Return to Volume 1 Index.
p. 222-229
Rank | Surname | Given | Residence | Enlistment | Muster | Remarks |
Captain | Crawford | Samuel J. | Garnett | June 20, '61 | Prom. Col. 2d Regt. Kan. Col'd. Vols. Dec. 6, '63 | |
Captain | Matthews | Austin W. | Brownsville, Nb | Jan. 7, '62 | Must. out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. | |
First Lieutenant | Matthews | Austin W. | Brownsville, Nb | Jan. 3, '62 | Promoted Captain January 7, 1862 | |
First Lieutenant | Consgrove | Patrick | Olathe | Jan. 7, '62 | Promoted Captain Co. L, Marc 21, 1864 | |
Second Lieutenant | Waugh | Gideon M. | Olathe | Jan. 7, '62 | Promoted Lieut. Col. 2d Ark. Cav. Jan. 7, 1864 | |
Second Lieutenant | Straw | Philander W. | Brownsville, Nb | May 23, '64 | Assigned to duty as 2d Lieut. in new Co. D, March 18, 1865; prisoner of war, captured near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864 | |
First Sergeant | Straw | Philander W. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 30, '61 | Nov. 30, '61 | Promoted 2d Lieutenant May 23, 1864 |
First Sergeant | Eldridge | Luther M. | Pawnee City Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Must. out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Quartermaster Sergeant | Hutchison | Joseph | Olathe | Dec. 1, '61 | Dec. 1, '61 | Reduced to ranks, at his request, Oct., 1863 |
Quartermaster Sergeant | Eldridge | Luther M. | Pawnee City Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted 1st Sergeant May 23, 1864 |
Quartermaster Sergeant | Wilson | George F. | Leavenworth | Jan. 26, '62 | Jan. 26, '62 | Must. out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Sergeant | Thompson | Benjamin B. | Brownsv'le, Nb | Nov. 24, '61 | Nov. 24, '61 | Prom. 1st Lt. 11th U. S. C. V., Feb. 24, '64 |
Sergeant | Eldridge | Luther M. | Pawnee City Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant Feb. 24, 1864 |
Sergeant | Gere | John N. | Table Rock, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Reduced to ranks July 1, 1862; reduced to ranks at own request January 1, 1864 |
Sergeant | Knight | Immer L. | Brownsv'le, Nb | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Reduced to ranks January 1, 1864 |
Sergeant | Waller | Squire J. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Must. out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Sergeant | Tuxson | John | Brownsv'le, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Must. out March 21, 1865, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64 |
Sergeant | Hanna | Andrew J. | Brownsv'le, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Must. out March 21, 1862, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64 |
Sergeant | Thompson | Daniel W. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Must. out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Sergeant | Kern | William C. | Brownsv'le, Nb | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Prom. 1st Lt. 11th U. S. Col'd V. Feb. 24, 1864 |
Sergeant | Bousfield | John C. | Table Rock, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Must. out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Sergeant | McDougal | John | Shawnee | Mar. 20, '62 | Mar. 20, '62 | K. in action near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64 |
Corporal | Ball | William F. | Peru, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Reduced to ranks |
Corporal | Waller | Squire J. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Promoted Sergeant May 1, 1864 |
Corporal | Tuxson | John | Brownsv'le, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Promoted Sergeant January 1, 1864 |
Corporal | Hanna | Andrew J. | Brownsv'le, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Promoted Sergeant July 1, 1862 |
Corporal | Morton | Jesse L. | Pawnee City Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Reduced to ranks |
Corporal | Thompson | Daniel W. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Promoted Sereant May 1, 1864 |
Corporal | Lemming | Daniel | Pawnee City Nb | Dec. 3, '61 | Dec. 3, '61 | Reduced to ranks |
Corporal | Kern | William C. | Brownsv'le, Nb | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Promoted Sergeant July 1, 1862 |
Corporal | Bousfield | John C. | Table Rock, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted Sergeant May 1, 1864 |
Corporal | Knight | William H. H. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Corporal | Gwin | Thomas S. M. | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Corporal | Dower | John | Olathe | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | K. in acton at Boonesborough, Ark., Dec. 6, '62 |
Corporal | McGinley | George | Shawnee | Mar. 24, '62 | Died of disease at Springfield, Mo., March 8, '63 | |
Corporal | Tate | Samuel | Shawnee | Mar. 25, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Died of disease at Fort Smith, Ark., Aug. 4, '64 |
Corporal | Hanna | George W. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Deserted at Cow Creek, Kan., August 10, 1862; left camp in fit of insanity |
Corporal | Kent | James G. | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Reduced to ranks November 27, 1862 |
Corporal | Hammer | Louis | Leroy | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Corporal | Ainsworth | William T. | Wyandotte | Dec. 2, '61 | Dec. 2, '61 | Must. out Aug. 11, '65, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64 |
Corporal | Clark | Enoch | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 14, '63 | Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64 |
Corporal | Goodwin | Elijah | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Dec. 26, '63 | Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64 |
Corporal | White | Frank | Shawnee | April 4, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64 |
Bugler | Grico | Henry R. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Reduced to ranks |
Bugler | Callen | Samuel | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Reduced to ranks |
Farrier | Watts | Samuel J. | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 12, '61 | Dec. 12, '61 | Reduced to ranks |
Farrier | Cole | Seymour | Shawnee | March 17, '62 | Disc. for dis. March 13, 1863, at Springfield, Mo | |
Farrier | Richardson | Stephen | White Cloud | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Farrier | Rains | William J. | White Cloud | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Deserted at Fort Smith, Ark., October 12, 1864 |
Saddler | Bailey | Lloyd | Jan. 7, '62 | Jan. 7, '62 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. | |
Private | Ainsworth | William T. | Wyandotte | Dec. 2, '61 | Dec. 2, '61 | Promoted Corporal May 1, 1864 |
Private | Bailey | Lloyd | Jan. 7, '62 | Jan. 7, '62 | Promoted Saddler | |
Private | Basinger | Nathan | Richland | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Deserted April 30, 1862, while on te march |
Private | Beldon | Lucius A. | Monroe, Wis. | Dec. 7, '61 | Dec. 7, '61 | Disc. for dis. May 26, 1863, Ft. LEavenworth, Ks |
Private | Bartlett | William | Kansas City, Mo | Dec. 2, '61 | Dec. 2, '61 | Disc. for dis. Feb. 2, 1862, at Quindaro, Kan. |
Private | Bousfield | John C. | Table Rock, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted Corporal February 27, 1862 |
Private | Bowers | John H. | Burlington | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Transferred to Co. I, July 30, 1862 |
Private | Boyles | Wesley | Wyandotte | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Boyles | Squire | Wyandotte | Dec. 11, '61 | Dec. 11, '61 | Disc. for dis. Aug. 10, 1864, at Kansas City, Mo. |
Private | Boyles | Elias | Jan. 7, '62 | Jan. 7, '62 | Deserted May 26, 1862, while on det. service | |
Private | Boyles | James | Jan. 7, '62 | Jan. 7, '62 | Disc. for dis. June 19, 1862, at Fort Riley, Kan. | |
Private | Bracelin | Thomas | Pawnee City, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Must. out April 10, 1865, Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, captured at Camden, Ark., April 25, '64 |
Private | Briles | Jesse | Pawnee City, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Died of disease at Quindaro, Kan., March 3, '62 |
Private | Ball | William F. | Peru, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862; killed in actioin at old Fort Wayne, C. N., Oct. 22, '62 |
Private | Barber | Moses H. | Oct. 14, '61 | Oct. 14, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. | |
Private | Carpenter | William T. | Leavenworth | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Killed by the enemy after being taken prisoner near Scullyville, C. N., October 27, 1863 |
Private | Cavenah | John | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Cooper | George | Leavenworth | Dec. 20, '61 | Dec. 20, '61 | Deserted at Manhattan, Kan., May 26, 1862 |
Private | Craig | Ranzel | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 11, '61 | Dec. 11, '61 | Deid at Fort Scott, Kan., January 12, 1863, of wounds received in action |
Private | Crawford | William H. H. | nov. 29, ,'61 | nov. 29, ,'61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., Feb. 2, 1862 | |
Private | Crook | Newton | Gardner | Dec. 1, 6'1 | Dec. 1, 6'1 | Died of disease at Leav., Kan., March 5, 1862 |
Private | Callen | Samuel M. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.; promoted Bugler |
Private | Daggett | Fortinatus | Monroe, Wis. | Dec. 6, '61 | Dec. 6, '61 | Mustered out May 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Dean | Wayne | Olathe | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Died of disease at Quindaro, Kan., Feb. 15, '62 |
Private | Decker | Moses | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 11, '61 | Dec. 11, '61 | Died of disease at Springfield, Mo., Nov. 12, '63 |
Private | Dillback | Joshua | Wayne, Ill | Nov. 1, '61 | Nov. 1, '61 | Died of disease at Fort Scott, Kan., Mar. 6, '63 |
Private | Dower | John | Olathe | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Dooley | John B. | Troy | Jan. 7, '62 | Jan. 7, '62 | Transferred to Co. D, May, 1862 |
Private | Eldridge | Luther M. | Pawnee City Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted Sergeant January 7, 1862 |
Private | Freeman | John K. | Olathe | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64 |
Private | Fuller | Jay | Leavenworth | Nov. 8, '61 | Nov. 8, '61 | Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; prisoner of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Oct. 16, '64 |
Private | Grice | Henry R. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Promoted Bugler; mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Gere | John N. | Table Rock, Nb. | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Prom. Sergt. Jan. 7, '62; prom. Sergt. Oct. 25, '62. mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Gadbury | Joel W. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Gage | John | Leavenworth | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Gwin | Thomas S. M. | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Promoted Corporal March 7, 1863 |
Private | Hutchison | Joseph | Olathe | Dec. 1, '61 | Dec. 1, '61 | Promoted Sergeant January 7, 1862; promoted 1st Lieutenant Co. L, March 1, 1864 |
Private | Hanna | Andrew J. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862 |
Private | Hammer | Louis | Leroy | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Carthage Mo., Nov. 27, 1862 |
Private | Hanna | George W. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Hanna | Robert O. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, '4 |
Private | Harmon | John | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson C. N. Sept. 16, '64 | |
Private | Harris | Pembrook | Wyandotte | Nov. 13, '61 | Nov. 13, '61 | Transferred to Co. K, April 5, 1862 |
Private | Harris | Dionysius | Wyandotte | Nov. 13, '61 | Nov. 13, '61 | Transferred to Co. K, April 5, 1862 |
Private | Heim | Peter | Munroe, Wis | Dec. 5, '61 | Dec. 5, '61 | Transferred to Co. K, April 5, 1862 |
Private | Higley | Charles | Leavenworth | Dec. 11, '61 | Dec. 11, '61 | Mustered out Jan. 13, 1865, at Leavenwroth, Ks. |
Private | Kaiserman | Samuel | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Promoted 1st Lt. 2d Kans. Col'd V. Oct. 9, 64 | |
Private | Knight | Immer L. | Brownsville, Nb. | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Promoted Sergeant January 7, 1862; discharged for dis. August 5, 1864, at Fort Leav. Kan. |
Private | Kern | William C. | Brownsville, Nb. | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862 |
Private | Kent | James G. | Brownsville, Nb. | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Promoted Corporal June 14, 1862; mustered out February 20, 1866, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Kirley | Owen | Leavenworth | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Transferred to Co. K, April 5, 1862 |
Private | Knight | William H. H. | Brownsville, Nb. | Nov. 20, '61 | Nov. 20, '61 | Promoted Corporal December 9, 1862 |
Private | Lemming | Daniel | Pawnee City Nb | Dec. 3, '61 | Dec. 3, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862; mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Lewellen | Joseph | Monroe, Wis. | Nov. 30, '61 | Nov. 30, '61 | Transferred to Co. I, February 8, 1862 |
Private | Loomis | William W. | Forest Hill | Nov. 30, '61 | Nov. 30, '61 | Transferred to Co. A, February 8, 1862 |
Private | Morton | Jesse L. | Pawnee City Nb | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Promoted Corporal Jan. 7, 182; mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.* |
Private | Matthews | John B. | Leavenworth | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Transfered to Co. K, April 5, 1862 |
Private | Mahoney | James | Olathe | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; prisoner of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64 |
Private | Morrison | Ralph | Olathe | Dec. 7, '61 | Dec. 7, '61 | Deserted at Fort Riley, Kan., May 20, 1862 |
Private | Morrow | Farmer | Brownsville, Nb. | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Deserted at Fort Riley, Kan., May 20, 1862 |
Private | McNeal | William J. | Table Rock | Nov. 28, '61 | Nov. 28, '61 | Drowned in Kansas river near Fort Riley, Kan., June 7, 1862 |
Private | Nelson | Peter | Leavenworth | Dec. 14, '61 | Dec. 14, '61 | Transf. to Co. B (3d Kan. Battery) April 11, '62 |
Private | Quigley | James | Olathe | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Ringer | Joseph | McGregor Iowa | Nov. 1, '61 | Nov. 1, '61 | Disc. for dis. Octobe r13, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo. |
Private | Resbaugh | Philip | Leavenworth | Nov. 1, '61 | Nov. 1, '61 | Transferred to Co. K, April 5, 1862 |
Private | Rockwood | Lewis | McCamish | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Rusk | John M. | Wyandotte | Dec. 2, '61 | Nov. 2, '61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., February 2, 1862 |
Private | Sheldon | Charles P. | McGregor, Iowa | Oct. 10, '61 | Oct. 10, '61 | Mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Straw | Philander W. | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 30, '61 | Nov. 30, '61 | Promoted 1st Sergeant, Jan. 7, 1862 |
Private | Sloan | John | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Smith | Peter | Leroy | Dec. 12, '61 | Dec. 12, '61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., February 2, 1862 |
Private | Spellman | Michael | Leroy | Dec. 5, '61 | Dec. 5, '61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., February 2, 1862 |
Private | Studibaker | William C. | Mission Creek | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Transferred to Co. A, April 15, 1862 |
Private | Thompson | Daniel W. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862 |
Private | Thompson | Benjamin B. | Brownsville, Nb | NOv. 20, '61 | NOv. 20, '61 | Promoted Sergeant January 7, 1862 |
Private | Tuxson | John | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862 |
Private | Test | John B. | Paola | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Died of disease at Fort Scott, Kan., Sept. 10, '62 |
Private | Tidwell | James | Nebraska C., Nb | Nov. 29, '61 | Nov. 29, '61 | Mustered out January 13, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan. |
Private | Todd | Thomas N. | Olathe | Dec. 11,'61 | Dec. 11,'61 | D. of disease at Fort Leav., Ks., Dec. 22, 1863 |
Private | Tucker | Henry | Kansas City Mo | Dec. 4, '61 | Dec. 4, '61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., February 2, 1862 |
Private | Tupper | Madison | Olathe | Nov. 1, '61 | Nov. 1, '61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., February 2, 1862 |
Private | Turner | Benjamin A. | Olathe | Jan. 5, '62 | Jan. 5, '62 | Transferred to Co. A, April 15, 1862 |
Private | Waller | Squire J. | Paola | Dec. 9, '61 | Dec. 9, '61 | Promoted Corporal January 7, 1862 |
Private | Watts | Samuel J. | Brownsville, Nb | Dec. 12, '61 | Dec. 12, '61 | Prom. Farrier; disc. for dis. at Corinth, Miss., '62 |
Private | Wallace | Robert | Kansas City Mo | Dec. 10, '61 | Dec. 10, '61 | Deserted at Camp Blair, Kan., April 2, 1862 |
Private | Watson | Delos | Leroy | Dec. 8, '61 | Dec. 8, '61 | Deserted at Quindaro, Kan., February 2, 1862 |
Private | Waugh | Gideon M. | Olathe | Dec. 5, '61 | Dec. 5, '61 | Promoted 2d Lieutenant January 7, 1862 |
Private | Yelkin | Riner | Brownsville, Nb | Nov. 27, '61 | Nov. 27, '61 | Must. out Aug. 11, '65, at Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sep. 16, '64 |
Page 229-233
Rank | Surname | Given | Residence | Enlistment | Muster | Remarks |
Private | Ainsworth | James H. | Fort Smith, Ark | Oct. 28, '63 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Ainsworth | Robert | Fort Smith, Ark | Oct. 28, '63 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Allen | Robert | Shawnee | Arpil 15, '62 | Committed suicide April 22, 1862 | |
Private | Bluejacket | George | Shawnee | April 3, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Basey | Peter | Shawnee | April 15, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Bell | William | Macomb, Ill. | Aug. 6, '63 | Aug. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Bryson | Andrew J. | Prairie City | Sept. 1, '63 | June 28, 6'4 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Blackhoof | Thomas | Shawnee | April 2, '62 | April 2, '62 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Bell | John | Riley | May 7, '62 | Transferred to Co. I, July 27, 1862 | |
Private | Carpenter | Joseph | Shawnee | May 27, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Carter | George | Shawnee | May 26, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Caddenbach | Joseph | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Crossman | William | Shawnee | April 8, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | K. in action near Fort Smith, Ark., July 29, '64 |
Private | Cole | Seymour | Shawnee | Mar. 17, '62 | Promoted Farrier | |
Private | Clay | Thomas | Shawnee | Mar. 26, '62 | Disc. for dis. at Fort Scott, Kan., August 6, 1862 | |
Private | Clark | Enoch | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '62 | Aug. 10, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Corbin | Andrew F. | Springfield, Mo | July 3, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Ass. to new Co. D, March 18, '65; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64 |
Private | Crossman | Joshua | Shawnee | April 1, '62 | Deserted at Springfield, Mo., April 10, 1863 | |
Private | Deshane | Eli | Shawnee | Mar. 25, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Deshane | Henry | Shawnee | Mar. 25, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Davidson | Joseph | Shawnee | March 24, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Dillon | Isaac | Brownsville, Nb | Aug. 20, '63 | Aug. 26, '63 | Must. out Sep. 8, '65, at Leav., Kan.; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ark., Apr. 18, '64 |
Private | Dean | Marcellus D. | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64 |
Private | Daniels | Absalom | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd near Poison Springs, Ark., Apr. 18, '64 |
Private | Dougherty | Moses | Shawnee | April 2, '62 | Deserted at Drywood, Kan., April 16, 1863 | |
Private | Flint | Joseph | Shawnee | Mar. 24, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Flint | Daniel | Shawnee | Sept. 27, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Killed in action near Scullyville, C. N., Oct. 31, '64 |
Private | Goodwin | Elijah | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Dec. 26, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Goodwin | Isaac | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war capt'd near Scullyville, C. N., Oct. 31, 1863 |
Private | Gibson | Williaim | Shawnee | Mar. 27, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Deserted at Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. 17, 1864 |
Private | Hall | John R. | Brownsville, Nb | July 28, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Hammelman | Jacob | Quindaro | Mar. 20, '62 | Transferred to Co. H, April 5, 1862 | |
Private | Hall | Henry L. | Brownsville | July 28, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | K. in action at Cabin Creek, C. N., Sept. 19, '64 |
Private | Ingles | John | Leavenworth | Mar. 28, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; W. in action near Cassville, Mo. |
Private | Jones | William M. | Olathe | Mar. 21, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865* |
Private | Ketchum | Jackson | Shawnee | April 8, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Lasmasney | Richard | Olathe | Feb. 25, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Leach | Thomas J. | Riley | May 7, '63 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Lawrence | Lewis | Pedonia | Aug. 3, '63 | Aug. 26, '62 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Lanker | Eli | Brownsville, Nb | Feb. 3, '62 | K. in action at old Ft. Wayne, C. N., Oct. 22, '62 | |
Private | McDougal | Benjamin | Shawnee | April 8, '62 | Drowned in Kansas river near Fort Riley, Kan., June 7, 1862 | |
Private | McDougal | John | Shawnee | Mar. 20, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | McIntyre | George | Olathe | Mar. 24, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | McIntyre | Marion C. | Olathe | Mar 17, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | McFarland | Oliver J. | Shawnee | Mar. 29, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | McGinley | George | Shawnee | Mar. 24, '62 | Promoted Corporal | |
Private | McIninch | William H. | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, captd at Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, 1864 |
Private | Mayes | Henry C. | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; was pris'r of war, capt'd at Caddo Gap, Ark., Jan. 26, 1864 |
Private | Pershing | William | Olathe | April 2, '62 | April 2, '62 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Parker | James | Mt. Ayer, Iowa | July 15, '63 | Aug. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, cap'td near Fort Gibson, c. N., Sept. 16, 1864 |
Private | Rogers | John | Shawnee | Mar. 25, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865* |
Private | Richmond | Levi | Euclid, Ohio | July 6, '63 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Richardson | Stephen | White Cloud | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Promoted Farrier |
Private | Reed | Gabriel M. | Shawnee | Mar. 19, 6'2 | Aug. 13, '63 | Transferred to Co. A, April 15, 1862 |
Private | Roberts | John | Shawnee | April 2, '62 | Dec. 26, '3 | Died at Fort Smith, Ark., June 14, 1864, of w'ds received in action |
Private | Renix | John | Mt. Ayer, Iowa | July 15, '63 | Dec. 26, '3 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd near Poison Springs, Ark., Sept. 16, '64 |
Private | Rains | William J. | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '63 | Promoted Farrier |
Private | Rogers | Thomas | Shawnee | April 14, '62 | Deserted at Fort Scott, Kan., April 15, 1863 | |
Private | Sullivan | Daniel | Lawrence | April 23, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Simmons | Charles | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, 6'3 | Aug. 10, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | Sawyer | Richard | Olathe | Mar. 25, '62 | Transferred to Co. A, April 15, 1862 | |
Private | Smith | McDaniel | Paola | July 23, '62 | D. of disease at Fayetteville, Ark., Jan. 5, 1863 | |
Private | Smith | John W. | Pedonia | Aug. 18, 6'3 | Aug. 26, '3 | K. in action Sept. 16, 1864, near Ft. Gibson, C. N. |
Private | Simpson | George W. | Brownsville, Nb | July 18, '63 | Aug. 10, '3 | D. of disease at Fayetteville, Ark.; Nov. 23, 1863 |
Private | Tate | Samuel | Shawnee | Mar. 25, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Tate | Franklin | Shawnee | April 1, '62 | Disc. for dis. at Srpingfield, Mo., March 11, 1863 | |
Private | Test | Edward B. | Paola | Feb. 28, 6'2 | Dec. 26, '3 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864 |
Private | Tappy | Madison J. | Olathe | Mar. 28, '62 | Broke jail and deserted while in hands of civil authorities at Olathe, Kan. | |
Private | Wilson | George F. | Leavenworth | Jan. 26, '62 | Jan. 26, '62 | Promoted Q. M. Sergeant January 7, 1864 |
Private | Whitmore | Alexander | Lawrence | Mar. 5, '63 | Aug. 13, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865 |
Private | White | Frank | Shawnee | April 4, '62 | Aug. 13, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Whiteday | Henry | Shawnee | April 19, '62 | Dec. 26, '63 | Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865; pris'r of war, capt'd near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864 |
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
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Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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