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Some names appear more than one time in the same listing. The letter(s) following the name indicate the regiment and how many times the name appears, and are a link to the extractions of the regiment listing.
Since the names are not in alphabetical order in the listing, you will probably want to use your browser's "find" command to locate the surname on the web page.
Adair, Amos E
Adams, Alexander H
Adams, Edward B
Adams, Henry K
Adams, John H, Unassigned
Adams, Joseph H
Adams, Wiley G, G
Adams, William H, K
Aggleson, Henry F
Alexander, Alfred A
Alexander, Asa Unassigned
Alexander, Isaac I, I
Allen, Greene H
Allen, John D
Allen, Joshua H
Allen, William D
Alston, Ephraim G
Alston, Jack G
Anderson, Charles F
Anderson, George E
Anderson, John E
Anderson, William A. F
Andrews, Hugh A
Archer, Thomas H
Archy, William K
Ards, John I
Armstrong, Andrew A. D
Armstrong, Geo. W. D
Asa, Alexander G
Asberry, Henry C
Atkins, Elijah G
Atkinson, Hezekiah H
Austin, Charles K
Austin, James F
Austin, Robert A, C
Bailey, Wesley A
Ball, Henry K
Ball, James T. P. Unassigned
Ballow, Hankerson D
Banks, Howard E
Banks, John C, F
Bannon, Shelby E
Barber, David F
Barclay, Jack G
Barnes, Matterson Unassigned
Barnett, Benjamin I
Barton, Thomas C
Baskville, Hobbs Unassigned
Bass, George H
Bassett, Newton B, B, B
Bates, Baswood F
Bates, John F
Bates , Dock D
Battis, John I
Batts, Alexander I
Batts, John I
Baxter, Richard D
Beal, Henry C
Beal, Thomas C
Bean, Arthur E
Bean, George E, E
Bean, John E
Bean, Joseph Unassigned
Bean, Luther Unassigned
Bear, Quash I
Beck, Robert F
Bell, Joseph G, G
Bell, Moses E
Bellus, Prior H
Belt, Benjamin H
Benton, John A
Benton, Thomas D, D
Bernard, Jacob I
Berry, Alfred C. F
Berry, Alfred N. I, I
Berry, George H
Berry, Luke H
Berry, Sampson G, G
Berry, Stephen Non-commissioned, E
Berry, Wesley A, A
Biggerstaff, James B
Biggs, Benjamin Unassigned
Bird, John F
Black, Nathaniel A
Blair, Emanuel B
Bland, Robert A, A
Blane, George A
Bledsow, Thomas F
Boler, Scott K
Booth, John H
Bosworth, James F
Bowers, Joseph A
Bowlegs, Cyrus I
Bowlegs, George I
Bowlegs, Robert I
Bowler, James C, C
Bowles, Henry B
Bowles, John Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Bowles, Riley A, A
Bowman, Benjamin B
Bowman, William A
Bowton, Eli F. E
Boyd, Israel K
Bradford, James C
Brady, Saucer I, I
Branch, Abram A, Unassigned
Bratcher, Henry H
Bratcher, Smith K
Breedlove, Andrew B
Brewer, Albert G
Brewer, Alfred G
Brewer, Daniel G
Brewer, James G
Brice, Houston E
Brice , Houston E
Briggs, Jackson D
Bright, Alford A
Brookins, Benjamin H
Brooks, Alfred C
Brown, Detroit Unassigned
Brown, Hannibal B, B
Brown, Jack I, I
Brown, James K, K
Brown, Jesse E
Brown, Jodd B
Brown, John E
Brown, John 1st D
Brown, John 2d D
Brown, John A. D
Brown, Mason H
Brown, Nelson Unassigned
Brown, Primus C, C
Brown, Rafe D
Brown, Samuel B
Brown, Thomas F, I
Brown, Wesley F
Brown, William B
Browning, Henry I, I, I
Bruce, Charles Unassigned
Bruner, William I
Buchamp, Emanuel G
Buchamp, Joseph G
Buckner, Charles I
Buckner, Francis F
Burgis, Charles E, E
Burgis, William E
Burnam, Lindsey G
Burns, Jefferson G, G
Burr, Chauncey S. Field and Staff
Burris, Samuel E
Burton, John B
Buths, Peter C
Butler, Horace K
Callaway, John W. D
Calva, George W. K, K, K
Campbell, Alexander H
Campbell, Charles C
Campbell, David C, C
Campbell, James B
Campbell, Lewis B
Captain, Ned I
Carey, George E
Carey, Reuben F
Carey, Thomas B
Carpin, Larker F
Carr, Wilson I
Carras, Joseph A, A, A
Carter, Benjamin F
Carter, Jackson G
Carter, John F, F, F
Carter, Joshua G
Carter, Moses E, E, E
Carter, Robert D, D
Carter, Wiley E
Cartright, Reuben E
Caston, Abraham B
Caston, Jack B, B
Cates, Andrew H
Cavanaugh, Philip Unassigned
Cheek, Thomas C
Childs, Hambra I
Childs, Rufus H
Clark, Archibald Unassigned
Clark, Austin H, H
Clark, Charles H
Clark, David F
Clark, Edmond G
Clark, Gabriel K
Clark, George Unassigned
Clark, Squire D
Clark, Thomas Unassigned
Clark, William B, H, H
Clarkson, Perry K
Clay, Cassins M. C
Clay, Henery Non-commissioned, A
Clay, Henry B
Clayton, Sandy G
Clemens, Hender C
Clemons, Daniel F
Cloud, Jeff D
Cockerell, Edward E
Coffee, Benjamin I
Colburn, Gaddis I, I
Coldtrain, Sandy H
Coleman, Ezekiel A. A
Coleman, Robert F
Coleman , Charles J. H
Collins, Alfred K
Collins, Milton Unassigned
Columbus, Christopher Unassigned
Combs, James A
Comes, Wesley F
Comiger, James I
Connell, Abraham I, I
Connell, Bully I
Connell, James I
Connell, Morris I
Connell, Redmond I, I
Connell, Scott K
Cooper, Henry B, B
Cooper, Johnson D
Corneal, George B
Cox, George K
Cox, Robert Non-commissioned, B, B
Craig, Alexander B
Craig, Green B
Craig, Henry B
Craig, Jacob E
Crane, Frank Unassigned
Craton, Madison D, D
Crawford, Andrew H
Crenshaw, Robert C
Creps, Shabua S. F, F
Cresy, Squire K
Crittenden, Henry F, F
Cudjo, Samuel I, I
Culbertson, Silas G
Curry, David C
Curry, Hugh K
Curtis, Edward C
Curtis, John C
Cussick, Amos K
Cuttica, Elwis I, I
Dairs, William A
Dallas, Walter j. B, B
Dandridge, Scipio F
Daniels, John D
Daniels, Thomas I
Davidson, Jacob G
Davis, Charles H
Davis, Edward K
Davis, Elijah G
Davis, George D
Davis, George C. D
Davis, Henry C, C, C
Davis, Jackson G
Davis, John E, H, Unassigned
Davis, Jonas H
Davis, Joseph G
Davis, Richard H
Davis, Robert B, B
Davis, Samuel K, K
Dayton, Simon C, C
Deane, Edward F
Debell, Henry B
Deer , 39295B
Dempsey, Archie C, C
Dennis, Pitman G
Dennison, Samuel H
Denny, John Unassigned
Dewly, Samuel C
Dial, Henry E
Dickenson, Adison F
Dickinson, Luther B, B
Dilliam, George H
Dimmery, Absalom G, G
Dixon, George K
Dixon, John K, K
Doan, Perry B
Dobson, Manuel F
Donald, Jackson B
Donaldson, Robert G, G
Dougherty, Benjamin Unassigned
Downing, James A
Drew, Toby H
Drisdom, Leonard G
Drussim, Jerry A
Dudley, General F
Dudley, Philippi B
Duly, Zachariah I
Dunbar, Otha I
Duncan, Dee Unassigned
Duncan, George G
Duncan, William E
Duncan, Woodford Unassigned
Duvall, George K
Earle, Ethan F
Early, John G
Easly, David B
Edgerton, William T. H
Edinston, Noble C
Edward, William C
Edwards, Jacob A, A
Edwards, James Unassigned
Edwards, John A
Edwards, Lewis K
Edwards, Mitchell Unassigned
Elliott, Enos C
Ellis , John A
Emery, Adam D
Ensor, J. Fulton Field and Staff
Ephraim, Daniel D
Ephraim, Logan D
Ephraim, William D
Erving, Charles K
Erving, Finley K
Erving, James A
Erving, John A
Erving, Washington K
Estel, Robert Unassigned
Estus, William B
Evans, Henry H
Farrell, John G, G
Farrell, William D
Ferguson, James G
Field, Edward H
Fielding, Jerry A
Fields, John C
Fields, William A
Fife, Joseph I
Fine , Anthony B
Finhulkie, James I
Fisher, David B, B
Fisher, Edward E
Fisher, John E
Fondron, William I
Ford, Charles B
Ford, David K
Foreman, Stephen G
Fortner, Matthew G
Foster, Larkin A
Foster, Samuel B, B
Foster, Solomon A
Foster, William F
Fox, David A
Fox, Esau B
Francis, Cato D
Franklin, Benjamin Unassigned
Franklin, John Unassigned
Franklin, William B
Franklin, Wilson G
Freeman, Moses A
French, Austin B
Fyans, Joseph A
Gains, John K
Gains, Thomas B
Gains, William ll B
Gale, Hamlin E
Gale , Hamilton E
Gamble, Frank H
Gardner, Joseph F
Garland, Randall H
Gee, Bird Unassigned
Gee, Smith Unassigned
Generals, William B
George, Henry I
George, London I
George, William Unassigned
Gibbons, Robert B. Non-commissioned
Gibbons, William C. Field and Staff
Gibbons , William C. E
Gibson, James F, Unassigned
Gibson, Joseph D
Gibson, Robert Unassigned
Gidd, Huston A
Gifford, Joshua K
Gifford, Spencer K
Gilbert, Alexander H, H, H
Giles, Green G
Gilmore, Alexander C
Glass, Richard Unassigned
Goff, Elias C
Golden, David Unassigned
Goodin, James I
Gooding, Marcus C
Gordon, William E
Gouge, Scipeo I
Gowans, James Unassigned
Graham, James K
Grandson, Henry K
Grant, Allen D
Grant, Charles Unassigned
Grant, Henry Unassigned
Graton, John R. C
Gray, Charles G, G
Gray, James G
Gray, Luke C
Gray, William Unassigned
Grayson, Franklin I
Green, Aaron C
Green, Anthony C
Green, Brutus C
Green, Charles D, D
Greenberry, George K
Greene, Bedford A
Greene, Redford A
Greer, David F
Gregg, Andrew G, G
Gregg, Gratten H, H
Gregg, Henery A
Gregg, John A, A
Gregg, Stephen G
Griffin, David G
Griflin, Henry H
Grimes, Douglas F, F
Grimmit, David E
Grisby, William D
Grissim, Willis E
Gross, Montella K
Grosshart, Joseph G
Gulley, Giles A
Gulley, Isaac A
Gunst, Alfred A
Gunther, William G
Hackwell, Pleasant Unassigned
Haden, Peter D, D
Hains, Elijah B
Hains, Hainson B
Hall, Caesar B
Hall, Isaiah D
Hall, Jacob B
Hall, Jeremiah D
Hall, William B, F
Hamilton, Henry B
Hamilton, John G
Hamilton, Thomas K
Hammond, Thomas B
Hanks, Samuel Unassigned
Hardridge, Elias I
Hardridge, Nary I
Harrington, Samuel C. Field and Staff
Harris, Calvin F
Harris, Ransom L. I
Harris, Robert H. D
Harrison, Isaac C
Harrison, Peter C
Harrison, Thomas E, E
Harvey, Franklin A
Harvey, Robert Unassigned
Harvey, William H
Hathaway, Spencer F
Hawkins, George H
Hawkins, Richard I
Hawkins, Wesley G
Hayden, Christopher H
Hayden, Samuel Unassigned
Hays, John K, K
Haywood, Abraham G
Haze, Frank F
Hedgepath, Squire D
Hedgepath, Willis D
Hedrick, Henry G
Helm, Fred H
Helms, Charles K
Henderson, Charles G, G
Henderson, Doctor C
Hendspelt, Charles Unassigned
Henry, James H
Henry, John A
Henry, Joseph F
Henry, Patrick C
Herrod, Thomas I
Hews, Gabriel F
Hickman, Henry H
Higgins, Charles H
Hightower, Beardsley F
Hill, Adam F
Hill, Ambrose Unassigned
Hill, Edmund G
Hill, Edward K
Hines, Aaron K
Hinton , Richard J. Field and Staff
Hipple, Moses D
Hitchcock, Bethuel G, G
Hitchcock, Dyer W. I
Hockley, James F
Hockley, Thomas F
Hogan, William H
Hoge, Edward G
Hoglin, John W. Unassigned
Holden, Peter B
Holdin, Peter B
Holley, Frank F
Holms, Henry K
Holt, Fix E
Holt, Moses E
Holton, Holt D
Homan , Thomas E
Hopkins, Thomas H
Houstin, Charles B
Houston, Charles B
Houtzer, Charles H
Howard, David G, G
Howard, Elsey Unassigned
Howard, John G
Howard, Samuel F
Howell, Jefferson G
Huddleson, Elkanah A, A
Huflington, William Unassigned
Hughes, Lewis D
Hughes, Silas B
Hughes, Field and Staff
Hunter , Hiram G
Hurley, Thomas A
Hutchinson, George W. Field and Staff
Hytower, Andrew E, E
Irvin, Charles K
Irvin, Martin K
Isence, Rolla D, D
Island, Billy I
Jackson, Alfred T. C
Jackson, Andrew B, H, I
Jackson, Andrew 1st F, Unassigned
Jackson, Andrew 2nd Unassigned
Jackson, Andrew,
second F
Jackson, Charles H, H, H
Jackson, Clit K
Jackson, Emanuel D
Jackson, General I
Jackson, Henry A, E
Jackson, Isaac E, E
Jackson, James K
Jackson, James A. Unassigned
Jackson, John G
Jackson, Joseph A
Jackson, Joshua G, G
Jackson, William Unassigned
Jacobs, Temithers Unassigned
James, Sanford A
Jefferson, Alexander Unassigned
Jefferson, Benjamin B
Jefferson, Samuel K
Jefferson, Thomas Unassigned
Jenkins, Moses G
Jennings, Bartlett I, I
Jennison, Charles E
Jeremiah, Edward A
Jessie, Louis B
John, Robert K
Johnson, Andrew G, G, H, I, Unassigned
Johnson, Benjamin Unassigned
Johnson, Clement F, F
Johnson, Col. Irvin K
Johnson, David E
Johnson, Elliott A, A
Johnson, Franklin Unassigned
Johnson, George Unassigned
Johnson, Henry B, B, E, H
Johnson, Horace H. I
Johnson, Isreal H
Johnson, James D
Johnson, John K
Johnson, John H. H, H
Johnson, Lazarus F
Johnson, Louis B
Johnson, Martin B
Johnson, Milton F
Johnson, Newton K
Johnson, Orange K
Johnson, Pompey K
Johnson, Richard D
Johnson, Scipeo K, K
Johnson, Scipio K
Johnson, Simeon B
Johnson, Thomas J. D
Johnson, William A, D, G, Unassigned
Johnson , Andrew G
Jonah, George I
Jones, Andrew D, D, D, D
Jones, Benjamin G. A, B
Jones, Harrison C
Jones, Jerry F
Jones, Jonathan Unassigned
Jones, Julius B
Jones, Robert H
Jourdan, Jerd Unassigned
Keen, Henry C
Kelly, Granville K
Kelly, James D
Kerr, John I
King, James B
King, Voltus D
King , Voltus D
Kinzie, Edward C
Knight, William F
Lacey, Lewis C
Lacey, Pleasant A, A
Lacy, William K
Lamb, Jackson Unassigned
Landers, Harry H, H
Landom, James H
Landrum, Carl E
Landrum, Daniel I
Lane, William L. K
Lawson, Henry B
Lee, James K, K
Lee, Jesse H
Lee, Samuel D
Lee, William F
Leggett, Dempsey A, A
Lemmons, John D, D
Letcher, William C, C
Lewis, Granville M. D, I
Lewis, John K
Lewis, Joseph Unassigned
Lewis, Smart I
Lewis , Andrew I
Lightner, Alfred K, K
Lilley, Merritt H
Lincoln, Thomas I
Lindsey, Wilbert G
Lindsy, Frank K
Link, Hall K
Linn, Lewis D
Locherman, Henry A
Lock, Lowry I
Locket, Henry K
Logan, James H
Logan, John H, H, H
Logan, Robert Unassigned
Logan, William Unassigned
Long, Joseph C
Lorelace, George C
Lowry, Edward G
Lowry, Jeaso B
Lynch, `July E
Lynch, Allen E, E
Lynch, Joseph I
Lyon, John H
Lyons, Dennis E
Macey, Eberle Q. C
Mack, George F, K
Mack, Jacob E
Macy, Eliab G. Field and Staff
Madden, Stephen B. F
Maddox, James G, G
Maddox, John F
Madison, Robert F
Magmar, William A
Magness, William Unassigned
Mallery, Essex Unassigned
Mark, Vincent B
Markham, Jeffrey E, E
Marles, Winchester H
Marmaduke, Joseph K
Marshall, Benjamin G
Marshall, Harrison K, K, K
Marshall, John D
Martin, Ben Unassigned
Martin, Charles F
Martin, George D
Martin, George J. B
Martin, Jackson H
Martin, Jacob B, F
Martin, John Unassigned
Mason, Robert E
Matthews, John Unassigned
Matthews, Peter B
Mayd, Robert I
Mayo, Alexander D
Mayo, William A
Mays, Caesar K
McAdoo, Jordon I
McCurtis, John F, F
McDaniel, Isaac H
McFarland, Daniel D. D
McFeely, Hannibal K
McFerley, Mack K
McGinness, James Unassigned
McGinnis, James A. D
McGowell, James B
McGraw, Jesse D
McIntosh, Joseph I
McIntosh, Lewis C, C
McIntosh, Morris I
McIntosh, William I, I
McKinney, James Unassigned
Mckinney, John B
McKinzie, William E
McMurtry, Crayson D
McNair, Ephraim E
McNeal, Henry F, F
McQueen, John I
McThompson, Ransom Unassigned
Mcwilliams, Doctor G
Means, Franklin E
Merrill, Dennis E, E
Merrill, James C
Merrill, Lafayette E
Merriman, Louis A
Metter, Jack I
Miller, Benjamin B
Miller, Dudley Unassigned
Miller, Edward E
Miller, Harrison C
Miller, Jacob K
Miller, Orin Non-commissioned, F, F
Miller, Samuel A
Miller , Solomon Unassigned
Miner, John B
Minor, Allen H
Mitchell, George A, F
Mitchell, Joseph F, K
Mitchell, Thomas F
Mitchell , Joseph K
Mobile, Bankston I
Mockett, John H. H, H
Mockner, John F
Monan, Horace A
Monday, John E
Monroe, James B, E
Montgomery, James K, K, K
Montgomery, Joseph E
Montgomery, William Unassigned
Moody, John G
Moore, Albert D
Moore, Davis C, C
Moore, Jack I
Moore, Jerry I
Moore, John J. Unassigned
Moore, Lewis I
Moore, Samuel H
Moppin, Albert C
Morgan, Randolph G, G
Morris, Anderson I, I
Morton, Richard C
Moseley, Winston D
Moses, Arnold Unassigned
Munroe, Anthony Unassigned
Munroe, James Unassigned
Murphy, John B
Murphy, Richard Unassigned
Murray, Emmett B
Murray, George F
Muscrow, John G
Musgrove, Elijah E
Myers, Elias K
Myers, William A
Nance, James Unassigned
Nave, George E
Neal, Henry K
Nelson, Anderson K
Nelson, George K
Nelson, John H. E, E
Nelson, William Unassigned
Newly, Joseph A
Newrerry, Silas C
Nichols, Thomas F. Unassigned
Nichols, Willis B
Noble, Simon I
Nolan, Henry A
Norman, Amos C
Norman, George Unassigned
Norman, Louis H, H
O'Bannon, Hurley C
Oldham, Dock D
Olmstead, Henry H
Otterbridge, Stephen H
Over, David G
Overdeaw, John E
Overton, Edward G
Overton, Rafe G
Palmer, Abraham H
Palmer , Richard H
Parker, Albert B, B
Parker, Joseph B
Parker, Nelson A
Parker, Solomon C
Parker, William K
Parks, John W. H
Parks, Joseph A
Parks, Milton D
Patent, Robert I
Patterson, Isaac K
Patterson, Michael I
Payne, Spencer D
Payne, Thomas C
Payton, Amos E
Peale, George F
Pee, Charles K
Peererly, Ephraim K
Peppins, Henry C
Perkins, Jacob K
Perrin, Harvey F
Perrin, Jackson F
Perrin, Richardson F
Perry, Thomas A
Peyton, Daniel C
Phillips, Granville H
Phillips, James F, F
Phillips, Thomas H. F
Phillips, William F
Phillips , James F
Pickens, Manuel I
Picket, Reuben K
Pierson, Henry C
Pinket, Stephen K
Poindexter, Captain I
Pointer, Alfred F
Polk, James K. K
Polk, Paul G
Pope, George I
Porter, David H
Porter, Jordan F
Porter, Minor F
Porter, Philip C
Porter, Phillip C
Poster, Harrison D
Potter, Harvey K
Powell, Frederick G
Powers, Richard A, A
Prater, Edmond E
Preston, Frank Unassigned
Price, Robert I
Pulham, Alexander F
Quail, Finn G
Quail, Orange G
Ralston, Arnold G
Randolph, David G
Randolph, Isaac Unassigned
Randolph, Miner Unassigned
Rankins, Mark K
Ransom, Lewis I
Read, Joseph C, C
Reed, Anderson I
Reed, David F
Reed, Harrison E, E, E
Reed, Isaac C
Reed, Lewis F
Reed, Tolbert Unassigned
Reese, John G
Rennick, Joshua H
Reynard, Asa F
Reynolds, John C
Rice, Daniel D
Richardson, Coleman K
Richardson, Henry Unassigned
Richardson, Jackson F
Richardson, James H, H, H
Richardson, William F
Rico, Henry Unassigned
Rider, James E
Ridings, David K
Ridings, Henry D, D, D
Ridings, James D
Ridings, Montgomery D
Riggs, Benjamin B, B
Riley, Abraham E, E, E
Riley, Adam E
Riley, Anderson E
Roach, Henry G
Roan, Alonzo Unassigned
Roberts, Charles G, G
Robinson, Ashnell I
Robinson, Charles A
Robinson, Joshua F
Robinson, Smith H
Robinson, William B
Rodgers, Isaac E
Rodgers, Jacob F
Rodgers, Jefferson B
Rose, John H
Rose, William C
Ross, Franklin H
Ross, Jacob I
Ross, Nelson E
Ross, Thomas E
Ross, Whitfield F, F
Rucker, Thomas Unassigned
Ruflin, Henry Unassigned
Russell, Charles H
Russell, Isaac B
Rutherford, John D, D
Sally, Lewis G
Saloman, William K
Samuels, James Unassigned
Samuels, Robert F
Sanders, Andrew H, H
Sanders, Daniel E
Sanders, David E
Sanders, Joseph E
Sanders, Lewis E
Saviers, Albert E. K
Sawyer, David K
Sayder, Dabney A
Says, Snow I
Scales, Anderson Unassigned
Scott, Curly K
Scott, Dock A
Scott, Lewis D, D
Scott, Richard Unassigned
Scott, William G
Searl, William Unassigned
Selectman, William F
Sewell, I
Shackelford, Samuel Unassigned
Shelby, Lafayette I
Sheldon, William A
Shepard, Beverly K, K
Shepperd, Allen F, G
Shield, George W. C, C, C
Sholes, Augustus T. C, K
Simms, Milton G
Simpson, Alexander H
Simpson, Andy G
Simpson, Calvin D
Simpson, Elias G
Simpson, John G
Simpson, Jordan D
Simpson, Joseph G
Simpson, Peter K
Simpson, Richard D
Simpson, Robert D
Sims, Milton G
Sinkler, William D, D
Sipe, Robert Unassigned
Skinner, Jackson H
Smallwood, William H. G
Smart, Joseph Unassigned
Smart, Martin Unassigned
Smith, Andrew K
Smith, Andrew J. G
Smith, Charles E, E
Smith, Elijah G, G, K
Smith, George A
Smith, Green F
Smith, Horace G
Smith, Isaac B
Smith, Jarrett B
Smith, Samuel A
Smith, Stephen B. B
Smith, William A, A, A, E, H, K
Smith, William J. H
Smith, William R. A, A
Smith , Andrew I
Smith , James H
Smith , John C
Smith , John W. I
Smith , Monroe I
Smith , Stephen B. Non-commissioned
Smithering, Jordan A, A
Snead, George B
Solomon, Amos E
South, Jesse K, K
Sparks, James H
Speaks, John T. C
Spencer, Adam F
Star, Toby F
Starr, Joseph I
Steele, David A
Stevens, Washington F
Stevenson, Samuel Unassigned
Stewart, Charles R. Unassigned
Stewart, Edward Unassigned
Stinman, Amos D
Stone, Shelby A
Stopp, John I
Strampkey, Sanford C, C
Strans, Charles K
Stratton, Richard K
Strogdon, John D, D
Sutherland, David M. K
Sutton, Thomas Unassigned
Sweeney, Mattehw K
Sweeny, Matthew K
Swink, Alfred A
Sylvester, John Unassigned
Talbott, Greenville Unassigned
Tall , Dudley W. F
Tarwater, Andrew Unassigned
Taylor, Benjamin H
Taylor, Carr B
Taylor, Charles E
Taylor, George A
Taylor, George N. C
Taylor, Gibson Unassigned
Taylor, Henry D
Taylor, John C, C, Unassigned
Taylor, Nicholas G
Tenny, Abijah D. Field and Staff
Terrill, Austin K
Thatcher, Henry K
Thomas, Henry A
Thomas, John K, K
Thomas, Lewis Unassigned
Thomas, Pendleton F
Thompson, Alexander E
Thompson, David F
Thompson, George G
Thompson, Henry Unassigned
Thompson, Jacob B
Thompson, Joseph F
Thompson, London K
Thompson, Montague Unassigned
Thompson, Nelson G
Thornton, Joseph A
Thornton, Robert C
Thrasher, Luther A. E
Tibb, George K
Tiddon, Morris I
Tilton, Andrew F
Tilton, Benjamin F, F
Todd, Hazel H
Toliver, John I
Tolliver, John I
Topping, John B
Trotter, James G
True`, George F
Tucker, Andy G
Turner, Allen S. B
Turner, Arthur H
Turner, Lafayette F
Turner, William D
Turpin, Richard K
Tyler, Frank K
Van, Gilbert K
Van Horn, Benjamin F. I
VanBuren, John T. C
Vann, Jesse E
Vann, Rufus E, E
Vann, Wesley E
Vaughn, Jesse K
Vinson, Clark E
Waddle, Josiah H
Waddle, Thomas H
Wadkins, Isam H
Walker, Henry A
Walker, John A, D, G, K
Walker, Joseph G
Walker, Samuel B
Walker, William A, B
Wallace, Henry Unassigned
Wallace , Henry F
Wallace , Richmond G
Walters, Thomas G
Ward, Joshua Unassigned
Ward, Ramson H
Ward, Richard G. Field and Staff, Field and Staff, A
Ward, William A
Ward , Beverly G
Ware, David E
Warren, Nathan Unassigned
Washington, George B, C, H
Washington, George
second F
Washington, George 1st F, F, G, K
Washington, George 2nd G, K
Washington, George 3rd G
Washington, Green G
Washington, Greene A
Washington, Henry C, C
Washington, William B, D, D
Washington, William 1st G
Washington, William 2nd G
Wasson, Allen A
Waters, James F
Watson, John F, Unassigned
Watson, Joseph C
Weaver, Andy Unassigned
Weaver, John Unassigned
Webb, George D
Welch, Benjamin W. C, K
Wenser, Charles Unassigned
Wesley, Charles D, D
Wesley, John D, H
Wesley, Richard E
Whalon, John B, B
Wheeler, George B
Whitaker, Charles B
White, Charles H
White, Charles W. Unassigned
White, George I, I
White, Isaac H
White, John J. E
White, Moses Unassigned
White, Peter E
White, William G. B
Whitmeyer, Isaac G
Whittington, John E, E
Wilder, Henry D
Wiley, James H
Wilkinson, Robert A
Williams, Aleck Unassigned
Williams, Alexander C
Williams, Anthony B
Williams, David I
Williams, Denis B
Williams, Edmond G
Williams, Edmund G
Williams, George C, C
Williams, Harrison H, H
Williams, Jacob K
Williams, James B
Williams, James M. Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Williams, John F, I
Williams, Louis H
Williams, Martin Unassigned
Williams, Monroe F
Williams, Nathan I
Williams, Robert C
Williams, Samuel I, I
Williams, Solomon C
Williams, William K
Willis, Curtley I
Willis, Eli Unassigned
Wilson, Andy F
Wilson, Dock B
Wilson, Franklin G, G
Wilson, James H
Wilson, Jerry B
Wilson, Joseph B, C
Wilson, Robert B
Wilson, Samuel K, K
Winchester, Scipio H
Winser, Charles F
Wisner, Charles F
Wood, Harrison G
Wood, Isom K, K
Wood, Jordan C
Wood, Randell I
Wood , Wesley H
Woodley, Peter E
Woodrom, Benjamin A
Woodrow, George E
Woodson, Samuel Unassigned
Woolrige, Clinton Unassigned
Worthington, George C. C
Wright, Frank H, H
Wright, Jackson Unassigned
Wright, Joseph Unassigned
Wyatt, Richmond A
Yager, Abraham G
Yancier, Isaac Unassigned
Yell, James A
Yocum, John D
Young, Dennis Unassigned
Young, George E
Young, John C, C, G
Young, Riley A
Young, Thomas D
Yount, Willis B
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1861-1865. Vol. 1. (Reprinted by Authority) Topeka, Kansas: The Kansas State Printing Company. 1896.
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