Return to Volume 1 Index. Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Return to Volume 1 Index.
Some names appear more than one time in the same listing. The letter(s) following the name indicate the regiment and how many times the name appears, and are a link to the extractions of the regiment listing.
Since the names are not in alphabetical order in the listing, you will probably want to use your browser's "find" command to locate the surname on the web page.
Adams, Cyrenius R. M. H
Adams, Henry C. F
Akhorst, Hermon K
Alden, Byron B
Allen, Charles B. B
Allen, William F. B
Allison, James W. D
Andrews, Stephen H. B
Archer, Charles A. H
Armstrong, James F
Armstrong, Warren F
Atkins, Charles S. F
Ayers, Benjamin H. E
Aylsworth, Frank B. I
Ayres, Byron P. F
Babbitt, Marion A. H
Babcock, Horatio G. D
Bacon, George E
Bailey, Alexander I
Bailey, Hanley P. F
Baird, Robert H. D
Ballance, Charles E
Ballard, Thomas H. E
Banks, John H. A
Barber, Henry L. F
Barger, Charles A
Barr, John N. G
Bass, George K
Bates, William I
Beates, Gurden E. B
Becher, Alexander K
Beck, Robert E
Belcher, James H. F
Bell, Henry C. G
Belser, William C
Berkshire, James H. C
Bertram, William K
Betts, Wilson F
Biedermann, Reinhart A
Bishop, Cyrus W. B
Blair, Alexander A. A
Blair, Charles W. Field & Staff
Blakely, John W. I
Blakely, William S. B
Bodwell, Sherman A
Boughton, Richard C
Boutwell, Amos A
Boutwell, William H. A
Bower, William H. B
Bowers, Enoch K. B
Boyce, Artemus W. I
Boyle, John A. G
Boyles, Wesley G
Brant, Randolph C. Field & Staff
Bratton, Robert A. I
Braunch, William F
Brink, Abner H
Brodhead, Johnathan C. F
Bronson, Ira D. Non-Commissioned, F
Brooks, Albert G. D
Broxon, Allen L. H
Brunk, Henry, 1st K
Brunk, Henry, 2nd K
Bunch, James C. I
Bunn, Ezekiel F
Burke, Edwin D
Burt, Hiram H
Caldwell, Edwin C. F
Calhoun, Charles G
Carnagham, Archibald C
Carney, Joseph B
Carpenter, William S. A
Carst, Nichols K
Catterson, John L. H
Catzer, Joseph W. K
Chamberlin, Charles G
Charles, Rollin A
Chatfiled, William C. D
Chescheek, John C
Chesney, Thomas H. G
Chesnut, William C
Clark, John H
Clark, Joseph C
Clewell, Eugene T. A
Clites, James J. I
Cloud, William F. Field & Staff, H
Cogn, Nathaniel H. A
Cole, Theodore F. B
Coleman, David R. F
Collier, Benjamin F. B
Conrad, John K
Conrad, Zacharias K
Conwell, Ezra S. G
Conwell, James G
Cooper, William G
cope, William C
Copp, Thomas H. F
Coveston, Henry O. I
Cowles, John P. Non-Commissioned, D
Coxsan, William D
Cracklin, Joseph D
Crane, David O. A
Crane, Frank L. G
Crawford, Samuel J. E
Creager, Francis A. F
Cross, Samuel K. E, E
Cunningham, Dennis B
Curtis, John H
Curtiss, Norman D
Daily, Martin I
Daniels, John C
Davison, George W. I
Davison, William H. I
Dawson, John W. G
Dayton, Eugene C
Deiffendorf, Norman G
Dermitt, Squire A
Desanno, George H. G
Dickerson, Josiah B. I
Dimon, Charles I
Dimon, Justin L. I
Dixon, Jack B
Donahoe, Arthur B
Doryland, John B
Dow, Simon A
Dowling, Mathew F
Downer, James P. B
Downing, Alexander B
Drew, Josiah R. D
Drew, William Y. D
Dutton, Henry A. D
Dyke, Horace D
Dykes, Thomas E
Early, Joseph A
Eaton, David S. E
Eberhart, Francis K
Edwards, Albert H
Eldridge, Shaler W. Field & Staff, D
Elk, Solomon K
Ethe, George B
Evans, Daniel H
Evans, James B. C
Everett, Josiah A. I
Farrah, Edward E
Faucett, Maximilian H
Faulds, George D. D
Fear, Lawrence W. F
Fields, Jacob E
Fishback, John K
Foltz, Martin L. I
Fox, Leonan C
Frazell, Francis M. F
Frazell, James A. D. F
Frazer, William B
Fredrick, Abraham C
French, James C. A
Fuller, Herman J. B. G. C
Fuller, Jay C
Fuller, Joseph A. H
Fulton, Thomas A
Furge, Edward D. F
Gailiher*, William T. H
Gallagher, Oliver P. G
Gans, Joseph D
Garvin, Martin G
Gaster, Isaac R. H
Gayler, Christ B
Gerlings, John K
Gibbons, William C. F
Gibbs, Elias I
Gibbs, Noah A
Giddings, Marcus B
Giesy, George D
Gilden, John F
Gilmore, David S. H
Ginther, Peter C
Glathart, Mennassee D
Godley, Walter W. F
Goodin, Charles H. I
Gould, John H. F
Goulding, John D
Graham, Jacob A. G
Graham, Lewis W. I
Green, George B
Greenly, Thomas W. F
Greer, Joseph D. A
Gregg, Nathan P. A
Grisez, Frank H
Grunwald, Leopold B
Gunther, Andrew I
Gunthur, Arthur D
Hamblin, Alson G
Hammel, Samuel H
Hammer, Frank C
Hampton, Elias J. H
Hankimmer, Adolph B
Harrald, Theodore E
Harris, John H. E
Harrison, James M. D
Hartwell, George F. A
Harvey, Charles C
Harvey, Thomas G. I
Harwood, Charles F. A
Haskell, Thomas H. A
Hastings, Oliver G
Hays, John E. C
Helsel, Samuel H
Hendrick, Conrad C
Hendrix, James W. E
Hendry, John D
Henning, Adolphe B
Herman, John F
Herrington, Freeman D
Heyer, Frank C
Hicks, Benjamin E
Hicks, Sylvester E
Hicky, Thomas B
Higbee, Sylvester W. A
Hiland, David B
Hill, Andrew J. C
Hill, Simeon F. C
Hills, Charles S. H
Hills, Silas M. D
Hines, John F
Hines, Joseph N. B
Hintzpeter, Albert D
Hirth, Frederick W. H
Holm, John B
Holmes, Lucius H
Hone, Leondard W. A
Hornbecker, Godfrey I
Housell, Martin L. I
Houston, Samuel D
Hovender, John A
Howard, David G. G
Hubbard, Albert A
Hubschmann, Lewis B
Hubschmann, Paul B
Huff, George F
Hunt, William S. H
Hunter, Frank G. I
Hurd, James E. E
Hutchinson, William S. G
Hutchison, William B. G
Ingraham, Oliver F. B
Isbell, Henry L. B
Isbell, John C. F
Jackson, John C
Jackson, Madison C. E
Jaedicke, Ferdinand K
Jewell, Daniel H. G
Johnson, Albert E
Johnson, Elhenan F
Johnson, George E
Johnson, Noel R. H
Johnson, William C. H
Johnston, John E
Jones, Theodore B
Kallock, Amariah B
Keeler, Julius A. D
Keifer, Jacob D
Kenney, Andrew J. B
Kensley, August I
Kepler, Andrew G
Kepler, David G
Kerchivel, James L. E
Kimball, Warren C
Kineriem, Philip D
King, James B
King, Stephen G. G
Kirkham, Ezra E
Kizer, Charles N. H
Kline, William E
Klink, Conrad C
Knowles, Albert W. A
Kropp, Ernest A. I
Krumm, Wendelin D
Laden, James B
Lamb, Alexander H. B
Lamb, William H. B
Lambkin, James F. H
Langworth, Oliver B
Langworth, Sandford B
Lathrop, Hiram F
Lawrence, Joseph W. D
Lee, John A. A
Leonard, Abraham I
Lewis, Charles B
Lindsay, John G. E
Lindsey, John B
Lines, Edward C. D. B, B
Lodier, William M. B
Long, Lewis S. A
Long, Peter C
Longfellow, Jacob W. D
Longgood, Charles K
Longgood, Peter K
Loomis, Olean H. I
Loomis, Richard R. I
Lowry, Charles G
Loyd, Samuel D
Luke, August D
Lull, P. F. Non-Commissioned
Lundy, Jacob R. F
Lyman, Charles F
Lyon, William L. I
Lyons, John F
Mack, Robert I
March, Charles K
Marcott, George G
Martz, Edward B
Massey, Aquila B. Field & Staff, F
Mayhall, Horace S. A
McCann, John B
McClure, James R. B
McDonald, James G
McFadden, Frank H
McFadden, John A. E
McFadden, Samuel S. E
McFarland, Daniel G
McFarland, Edmund S. B
McGirl, Barney I
McGlasson, Hiram G
McGrew, Cole I
McKenna, Francis A. A
McKenna, George G
McLain, Michael H
McNickle, James F
Mecker, David A. F
Mentzer, John M. G
Miller, Benjamin B. F
Miller, Charles W. A
Miller, James F
miller, John A. B
Miller, Peter I
Miller, Thomas H
Mills, Charles S. A
Miserez, Peter J. F, I
Mitchell, Andrew J. H
Mitchell, Barnett B. F
Mitchell, Lewis G
Mitchell, Robert B. Field & Staff
Mitchell, William D. B
Moeller, John K
Moffitt, John A
Montoon, James D
Moody, Alonzo C
Moonan, Thomas F. G
Moore, Horace L. D
Moore, Hugh M. I
Morley, Erie B. A
Morris, William H. B
Morrissey, John A
Morton, A. R. E
Morton, Joseph C. E
Moses, John C
Muller, William I
Myers, John D
Myers, Michael H
Natchado, Anthon D
Neil, Henry E
Nelson, William C
newbauer, Julius D
Newell, Abram G
Newell, Franklin F
Newell, Lawren A
Newell, Robert G
Newkampf, Henry K
Noble, William E
Noll, Englehardt D
Norbury, William K. I
Norris, John E
Norris, Zachariah E
Nugent, Henry E
O'Kelley, Dennis B
O'Niell, Joseph H. A
O'Riley, Thomas F
Ober, Charles K
Olds, Fernando I
Osborn, Vincent B. E
Palmer, Timothy R. I
Pardon, Newton B
Parmeter, James W. C
Pattee, Eliphalet L. Field & Staff
Patthast, Philip K
Paul, Charles E
Paul, James E
Payne, Albert E
Payne, Charles E. I
Peak, Alfred E
Pearce, Henry H
Perdue, Percival G
Perrin, Deloss W. G
Perry, Benjamin F. W. H
Phillips, Edward G
Phillips, William H. I
Phillips, William P. A
Phillips, William V. H
Pierce, Edward G. I
Pitman, Morris F
Playford, Reuben F. D
Plough, Shelly E
Pomroy, Willaim S. I
Pratt, John Non-Commissioned, D
Preston, John F
Quin, Hugh E
Raker, John W. A
Rambow, John I
Ramsey, John W. E
Rankin, John K. C, C
Ray, Lester F
Reed, Arthur M. B
Reed, George W. H
Reid, Frederick A
Reid, Joseph A
Reiling, Henry K
Reynolds, Ephriam E
Reynolds, Hiram F
Rickabuagh, Joseph H
Roberti, James A
Roberti, Nicholas A
Roberts, Charles E. I
Rockwell, Frank L. I
Roesh, Henry K
Rogers, Thomas W. D
Rohrer, Isaiah K
Romine, Ezra E
Rooks, Orlando P. D
Rosa, John S. B
Royal, Franklin E
Ruckle, David E
Russell, Avra P. G
Rutledge, Isaac F
Ryan, Mathew C
Ryns, Charles W. D
Sampson, John I
Sands, John D. G
Sanford, Ranson J. G
Sarber, John N. B
Saulsbery, Albert E
Sawyer, William I
Schicholz, Fredrick K
Schiller, John K
Schmantz, Christian C
Schmidt, Charles A
Schnell, John K
Schroyer, Gustavus K
Schubert, Herman C
Schuster, Antoine B
Schuyler, Fred. D
Schuyler, Howard D
Schuyler, Nicholas T. B. D
Selig, Henry W. H. D
Sem, John I
Sengel, Joseph C
Shannon, Henry S. E
Shaw, Lucius J. D
Shell, Peter V. I
Shields, Larkin C. A
Shultz, John I
Shunk, Samuel T. I
Sibbett, David F
Simmons, Edward I
Simmons, John F. A
Slater, David E
Smith, Arthur C
Smith, John C
Smith, Theophilus E
Snodgrass, Robert H. P. E
Snook, John S. F
Snook, William F
Spain, George F
Spear, Vivian K. I
Spencer, Isaac N. H
Spinner, Anson R. B
Spitzler, Joseph D
Spurloch, Marshal E. G
Standan, Christian D
Stanton, John E
Stern, Michael B
Sternbergh, Thomas J. D
Stewart, James R. D
Stewart, Joseph W. C. G
Stover, Elias S. B
Stowell, Abisha E
Stringham, Charles A. A
Sudberry, William T. F
Suttle, Horace H. H
Swaney, William T. F
Swartwood, Jacob B
Taber, Stephen C. A
Tafte, Fredrick C
Tappy, Madison J. C
Taylor, George A. I
Ten Brook, James B. E
Thacker, James F
Thanschiedt, August K
Thermann, Henry K
Tholen, William K
Thompkins, William B. H
Thompson, Edward D. Field & Staff, D
Thornbrough, Alfred H
Tinlave, John C
Tolivar, Francis M. F
Tompkins, Cains M. F
Tooney, Michael F
Tozier, Charles W. B
Trask, Edward H
Turner, James C
Ulery, James G
Van Geuder, Alexander D
Vangrundy, David I
Vansyte, Timothy G
Viles, Vardamus E
Walbridge, Jerome B
Walker, James F. E
Walter, Charles F. C
Ward, Christopher I
Way, Davidson R. Non-Commissioned, F
Welch, Moses C.* B
Wentwohth, Luther H. A
West, Lucas B. I
Westhoesen, John K
Wheeler, Hen ry B
White, Albert C
Wiggins, Charles B. G
Wilbur, Oliver B
Wilcox, Herman E
Wiley, Alfred C
Wiley, John W. D
Williaims, Jackson I
Williams, George W. I
Williams, J. K. Non-Commissioned
Williams, James K. F
Williams, Joseph E
Wilson, James L. E
Winans, George B. A
Winklepleck, Samuel E
Winningham, Jackson H
Winzer, August K
Witt, William I
Wollingford, David W. C
Wood, Martin D. H
Wood, Samuel N. I
Wright, David E
Wright, John F. F
Wright, Julius J. D
Wyckoff, George W. B
Yoest, John G
Young, Ralph L. I
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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