,Jose, C Oliver,James, L(2) Oliver,Richard, A Oswald,John P., F Overton,Arthur, L Owens,John, A Owens,Joseph, L Owings,Robert M., B Page,Freeman T., C Paine,Charles E., Noncommissioned Officers, E Paine,John C., E, M(2) Palmer,Edward, L Palmer,Henry E., A(3) Parker,Benjamin F., C(2) Parker,Frank M., C(3) Parker,Martin, H Parkerson,Joseph W., G Parkes,Joseph F., E Parks,Joseph, A Parks,Manassah A., B(2) Parmeter,Walter, B(2) Parrott,John B., B(5) Patten,Andrew G., E, M Paul,Francis, H Paul,Henry, F Paul,James, F Paul,West, H, E Payne,Marvin H., F(5) Pearce,Henry, C(2) Peck,John C., G(4) Penney,James T., H Pennick,Elijah, E, M Pennock,Isaac B., I(2) Pennock,Isaac C., I Penny,Hiram P., H Perry,Henry A., E Peters,David S., F Peters,Elisha J., F Peters,Joseph, K Peters,William S., F Pfister,Valentine, L(2) Phelps,William J., D Phillips,Peter P., E Phillips,William V., C(2) Pickett,George, L(2) Pickett,John, F Pickett,Richard, L Pierce,Alexander R., A Pierce,Alfred C., G(3) Pierce,Jesse A., B Pinkerton,Isaac H., K Pinkerton,John H., K(4) Pinkerton,Pickens C., K Pinkerton,Pickins C., K Piper,George W., I Pitcher,James M., A Pitcher,Miles, A(2) Pitcher,Thomas B., A(3) Pitcher,William, A(3) Pitts,Silas, C Plank,George H., A Playford,Jesse J., I Playford,Reuben F., I Plumb,Preston B., C, Field & Staff(2) Plumb,William L., C Poor,John, D Pope,August, K(2) Poppy,Charles, B Porter,Cyrus O., G Porter,James, K Porter,James A., I, E Porterfield,James I., A Porterfield,Jefferson G., B(4) Porterfield,Thomas H.B., B(2) Poteet,Allen G., F(3) Powell,Thomas, D Powers,Abram, A Presgrove,James F., D Presgrove,John E., E Pressgrove,John E., M Priest,Charles E., C Priest,Lorenzo O., C Pritchard,Charles, F Proctor,David R., C Proctor,Hiram R., D Proger,George H., C Prosser,James E., L Provo,Winfield S., A Pruitt,Thomas B., E(2) Putnam,Henry, F Pyle,Jesse F., D(2) Quimby,George W., C Race,Newton W., G Ragland,William J., E Rahe,Frederick, A Rambo,Samuel H., I Raney,James, H(2) Raney,Samuel B., H Rawson,William, C Ray,James H., E, M Rebfield,Charles, G Rebstock,Christian, F Rector,John W., C Rees,Jacob G., F Reese,James R., E, M Register,James R., L Reiderer,Andrew, B Reignbolt,James, A Reppart,Benjamin B.B., I(2) Reppert,Benjamin B,B,, I Resoner,John M., C Reynolds,Seth, A Reynolds,William, G, D Rich,Albert, G Richardson,Davis S., G Richardt,Frederick, I(3) Ridgway,John W., H(2) Ridgway,William H., H(2) Riley,James, B Rivers,Albert L., D(3) Roberson,Abraham S., F Roberti,Nicholas, H(3) Roberts,John R., M, E Robertson,David, G Robinson,Abraham S., E Robinson,George T., E Robinson,Sanford, B(2) Robison,James W., D Robstock,Christian, F Robstock,William, F Roderick,John, I Roe,George, C Roe,Watson, C Rogers,Jones, F(2) Romo,Delfino, C Rooks,John C., I Rose,Alexander, E, M Rose,Nathan H., D Rose,Thomas D., H Rosencrants,Augustus D., I Ross,Edmond G., E(2), Field & Staff Ross,George, E(2) Rowan,Nathaniel, A Ruble,Samuel B., D(2) Runyon,Henry, B Rush,Alexander, F Rush,Marshall P., F Russell,Ezra H., I Russell,George W., K, E Russell,Jonathan, M(2), E Rutherford,William, G Rutty,Lewis, I Ryan,Athan W., G(2) Ryan,Thomas G., L(2) Ryno,Nehemiah, C(3) Sabin,George N., K(2) Sage,Samuel, E, M Salzer,Casper, K Sanders,Thomas, L Sanford,Cyrus L., L Saums,George A., E, M Saunders,George R., H(2) Saunders,Wales, D Schaffer,Ferdinand, H Schmidt,Charles, H(2) Scholes,Allen B., Errata & Addenda, B Schonhoff,Bernard, K(2) Schram,Herman, K Schurr,Gottlieb, K(3) Schuyler,Howard, I(2) Schwankee,Daniel, K(2) Schweig,Frederick, K Scott,Ira, E, I Scott,Leman, A Scott,Theodore T., L Seal,Joseph D., D(2) Secrest,Michael, M, E Secrest,Samuel, E, M Sephers,George, I Seratt,Samuel, D Servan,James H., C Sesinairo,Luciano, C Session,Cornelius, C Severns,John, F Severns,Thomas, F Seymour,William S., K Shaffer,Jasper, B Shaw,Alexander, A(3) Shaw,John, A Shepherd,Edward, I Shepherd,Peter A., B Sheppard,William, L(2) Shibert,Martin, A Shields,Robert, H Shipp,John R., A Shockley,Albert D., E Shoe,John, C Shooch,Jacob G., E Shore,George, L(2) Shorr,Thomas B., K Short,Morris T., D Shrader,James, D(2) Shultz,John H., F Shultz,John V., E Shultz,John W., F Shultz,Thomas J., F Shultz,Winfield S., E Shumway,Isaac, G(2) Siegrist,Gottfried, K Sigman,George W., G Silas,Nicholas, C(3) Sills,John, I Silver,James M., L Silver,Nathan W., G Silver,William, G(2) Simmons,Amos, A(2) Simmons,Joshua, A Simons,George W., F(2) Simpson,James H., L Simpson,William A., A Sitzler,John, F Slagal,Adam, H Slane,Collins T., A(3) Slane,Edward A., A(2) Slater,Samuel, A Slaughter,John, B Smallwood,David C., I Smith,Amos C., B Smith,Andrew H., C Smith,Caleb B., E Smith,Caleb S., E(2) Smith,Charles, M Smith,Charles P., L Smith,Charles S., E Smith,Eber P., E, M Smith,George W., D(2) Smith,Henry C., D Smith,Henry H., E Smith,John, L Smith,John H., F Smith,John N., E(2) Smith,Martin S., L Smith,Selden, K Smith,Sylvester M., E(2) Smith,Thomas, E Smith,Walter, E Smith,Walter A., Errata & Addenda, M(2) Smith,William, L Smith,William H., I(2) Smythe,Edward B., L(2) Snoddy,Llewellyn O., H(2) Snow,James S., I Soars,Thomas, G Sonpine,John, G Soule,Freeman G., C(2) South,Thomas, H, E Spalding,Elisha L., K Sparks,Lot, D Sparr,Lloyd, F(2) Sperry,Levi J., E, M Spriggs,Hiram, F(2) Sproul,Samuel, H Spurrier,Rolin P., L Squire,Joseph, H St. John,Henry H., E, M(2) St. John,John J., E St. John,Marcena, E, M(3) St. John,Thaddeus S., G Stailey,Samuel S., F Staley,Edwin, C Staley,Ephraim, A Stanley,Joseph R., B Starling,Edwin, D(2) Stevenson,Charles L., H Stevenson,John C., A Stevenson,Lewis C., F Stevenson,William D., C(2) Steward,James A., E Stiers,Stephen, I Stiner,William, M, E Stodard,Andrew M., I Stodard,Harley L., I Stodard,Truman H., I(3) Stone,Joseph A., A Stotler,Charles, C(2) Stovall,John H., K, E Streeter,Hardy P., H(2) Strong,Henry C., G Stroup,James, B Stuart,Charles A., K(3) Stuckesbury,George W., I Stumbo,William, L Sullivan,Adolphus, D Sullivan,John, F(2), L Summers,Edwin, D Sutton,John, F Swain,Byron, D Sweet,Dean A., E Taber,Ira I., Field & Staff, B(4) Tanksley,James E., F Tarleton,John H., G Taylor,Granville C., K, Field & Staff Taylor,John, F Taylor,John B., B(2) Taylor,Thomas, A Taylor,William J., E, F Thiers,Isaac F., I(2) Thomas,George W., L Thomas,Henry E., L Thomas,Isaiah, B Thomas,James, C Thomas,James W., C Thomas,John H., C Thomas,Moses L., E, M Thomas,Peleg, D(2) Thompson,Charles G., G(4) Thompson,Daniel M., B(3) Thompson,Henry C., I Thompson,Jonath'n V.B., G Thompson,Robert, A Thornton,Joseph L., A(3) Tilton,Arthur, G Tilton,William A., E, K Tilton,Wm. A., Errata & Addenda Timmons,Thomas, K Todd,Andrew G., I Todd,Henry, I(4) Todd,Jonathan D., D Todd,William C., D Tonggruenouxce,Wm. C., G Town,Cornelius G., M, E Towner,Henry C., G Towner,William E., G Townsend,Lester, L Tripp,Daniel, C Tull,Samuel, D Turner,Calvin K., I(2) Turner,Henry W., I Turner,Thomas, Errata & Addenda, A Turner,Thomas A., I(3) Tuttle,Perry C., E Ulrich,John, K Umschied, Errata & Addenda Umschield,Constantine, H Umschield,Constatine, H(2) Underwood,Emanuel S., E, M Updegraff,Albert, H Van Ansdol,Mindred, A(2) Van Antwerp,Jacob, G(3), L Van Degrift,Samuel, G Van Degrift,Willis L., G Van Horn,Henry C., D Vance,Daniel C., D Vandegrift,Evans R., L Vanslyke,Harrison, I Varner,David, A Vernal,Provincio, C Vess,William, F Vickers,William, H Vincent,Unaho B., C Wade,Spencer P., E(4) Wadsworth,Edson F., E, M Wadsworth,Stephen, E Wagner,George, H Waite,George, C Walker,Edward G., H(2) Walker,George M., C(3) Walker,John D., E(3) Walker,Robert, G Wallahan,Alexander, B Walton,John, L Wancimori,Antonio, A Ward,Joseph F., H(2) Ward,Oliver C., H(4) Waring,Charles, G(2) Warner,George J., G(2) Warner,John, G(2) Was-an-qua,, K Waterhouse,Robert J., B, Noncommissioned Officers Weaver,Alfred, H Weaver,Joseph H., H(2) Weaver,Nelson E., C Webb,Benjamin F., F(2) Weiser,Adam, I Weiser,Daniel, I Welch,Charles W., E, M Wellhouse,Walter A., A Wells,James W., B Wentworth,Edwin A., M, E Wentworth,Nathan D., M(2), E West,Converse, A West,Wilber D., F(2) West,William, H Westemier,Henry, F Whaley,Frederick, M, E Wheat,Patrick H., I Wheeler,David, C(3) Wheeler,James M., C Wheeler,Julius, C Whipps,David A., F(2) White,James A., E White,James W., I White,Jesse, G White,Nehemiah, G White,William A., B Whitecap,Christopher, F Whitman,David, G(2) Whitman,George, G Whitman,John L., I(2) Whitman,Joseph W., D(3) Whitman,Smith, L Widney,Ormand A., K Widney,Robert M., K Wilbur,Oliver, G Wilcox,William, B Wilde,Ira, K(2) Wiley,William, K Wilhite,Albert G., C Wilhite,John E., C(2) Wilkins,Abner, E Willans,John, Field & Staff Williams,Alonzo H., B Williams,Francis M., H Williams,J.L., C Williams,John, A, D Williams,John N., B Williams,John W., L(2) Williams,Lucius F.H., C Williams,Stephen, E, M Williams,Zachariah, L Willock,Arthur W., B(2) Wills,William H., B Wilson,Allen R., M, E Wilson,Charles L., L(2) Wilson,John L., K(2) Wilson,Josiah T., M, E Winkelpleck,John, F Winkle,Augustus, G Winns,Fox, G Wiscombe,Walter H., E, M Wiscombe,William H., E Wise,Christian, E Wise,John H., H Wise,Nathaniel, E(3) Wood,John D., H(2) Wood,John L., Errata & Addenda Wood,Zachariah C., I Woods,John C., K Woods,Samuel, M(2), E Woods,Woodford P., Errata & Addenda, C Woods,Zacharias C., E Woodward,John M., G Woolheater,Washington, B Worthington,Samuel, A Wright,Daniel W., F Wright,Harrison, E Wright,Solomon, E Wright,Thomas, H Wyman,Horace, C Yeager,Joseph, H York,Alexander, D Young,Charles W., F Young,Christian, G Young,Samuel, K Young,Thomas W., H Young,William A., A(3), B Younkin,Alfred, L Younkin,Moses, L(2) Zabel,John, K Zeim,Charles, C Zimmerman,Frederick, K Zinn,Anderson, D Zinn,Jacob, D Zinn,John R., D Zinn,Merritt, D Zinn,Willis, D |
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Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
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