Return to Volume 1 Index.
p. 376-380
Rank | Surname | Given | Residence | Enlistment | Muster | Remarks |
Captain | Young | James H. | Olathe | May 14, '63 | Transferred to 15th K. V. C. July 20, 1865 | |
First Lieutenant | Young | James H. | Olathe | April 22, '63 | Promoted Captain May 14, 1863 | |
First Lieutenant | Hadley | Tobias J. | Monticello | June 4, '63 | Resigned September 13, 1865 | |
Second Lieutenant | Goble | William F. | Leavenworth | May 30, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 16th K. V. C. July 20, '65 | |
First Sergeant | Smith | Francis | Holton | Aug. 26, '62 | April 22, '63 | Reduced to Sergeant September 1, 1863 |
First Sergeant | Benedict | Bennett C. | Wabaunsee | Aug. 30, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
First Sergeant | McKiernan | Gerald | Douglas Co. | July 10, '63 | July 23, '63 | Mustered out October 14, 1865, as supenumer'y |
Quartermaster Sergeant | Leddington | Daniel | Parkville, Mo | Oct. 14, '63 | Nov. 12, '63 | Mustered out October 14, 1865, as supenumer'y |
Sergeant | Hamm | George W. | Olathe | Aug. 15, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Sergeant | Griffith | William J. | Leavenworth | March 12, '63 | April 22, '63 | N e evidence of muster out on file |
Sergeant | Hurd | Adam C. | Shawnee Co. | Aug. 15, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Sergeant | Smith | Francis | Holton | Aug. 26, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Sergeant | Geistbeck | Ignatz | Leavenworth | March 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Sergeant | Luech | Henry | Brown County | Sept. 10, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Sergeant | Forbes | William | Leavenworth | Aug. 2, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Sergeant | Ragan | William D. | Kansas City, Mo | April 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Sergeant | Leddington | Elijah | Parkville, Mo | Oct. 14, '63 | Nov. 12, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Sergeant | Payne | Archibald | Monticello | Sept. 30, '63 | Oct. 29, '63 | Mustered out Oct. 14, 1865, as supernumerary |
Sergeant | Smith | Frederick K. | Leavenworth | Aug. 1, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Sergeant | Wilson | Hugh | Leavenworth | Aug. 21, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Corporal | Bethurum | Isaac | Leavenworth | April 2, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Corporal | Derraccan | Reuben | Leavenworth | Feb. 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted, 1864 |
Corporal | Leddington | Jeremiah | Parkville, Mo | April 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Died of disease, Warrensburgh, Mo., Dec., 1863 |
Corporal | Barnett | Cassins | Monticello | March 1, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted June -, 1865 |
Corporal | Johnson | John | Lawrence | July 16, '63 | July 23, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Corporal | McCart | Benjamin | Leavenworth | April 23, '63 | April 25, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Bugler | Sands | Frank | Kansas City, Mo | Apri 2, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Bugler | Broad | Richard | Topeka | March 31, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Bugler | Stephens | Henry | Lecompton | May 1, '63 | May 12, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Wagoner | Lewis | Albert | Leavenworth | July 11, '63 | July 23, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 22, 1865 |
Saddler | Brown | Charles H. | Shawnee Co. | April 13, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Private | Adams | Frank E. | Aug. 13, '62 | April 22, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 | |
Private | Ackley | Uriah | Easton | March 24, '63 | April 29, '63 | Disc. by civil authority July 21, 1863; minor |
Private | Alie | William | Leavenworth | March 11, '63 | March 16, '63 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Private | Bancroft | Lonneas H. | Wyandotte | Feb. 8, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C. July 20, '65 |
Private | Byrd | James | Paola | Dec. 22, '62 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Barnett | Cassius | Monticello | March 1, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Benedict | Barnett C. | Wabaunsee | Aug. 30, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted 1st Sergeant September 1, 1863 |
Private | Bethurum | Isaac | Leavenworth | April 2, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Broad | Richard | Topeka | March 31, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Bugler |
Private | Brown | Charles H. | Shawnee Co. | April 13, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Saddler |
Private | Bearer | John | Johnson Co. | April 14, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Bigknife | James | DeSoto | April 1, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Blanchard | Joseph | Shawnee | April 18, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Boydson | James W. | April 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 10, '65 | |
Private | Dehart | Henry | Miami Mission | April 18, '63 | April 25, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Derraccan | Reuben | Leavenworth | Feb. 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Eddy | William | Leavenworth | March 25, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 20, '63 |
Private | Fiddler | James | Springdale | March 7, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Fish | Isaac | DeSoto | April 22, '63 | April 25, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Francis | William | Monticello | April 18, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted July -, 1865 |
Private | Forbes | William | Leavenworth | Aug. 2, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Froman | John R. | Miami Mission | April 18, '63 | April 25, '63 | Deserted July -, 1865 |
Private | Fushton | John | Leavenworth | March 12, '63 | April 25, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Gilliland | William | Leavenworth | March 10, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 10, '65 |
Private | Griffith | William J. | Leavenworth | March 12, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant May 9, 1863 |
Private | Geistbeck | Ignatz | Leavenworth | March 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Hicks | James P. | Easton | April 8, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Hicks | Timothy M. | Leavenworth | April 8, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Hurd | Adam C. | Shawnee Co. | Aug. 15, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Hoggatt | Eli S. | Paola | April 15, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Hamm | George W. | Olathe | Aug. 15, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant May 9, 1863 |
Private | Ironside | Colin C. | DeSoto | March 3,1 '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted June -, 1865 |
Private | Keep | William | Paola | April 18, '63 | April 25, '63 | Deserted June -, 1865 |
Private | Knight | David | Prairie City | April 21, '63 | April 29, '63 | Mustered out June 27, 1865 |
Private | Ketchum | Young | Leavenworth | April 8, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted February -, 1865 |
Private | Long | Jackson | Olathe | April 8, '63 | April 22, '63 | Died of disease, Ft. Leav., Kan., June 8, 1863 |
Private | Love | Harrison | Wyandotte | March 17, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted, 1864 |
Private | Luech | Daniel | Brown County | Sept. 10, '62 | April 22, '63 | Died of disease, Ft. Leav., Kan., May 29, 1863 |
Private | Luech | Henry | Brown County | Sept. 10, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Leddington | Jeremiah | Parkville, Mo | April 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Martin | William | Leavenworth | March 1, '63 | April 25, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Miles | Four | Wyandotte | March 12, '63 | May 12, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | McNear | William | Monticello | April 1, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Messer | John | Douglas Co. | April 8, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Myers | Thomas H. | Leavenworth | March 24, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Kansas City, Mo., January -, 1864 |
Private | McCart | Benjamin | Leavenworth | April 23, '63 | April 25, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Paschal | Lucas | DeSoto | April 1, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Riker | Edward | Atchison | March 26, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Rodgers | Eli M. | Paola | March 31, '63 | April 22, '63 | Died of disease, Ft. Leav., Kan., May 31, 1863 |
Private | Ragan | William D. | Kansas City, Mo | April 20, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Smith | Edward P. | March 24, '63 | April 22, '63 | Killed in action October 28, 1864, Newtonia, Mo | |
Private | Smith | George W. | Kansas City, Mo | April 2, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 19, 1865 |
Private | Smith | Francis | Holton | Aug. 26, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted 1st Sergeant April, 1863 |
Private | Smith | Frederick K. | Leavenworth | Aug. 1, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Sands | Frank | Kansas City, Mo | April 2, '63 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Bugler |
Private | Tamblin | George | Burlington | Jan. 1, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | White | William | Shawnee | March 15, '63 | April 22, '63 | Deserted -, 1865 |
Private | Wilson | Hugh | Leavenworth | Aug. 21, '62 | April 22, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Zimmerman | George | Atchison | Jan. 15, '63 | April 22, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Page 380-382
Rank | Surname | Given | Residence | Enlistment | Muster | Remarks |
Private | Bailey | James | Leavenworth | Aug. 14, '63 | Oct. 29, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1865 |
Private | Bridges | William A. | Peoria City | May 10, '63 | May 12, '63 | Discharged for disability June -, 1865 |
Private | Bridges | Thomas | Peoria City | June 21, '63 | July 1, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Bickell | Charles | Olathe | Jan. 18, '65 | Jan. 23, '65 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Charters | John | Paola | May 10, '63 | May 12, '63 | Mustered out June 26, 1865 |
Private | Coffee | Lem | Shawnee | May 29, '63 | May 29, '63 | Deserted |
Private | Denna | Moses | Wyandotte | May 5, '63 | May 12, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Dougherty | John | Shawnee | May 5, '63 | May 12, '63 | Killed accidentally March -, 1864, Shawnee, Ks. |
Private | Dorrah | Henry | Douglas Co. | July 1, '63 | July 1, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Dubois | Albert A. | Easton | April 24, '63 | April 29, '63 | Disc. by civil authority July 21, 1863, minor |
Private | Egan | John M. | Ridgeway | July 1, '63 | July 1, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Goble | William F. | Leavenworth | April 25, '63 | April 29, '63 | Promoted 2d Lieutenant May 30, 1863 |
Private | Goble | Stephen | Leavenworth | Aug. 24, '63 | Oct. 29, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 20, 1863 |
Private | Goble | William H. H. | Leavenworth | Aug. 24, '63 | Oct. 29, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Hill | Richardson | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | April 29, '63 | Deserted |
Private | Hill | Simon | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | April 29, '63 | No further record on file |
Private | Holbrook | Daniel A. | Lawrence | June 26, '63 | July 1, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Jackson | James | Leavenworth | March 11, '64 | March 16, '64 | Mustered out June 24, 1865 |
Private | Jordon | Jeremiah | Paola | April 29, '63 | May 12, '63 | Deserted Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 20, 1863 |
Private | Johnson | John | Lawrence | July 16, '63 | July 23, '63 | Promoted Corporal |
Private | Luddington | Elijah | Parkville, Mo | Dec. 14, '63 | Nov. 12, '63 | Promoted Sergeant |
Private | Lewis | Albert | Leavenworth | July 11, '63 | July 23, '63 | Promoted Wagoner |
Private | Leddington | Daniel | Parkville, Mo | Oct. 14, '63 | Nov. 12, '63 | Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant |
Private | Louther | John | Leavenworth | June 19, '63 | July 1, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 19, 1865 |
Private | McKiernan | Gerald | Douglas Co. | July 10, '63 | July 23, '63 | Promoted 1st Sergeant |
Private | McKiernan | William L. | Douglas Co. | Oct. 1, '63 | Nov. 12, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Moonshine | John | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | March 12, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July -, 1865 |
Private | McKenzie | Gabriel | Oxford | Sept. 26, '64 | Jan. 25, '65 | Mustered otu June 24, 1865 |
Private | McKown | James V. | Leavenworth | Feb. 27, '64 | Feb. 27, '64 | No further record on file |
Private | Payne | Archibald | Monticello | Sept. 30, '63 | Oct. 28, '63 | promoted Sergeant |
Private | Rairdan | Daniel | Leavenworth | May 20, '63 | May 29, '63 | Killed accidentally Feb. 9, 1864, Kansas City, Mo. |
Private | Shanghai | Little | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | May 12, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 19, 1865 |
Private | Smith | Thompson | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | May 29, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | snake | Christian | Wyandotte | April 28, '63 | May 29, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 19, 1865 |
Private | Spurlock | William B. | Easton | May 10, '63 | May 12, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Spybuck | French | Monticello | May 1, '63 | May 29, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Stephens | Henry | Lecompton | May 1, '63 | May 12, '63 | Promoted Bugler |
Private | Thomas | James | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | April 29, '63 | Deserted -, 1865 |
Private | Turner | Benjamin W. | Platte City, Mo | April 20, '63 | April 29, '63 | Deserted Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., June 1, 1863 |
Private | Waddle | James | Miami Co. | April 22, '63 | April 25, '63 | Deserted July -, 1865 |
Private | White | John | Leavenworth | May 12, '63 | May 12, '63 | Deserted February -, 1864 |
Private | Williams | George | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | April 29, '63 | Deserted -, 1865 |
Private | Williams | John | Leavenworth | May 12, '63 | May 12, '63 | No evidence of muster out on file |
Private | Wilson | Scott | Paola | April 22, '63 | April 25, '63 | Deserted Lawrence, Kan., July 19, 1865 |
Private | Wilson | James | Wyandotte | April 29, '63 | April 29, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Private | Woods | John A. | Eudora | July 1, '63 | July 1, '63 | Discharged for disability |
Private | Watrous | James H. | May 25, '64 | May 25, '64 | Mustered out June 27, 1865 | |
Private | Watrous | John E. | May 25, '64 | May 25, '64 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 | |
Under Cook | Willis | Jones | Kansas City, Mo | Nov. 1, '63 | Nov. 12, '63 | Transf. to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20, '65 |
Sir: -I desire to state for publication, in connection with the foregoing report of Company L, that it was consolidated with Company M, on the 20th day of July, '65, and transferred to the 15th Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry as new Company B, by special order No. 177, dated Headquarters, District Upper Arkansas, August 22, 1865. Captain Young retained possession of the records after its consolidation, and failed to make a proper return of the company to the Adjutant General's Office.
Lieutenant Hadley having resigned, and myself being upon detached service, it was impossible for us to present a report from the records. At your urgent request, made last winter, I have undertaken to supply the deficiency from memory, and such orther information as could be obtained. In some instances the dates may not be exact, but the status of each man, is, I think, accurately given.
Very respectfully yours,
Late 2d Lieutenant Co. L, 5th K. V. C.
Leavenworth, Kansas, May 6, 1867
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Return to Volume 1 Index.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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