Return to Volume 1 Index. Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Return to Volume 1 Index.
Some names appear more than one time in the same listing. The letter(s) following the name indicate the regiment and how many times the name appears, and are a link to the extractions of the regiment listing.
Since the names are not in alphabetical order in the listing, you will probably want to use your browser's "find" command to locate the surname on the web page.
Abbott, Alexander B, B
Abbott, Samuel I, I
Abram, James W. A
Abrams, Joseph A, A, A
Adams, George I
Adams, Jacob F, F, F
Adler, Daniel E
Adler, Isaac E, E, E, E
Aldrich, W. F. H
Alexander, Joseph Y. G, G, G
Allen, Amasa H. K, K, K, K, K
Allen, Oscar F. K
Allen, Perry D
Allen, Robert F
Allen, Thomas M. H
Allen, William K
Allen, William H. G, G
Allison, Carmin F
Allison, Henry C. E, E
Allison, Josiah A
Allman, James A. C
Anderson, Edmond D. H
Anderson, Levi C. A
Anthony, Daniel R. Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Anthony, Jacob M. A, I
Appold, Frederick C
Archer, Stephen H
Arentsen, Andrew J. E
Armstrong, Hugh G
Armstrong, James I
Armstrong, William W. G, G
Arrell, George W. G, G
Aslien, Andrew G
Ayers, John M. H
Ayers, Juntin N. H, H
Ayers, Samuel Field and Staff
Ayers, Samuel N. H, H, H, H, H, H
Babb, Alfred G
Babb, Eli Non-Commissioned Staff, G
Babb, John B, E
Bagby, William T. F
Bailey, David D
Bailey, Hauley P. I, I, I
Bailey, William W. K
Baird, Burton A. C
Baker, Francis H
Baker, Henry D, D
Ball, Thomas I
Baltimore, John B, B
Barber, Samuel H, H
Barber, Thomas H, H
Bark, John A
Barker, William F
Barkhurst, William D
Barnes, Ransom Substitutes
Barnum, John C, C, C
Bartholow, Theodore Substitutes
Bash, Henry C, C
Baskans, Joseph C
Bass, Abbott P. D, D
Bate, George D. B, B
Bates, Frederick A. I, I, I, I
Bates, Jacob H. I, I, I
Batty, Andrew J. B, B
Baucom, William R. C
Baughn, James I
Baumer, Joseph C
Beach, Simeon D. C
Beall, Andrew G, G
Bean, Robert F. C
Beard, James B
Beasley, Gabriel D. H
Beiderman, Charles H
Bell, John S. H
Bell, William C
Bence, Henry E
Bence, Henry E
Bennett, Frank B
Bennett, George W. A, A, A, A, A
Bennington, Robert H. F, F, F
Berg, Moses B
Berkshire, Joseph V. B, B
Berry, Nelson H. B, B, B, B, B
Berry, Robert B
Besser, John P. C
beverly, David B. F
Bickford, John C. D, D, D, D
Biddle, Alfred Substitutes
Billings, Fred H. D
Bingham, Parley P. H
Bird, George C, C, C, C
Bird, Henry C. Non-Commissioned Staff, B, B, B, B
Bishop, Henry C. E, E, E, E
Blackburn, John H. G, G
Blair, Alexander A. I, I
Blair, Edward K. Substitutes
Blair, John L. B, B
Blake, George W. A
Blanchard, Alfred L. K
Blanchard, Martin V. K
Bloomfield, Cyrus W. G
Bloxom, Cornelius F, F
Blue, John L. E
Bollinger, Levi C. A
Bolton, Henry H, H, H, H
Bolton, John H
Bookholtz, Valentine B
Boomer, Charles T. A, A, A, A
Booth, Erasmus J. I
Border, John H
Bostick, John E
Bostwick, Burr H. K, K
Bowers, John F
Bowers, William H. F
Bowha, John E, E
Bowman, Wellington N. K
Bowman, William B
Bozarth, Benjamin W. D
Bradford, Jason M. Substitutes
Bradway, John V. A
Brady, John A, A
Brainey, Levi C
Braman, Warren W. B, B
Brandon, Henry Substitutes
Brashier, Alfred H. B
Bray, Samuel L. G, G
Brennan, Thomas E
Brewer, Wesley D
Briles, Benjamin W. B, E
Bristol, Burton H. E, E, E, E, E
Brockway, Darwin G. K
Bronson, Thomas I, I
Bronson, Tomas I
Brooks, Frederick C. A
Brooks, Samuel W. C
Brower, Peter G
Brown, Brown, John Jr. K
Brown, Eugene G
Brown, George B. C
Brown, George W. C, C, C, C, C
Brown, Jacob B
Brown, James G
Brown, Jeremiah G, G
Brown, John T. H
Brown, Robert R. H
Brown, Timothy H
Brown, William A. F
Brown, William H. C
Brumley, Alfred E. A
Bryan, Paul B, B, B, B
Bryan, Thomas A, A
Bryant, William C. H, H, H, H
Bryden, William I
Buckley, Calvin H. K
Buckley, Calvin N. K
Buckley, Isaac A
Budd, Daniel B. I
Buel, James S. A, A
Bullis, Charles B. E
Bumming, Henry Substitutes
Bunce, George W. A
Bunch, John L. M. A
Bunchfield, John L. M. A
Burg, George H. Substitutes
Burk, Gilbert J. A
Burk, Isaac A, C
Burk, James K
Burk, John A
Burke, Andrew F, F, F, F
Burlow, John F
Burns, John C
Burrow, Aaron F
Burson, Daniel S. D
Buskill, Andrew G
Butler, Alvin S. C, C
Butler, Robert G
Buttron, Henry Substitutes
Butts, Edwin N. D, D
Cabanski, Martin H
Cabanski, Michael H
Cabauski, Martin F
Cabauski, Michael F
Cable, Benjamin C. B, B
Call, Edwin N. B, B
Callahan, Daniel H, H
Callahan, James O. F, F
Calvin, Solomon I
Camp, Martin B, B
Campbell, Andrew D
Campbell, Bayless S. C, C, C, C
Campbell, Charles Recruits Unassigned to Companies
Campbell, Henry M. A, A, A, A, A, A
Campbell, James G, G, K
Campbell, John Substitutes
Capen, James A. B, B
Carey, Ulyssus K, K
Carey, William G
Carlisle, George K
Carmon, Michael G, G
Carnahan, Joseph D, D, D, D
Carnahan, Silas D
Carnighan, Archibald I
Carpenter, Peter E, E
Carr, Survarnard J. D, D
Carrick, Jacob B. A
Carrigan, George K, K, K, K
Carrigg, Thomas G
Casey, Curtis P. H, H
Casey, Richard C. I
Chaffin, Daniel V. C
Chamberlain, William F. G
Chambers, Robert B. E, E
Chambers, William E
Chambers, William B. E, E
Chamblin, Charles I
Champion, Robert W. G
Chandler, Albert C, C
Chandler, Charles C
Chandler, Melvin C, C
Chappel, Dwight R. F
Chase, Alonzo I, I
Chase, Ashley A
Chill, Alfred I, I, I
Christy, Charles E, E, E, E
Christy, William E, E
Clappold, Havier F
Clark, Benjamin H. A
Clark, Edwin M. F
Clark, Isaac D
Clark, James A, A
Clark, John F, F, F, F
Clark, Lewis J. F, F
Clark, Milton E. Substitutes
Clayton, Peter T. D, D
Clem, Ellis A
Cleveland, Marshall H
Clifford, William H, H
Cody, William F. H
Colbert, Edward F, F, F, F
Cole, Ira B. H, H, H, H
Coleman, Clark C. K, K
Coleman, John A
Collenbach, Charles C
Collins, Eber C
Collins, William H. I
Colver, John P. A, A
Compton, Abram H
Cone, Edgar W. A, A
Cone, Sidney C, I
Connell, Cornelius C
Conner, Peter F, F
Conover, Philip V. C
Converse, Lysander P. K
Cook, Daniel J. B
Cook, Richard M. C
Coon, Adam H
Coon, George L. K
Copeland, William B
Copple, William G
Corkins, John E, E, E, E
Corl, George W. D, D, D
Cornwell, John G. H, H
Cottle, Melvin G
Cotton, Leander F. K, K
Courtright, Thomas J. D, D
Cox, James Substitutes
Craig, Archibald Substitutes
Craighead, John F
Crane, William H. K, K, K, K
Creager, Francis A. G, G, G
Creager, George W. G, G
Creager, John W. G
Creecy, Truman L. K, K
Creek, William F
Crew, Calvin A
Crook, Joel J. Field and Staff
Crosby, George H. K
Cross, George Non-Commissioned Staff
Cross, Marion D, D, D, D, D, D
Crosslin, Jesse C. A
Culbertson, George W. G
Culbertson, John C
Cummings, Pat. Substitutes
Cummins, David D, D
Cunningham, Lorenzo D. A
Curtiss, Randall E. C
Daley, John E, E, E
Daly, John E
Danford, Frank D
Davidson, A. J. F
Davis, Barney W. F
Davis, Charles W. H
Davis, Irving P. C. B, B
Davis, Isaac B
Davis, Joseph B, B
Davis, William G
Davis, William B. H, H
Davison, Morris A, A, A, A, A
Dawson, Elbridge G. E, E, E
Dawson, John C, Substitutes
Day, Edwin N. D, D
Deacon, William Substitutes
Dealde, Delorose I
Dees, Jonathan C
Defenbaugh, Solomon D
Delany, Patrick I
Degan, David Substitutes
Denn, Andrew A
Dennis, Batson J. Substitutes
Derby, Charles G
Dermis, Samuel Substitutes
Dickes, Peter D, D, D
Dickson, Alonzo H, H, H, H, H, H
Dickson, Wallace E. H, H, H, H, H, H
Dillon, Henry H
Dinning, Michael E, E
Diven, Samuel B, B
Dix, John B. C, C
Dobyns, Jesse Substitutes
Dolphin, Royal M. B
Donaldson, Samuel A
Donnelly, Robert H
Donnels, Isaac N. F, F
Doolittle, Samuel R. H, H, H, H
Dowd, Charles H. E, E
Downie, Myron M. H, H
Downing, Andrew D
Downing, Mahlon F. B, B, B
Doye, John F, F
Doyle, Edward F, F
Driggs, Hiram G
Driscol, Alexander H
Dudley, George H. E, E
Duncan, Alexander C. F
Dunham, Fletcher D
Dunn, Timothy I, I
Dunn, William F, F
Durand, Alfred C
Earheart, George C. I
Early, John N. D
Eatinger, Perry E. D
Eatinger, Richard A. D, D
Edmunds, Frederick G
Edward, Eli K
Edwards, John E
Edwards, Joshua Substitutes
Egan, James G
Egan, Patrick B, B, B
Ehart, George C
Eldon, John C. H
Eldridge, Daniel P. G
Eldridge, David P. G, G, G
Eldridge, David P. Jr. G, G
Eldridge, John G, G
Ellis, George W. F, F
Ellis, Henry A, A
Ellis, John A, A, A
Ellsworth, Daniel F
Eltzroth, Alfred F, F, F, F, F
Emery, Frederick W. Field and Staff, K
English, Henry H. E
English, James A. I
Enyart, Jeremiah C. D, D, D
Etherton, Hezekiah Substitutes
Evans, Asa K
Evans, Bartley P. H
Evans, Burney K
Evans, Daniel I, K
Evans, George W. K, K, K
Evans, Luther G. K
Evans, Oscar K, K, K
Evans, Thomas R. K, K, K
Evans, Tomas R. K
Evans, William A, A, A
Everson, Charles C. D, D
Eves, George P. H, H
Ewing, James C. G
Eye, Benjamin S. A, A, A, E
Falkner, William B
Fanboin, Hezekiah Substitutes
Farnham, George W. B
Farnsworth, John W. G
Farnsworth, Orrin E. K
Farrar, Charles A. F, F
Farrar, Joseph I, I
Farrar, Joseph R. F, F
Farrar, Oliver H
Farrar, Samuel F, F, F
Faulkenberry, Jacob F. C. G
Faulkner, Winthrop H. H
Feeney, Thomas E, E, E, E
Felt, Myron H. C
Ferris, George R. H, H
Fessenden, Charles P. I
Fisher, Frederick C
Fitch, Henry M. H
Flagg, David E. H
Fleming, John E, E
Fletcher, Ezra W. F, F
Fletcher, Robert H. A
Flora, Daniel R. B. C, C
Floyd, Edwin D. I, I
Floyd, William P. I
Foley, Barney Substitutes
Foley, Thomas B, B
Foot, Derrow K
Forbes, Peter F
Ford, Christopher M. A
Ford, John G, G, G
Forrest, B. F. H
Forrest, William K
Foster, Alexander C. A, C, C, C, C
Foster, Burrows S. C, C, C
Fouts, John W. E
Fowler, Darius E. C, C
Fowler, John D. E
Fox, Christopher B, B
Fox, Simeon M. Field and Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, C, C
Fraker, Abbott G. C, C
Frame, Thomas W. C
Frankeberger, Joel A. G, G
Frederick, Abraham I
French, Ralph G. E
Frier, Charles M. C
Fulk, Charles D, D
Gabriel, Nehemiah A
Galligher, Francis M. F, F, F
Gannett, Isaac B, B, B
Garret, Cornelius R. G
Garrett, Cornelius R. G
Gaskill, Frederick A. D, D
Gaston, David C, C, C
Gaston, Robert A, A
Gates, David G
Gates, Samuel S. G
Gayhart, Washington G, G
Gehrmann, Joseph C
George, Thomas C. K
Gerdon, Alexander C
Gerelt, Edward G
Gilbert, John H. C, C
Gill, James W. D, D
Gill, John Non-Commissioned Staff
Gillen, John A. I, I, I, I
Gillespie, Michael Substitutes
Glann, Patrick F
Glaspy, Siles Substitutes
Glass, Michael H. F, F
Gleason, Jerrows W. K
Glenn, Samuel N. Substitutes
Glover, Abner B. G
Goatley, James F, F
Goatley, William F, F
Goddard, Frank B
Gollsby, James N. A
Goodfellow, Abner E
Goodfellow, Thodore E
Goodrich, Francis A. I
Gordon, Alexander H
Gordon, Charles E. H
Gordon, Napoleon B. K, K
Gosom, Isaac N. E
Gosorn, Isaac N. E
Gossett, Nelson C
Gottleib, Ferdinand Substitutes
Grady, John A
Graham, Basiel A. F, F, F
Graham, George A, A
Graham, George W. A, A
Graham, Jesse H. I, I
Graham, Thomas C, C
Graham, William A, A, A, I, I
Granger, John E, E
Grant, Abram D
Graves, Samuel B
Green, Horatio A. K
Green, James B. Substitutes
Green, John F, F, F
Gregory, Charles A. E, E
Gregory, Charles H. E, E, Field and Staff
Griffin, Allen A. B, B
Griffith, Ellis D
Grimes, Howard B, B, B, B
Grimes, John T. B, B
Gross, George C
Gullner, Arnold C
Gusett, Nelson A
Guyer, Joseph F
Haber, Charles B, B
Hack, Augustus I
Hadley, Walter F. B
Haggerty, Asa C. K
Hall, Charles G
Haller, Charles G, G, G, G, G
Hamberger, Albert I
Hamby, James F. G, G, G, G
Hamby, William N. G, G
Hamby, William N. Jr. G, G, G, G
Hamer, Robert W. Field and Staff
Hamilton, Archibald F
Hamilton, Elias F. G, G, G, G
Hamilton, George E
Hamilton, Walter B. C
Hanson, Joseph B. F, F, F, F, F
Hanson, Patrick F
Hardenbrook, Thompson B
Harmon, Elnathan T. K
Harmon, George W. Substitutes
Harmon, Henry K
Harmon, Hezron A. K, K, K, K
Harmon, John F. I, I
Harmon, Maurice G
Harper, James P. I
Harper, Jesse G
Harper, John T. I, I
Harrington, Augustus B, B
Harrison, William C
Hart, Wm. Y. Substitutes
Hartley, Henry E, E, E, H, H
Haskins, William H. G
Haszoose, Joseph I
Hathaway, Eugene B. H
Haughey, Allen B. F, F, F, F
Hauton, Peter E
Haven, Edward P. B
Hawthorne, Dennis C. Substitutes
Hawton, Peter E
Hayes, Charles C. B
Hayes, Robert I
Heaney, John C. I, I
Heaston, Benjamin F. A
Heath, Oscar C
Heilemaun, David K
Helme, James G, G
Henderson, John W. F, F
Henderson, Robert A
Henderson, Samuel F. H
Hendricks, John E, E, E
Henry, Daniel B. E
Henry, James H. D
Henry, William D, D, D, D, D, D
Hensal, James B, B
Herrick, Thomas P., Field and Staff, Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Herring, Charles H. C, A
Herring, Eber D. B
Herring, Louis C. E, E
Hesse, Franklin A, A, A, A, A
Hewitt, Joseph C. D, D, D, D, D
Hewitt, Pardon C. D, D
Hichs, Charles E
Higbee, William E, E
Higby, John W. G, G
Hill, John N. D, D
Hill, Joseph S. A
Hindsdale, Nathan D. D
Hines, Robert G
Hinkley, G. W. Substitutes
Hinman, Howley D. F, F, F
HInsdale, Nathan B. D, D
Hobbs, George G
Hoberman, John H. E
Hodgman, Amos F, H
Hoffman, Augustus E, E, I
Hoffman, Charles H, H, H, H
Hoffner, Eli M. F
Holcomb, Elihu A, A
Holcomb, Isaac K
Holden, Lewis C, C
Hollarn, Patrick I, I, I, I
Holloway, Elisha D. K
Holman, Ledyard B. K
Holmes, Daniel D, D
Holmes, Wallace H
Honey, Zachary Substitutes
Hood, John H. G. B, B, B, B, B
Hooper, Charles H. F, F
Hopkins, Charles P. K, K
Hopkins, James H. H
Hopkins, John C, C
Horton, James H. H, H
Hosback, Henry D
Houck, Conrad H, H
Housel, Hiram I, I, I, I
Housel, Hiram I
Houseman, Charles L. K
Houseman, William G. K
Houser, Andrew H
Houston, David L. F, F, F
Houston, David W. Field and Staff, G, G, H
Howard, John C
Howe, William W. I
Hoyt, George H. K, K
Hubbard, Albert I
Hubbard, George F
Hudley, Joseph C
Hughes, Bela M. F
Hughes, Charles F. C
Hughes, Isaiah J. D
Hughes, John R. D
Hulain, Thomas I
Hulsey, John H
Hultz, James F, F, F, F, F
Hungerford, Emory U. H
Hunt, Harmon D. Non-Commissioned Staff, G, I
Hunter, James B
Hunter, James A. B
Hurst, John E. A, A
Hurst, Jonas F. I
Hutchins, James E. I
Hyde, William D, D
Hyete, William G
Iddings, Julian A. A
Ide, Harvey W. Substitutes
Ingraham, Charles W. A
Ingraham, Daniel L. A, A
Inhofe, Samuel N. H, H
Irvine, Samuel I, I, I, I, I
Jackson, John A. F, F
Jackson, John B. I
Jacobs, Andrew W. H. G
James, John D, D
Jeffers, John I
Jenkins, William S. C, Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Jennings, Hezekiah A, A, A, A
Jennings, Julius K
Jennison, Charles R. Field and Staff
Jessup, Andrew B, B, B
Jimison, Andrew J. A, A, A, A, A
Jimmerson, Thomas F, F, F
Johns, Samuel G, G
Johns, William T. B, B
Johnson, Albertie E, E
Johnson, Charles H
Johnson, Christfield C, C, C, C, C, C
Johnson, Franklin G
Johnson, James R. F, F, F
Johnson, John F. K
Johnson, John J. E
Johnson, Lawrence P. H
Johnson, Noel R. F
Johnson, Robert K
Johnson, Robert F. F
Johnston, James R. C
Jones, Albert A
Jones, Alfred W. G
Jones, Joel C. K
Jones, John B
Jones, John D. G
Jones, Wilberforce C
Jordan, William I, I
Joy, Charles E. A, A
Joyce, John F, F, F, F
Justice, William G
Kelley, James F, F
Kelley, Thomas Substitutes
Kelley, Timothy C, C
Kellum, James F. H
Kelly, Dennis H
Keltts, William G
Kenan, George W. A, A
Kendall, John H, H, H, H
Kennedy, Harvey D
Kennedy, James C
Kennedy, Michael T. H, H
Kent, George W. K
Kerr, Richard H. G
Ketcham, William Substitutes
Key, Richard B
Keyser, Frederick F
Kiles, Alexander C
Kimball, Frederick E. B
Kinard, William R. H, H
King, Erastus S. H
King, George H. K
King, Milton A, A
Kinnick, Joseph D, D
Kinnick, Walter W. D
Kirkland, Constantine P. H
Kirkland, William I, I
Kline, Henry S. B, B
Klinefelter, Peter R. C, C
Klinefelter, Samuel K. C, C, C
Knapp, Cyrus W. D
Knapp, Luther H. D
Knight, Charles B. D, D
Knight, Charles G. A
Knight, Zina D
Knowles, Henry K
Knowlton, David B. K
Knowlton, John T. G
Knox, William H. F
Koalble, Joseph H, H
Krause, Theodore B, B, B
Kuhn, Philip G
Kunkle, Charles C. C
Lackey, Nicholas C
Laird, J. Frank I, I
Lampman, William G
Lancaster, James H. A
Lane, Edward L. C
Langon, Dominick F, F
Lansing, James W. Non-Commissioned Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, I
Larew, John H. K
Larrison, George W. Substitutes
Larrison, John M. Substitutes
Lathrop, Daniel K
Lathrop, James H
Laverentz, Henry A. A, A, A
Lavery, Jackson T. A, A, A
Lawton, John W. C
Leary, Dennis O. F
Lease, Arthur B. C
Lease, Arthur E. A
Ledford, John B. C
Lee, Albert L. Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Lee, Thomas H
Legget, John H, H
Leib, John I, I, I, I
Leiber, Charles I, I
Leiber, Florin I
Lell, William D, D, D
Lemon, Simeon E. D
Leonard, James A, A, A, E
Leonard, John W. A, A
Leroy, H. M. H
Leslie, Oliver S. A, A, A
Leverentz, Henry A. A, A, A
Lewis, Joseph H. C
Lewis, William B, B, B, G
Lible, Martin C
Lindsey, Elsey B
Liner, James A
Lingelbach, William D
Lipper, Henry H, H, H
Lloyd, Samuel I
Locke, David E. K
Locke, Harrison H. K, K, K, K, K
Locke, Stephen F. K
Lohnes, Thomas H. A
Lorey, Norris B, B, B, B, B
Love, George C. I
Lovejoy, Charles H. Field and Staff
Lowe, John W. I, I, I, I, I
Lowe, Robert B
Lowery, John T. K
Lowry, Charles I, I
Luce, Alden S. G
Luse, Watts B. K
Lyman, William A. G, G, G
Lynch, Peter H
Lynn, Harvey H. H
Lynn, William L. F. F
Lyons, John I
Mabee, William H, H
Mahon, James A
Mahue, John G
Maire, Douty U. A
Mallows, Zacharias C, C
Malone, Francis M. Field and Staff, Field and Staff, F
Mann, Edward H
Mann, Jacob H. H, H, H
Manner, Joseph D, D
Maquilken, Samuel A
Marion, Andrew A
Marsfield, Henry A
Marshall, Ira B. F, F, F
Marshall, John C. E
Martin, Joseph S. Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Martin, William B, F
Martin, Z. F. H
Maryhugh, Russell W. E, E, E
Mattoon, George H. A
May, Dexter A, A
Mayer, Christian C
McAdams, John H
McAfee, Dorsey G
McAllister, John E
McAuley, Malcomb E
McAuliff, John G
McCabe, John E
McCabe, Peter Substitutes
McCall, James F
McClure, Emery C, C
McCollom, William P. E, E, E, E
McConnaughey, Geo. W. F
McCoye, James F, F, F
McCready, Charles A
McCrum, James P. I, I
McCumber, Edwin R. B, B, B, B
McCumber, Henry N. B
McCumber, Nathan B, B
McCumber, Silvey D. B, B
McCune, Alexander H. I
McDaniels, Samuel C
McDonald, James B, B, I, I, I
McDonald, Ozins A
McDowell, John H
McDuffie, William H. D
McGahey, Sampson H, K
McGargill, James G
McGaughey, William P. C, C, C, C
McGee, George A. H
McGinnis, Barney H
McGlanham, Cherry C
McGrew, James D. B, B, B
McIntosh, Duncan A, A, A, A
McInturff, Thomas J. E, E
McKay, Dix A, A
McKee, Robert J. A, G
McLean, John B
McMahill, Pinkney I
McNamara, James C
McSparren, Aaron I, I, I, I
McSparren, John I
McTaggart, John A, A, A, A, A
Mead, Charles G
Medley, Leonidas C. B
Medley, Samuel S. B
Meek, Allen A
Menhenitt, John B, B, B, B
Menhenitt, Richard B, B
Merrick, John L. I
Merriman, Clark S. Field and Staff, D
Merrison, Joseph C
Middleton, John A. B, B
Middleton, William J. G, G
Miller, David R. D
Miller, Edwin I
Miller, John I, I
Miller, John E. B
Miller, John H. H, H
Miller, Joseph F
Miller, Lavern F
Miller, Lovern F
Miller, Nichols C
Minguis, Orrin B
Minton, Edward H. C, C, C, C
Minton, John W. G, G, G
Mitchell, John I, I, I, I
Mitchell, John C. H, H
Mitchell, Samuel D. I, I
Moe, John H, H
Moncravia, Alexander B. A, A, A, A
Monroe, James H
Montgomery, George C
Moody, Charles L. K
Moore, Andrew D. H, H, H
Moore, John W. F, F, F, F, F
Moore, Thomas B
Moore, William W. A
Moorhouse, William S. B, B
More, Andy H, H
Morehead, John H
Morehouse, David D, D, D
Morley, Isaac G, G
Morrell, Edmond N. C, C
Morrill, Levi I
Morris, Benjamin F. G
Morris, Miles G, G
Morse, David W. Non-Commissioned Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, A, A
Morse, Enoch L. A
Morton, John G
Morton, Joseph S. Substitutes
Moser, Theodore K
Moses, Webster W. D, D, D, D, D
Mountford, Josiah H
Mouriquand, J. P. D. I, I
Mowry, George D, D
Mowry, Welcome D, D
Mullen, Timothy B
Murphy, James C B
Murphy, Martin H
Murray, Joseph G. D
Murray, Timothy H
Myers, Anthony C
Myers, Jacob C. E, E
Nagle, Richard H, H, H
Neal, Matthew A
Neal, Matthew T. A
Neason, Matthew A
Neeland, Francis M. I
Neeley, John E. G
Neil, Daniel F
Neil, George W. A
Nelson, John H. G
Nelson, Martin G
Ness, Noah V. G, G
Nessel, Joseph H. H, H, H
Neswauger, William Substitutes
Newbold, George C. I, I
Newlee, James O. Recruits Unassigned to Companies
Newman, Daniel H. G, G
Newman, Mark I
Newton, Francis E. D, D, D, D
Newton, Francis H. D
Newton, Thomas G
Nichols, Harvey C, C
Nichols, Ransom A, D, D
Nichols, Strother H
Noell, Alfred H. D
Noles, Henry C
Noles, Robert C, C
Nordin, Frederick E, E
Norris, John G
Norris, Zachariah G, G, G, G
Norwood, Abram Substitutes
Noyes, John, Jr. E, E, E
Nye, George M C, C, C, C
O'Harra, Francis A
O'Kiefe, Daniel G, G
O'Neil, John B, B
Oakley, Thomas H
Offer, Almon H
Oland, Henry H
Oldenhage, John L. E
Oldham, William H. I
Oleson, William H. E
Ordway, Edgar N. D, D
Ordway, Edwin N. A
Orr, Charles E
Osgood, William O. Field and Staff
Osman, George M. I, I, I, I
Ostrander, Henry P. E
Overhulls, Joseph C, C, C, C
Overman, Jacob C
Owens, Peter R. D
Ozman, George M. I
Palmer, Roderick H
Pangburn, John G
Parchen, Charles D, D
Pardee, Horace H, H
Pardee, Samuel Substitutes
Parent, John H. G
Parker, Charles K
Parker, Matthew A. E, E, E, E
Partch, John W. C
Partch, Warren C
Parton, Newton I, I
Patterson, John F. G, G
Patterson, Newell A, A, A
Paul, William F. R. G, G
Pauling, Augustus B, B
Payne, Mervine E. K
Payne, William B. K, K, K
Peary, Joshua F, F, F, F
Pease, William A. Non-Commissioned Staff, G, G, G
Peck, Andrew J B, B
Peck, Fred C. K, K
Pendery, John L. Substitutes
Pennington, Alonzo E
Pennington, Joel N. G
Perham, Rosalvin C. A, A, A
Perry, James M. H
Pfaffley, John I
Phelps, Ira W. Non-Commissioned Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, H, H
Phillips, James Substitutes
Phillips, Thomas Substitutes
Pickering, Stephen A. D
Pierce, Robert E
Piquett, George H
Pitchard, Edward G
Pitman, James E. H
Pittman, Morris G
Pittman, William G, G
Pitts, Aaron M. A, A, A, D
Plain, John Substitutes
Pliss, Samuel W. Substitutes
Pomeroy, Emerson W. D
Pomeroy, Emmerson W. D, D
Pomeroy, Fletcher Non-Commissioned Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, D
Pool, Aaron G. F, F
Pope, Abram A, A
Popeges, William B
Porter, Benjamin G
Porter, Oscar G. D
Poteet, Henry G
Potterton, John Substitutes
Pound, E. L. Substitutes
Powers, Edwin W. A, E
Pownell, Pleasant Substitutes
Preston, Clark A. K
Pretzer, Frederick I
Price, William H
Price, William H. H
Price, Zachariah F
Proctor, William P. Substitutes
Provost, Thomas C
Pruitt, Elijah G, G
Pulsipher, Merrick K. K, K, K, K, K, K
Purdy, James W. A, A, A
Putnam, Charles O. F, F, F
Quick, James K
Quinn, John G
Quirk, Thomas E
Rafety, James L. H, H
Rains, Thomas A, C
Ralls, Samuel D. B
Ralston, James A
Rambeau, Charles F, F
Ramsey, Isaac N. C
Randolph, Baldon G. G
Ratliff, John B, B
Ray, Francis M. C, C
Ray, Jilson B, B, B, B
Ray, Robert F, F, F, F, F
Raymond, Joseph C
Raymond, W. A. H
Reading, Samuel F, F
Reda, Martin G
Reda, Marton G
Reed, Henry H
Reed, Henry J. H, H, H
Reed, Nathan G
Reed, William W. G, G
Reese, Jesse A. H, H
Reeve, Arthur F. Non-Commissioned Staff
Reeve, Arthur T. K
Reeve, Henry H. K
Reeves, John T. C
Reeves, Robert T. C
Reno, Thomas P. D. G
Reynolds, Calvin F
Reynolds, Ephriam G, G, G, G
Rhodes, William D, D, D
Rice, Nelson A, A
Richards, John F. Substitutes
Richards, Samuel Substitutes
Richardson, Abel I, I
Richardson, Chancellor L. F
Ridgway, James A. I
Ridgway, Joshua H
Ridgway, Joshua S. H, H
Rigby, James Non-Commissioned Staff, G, G, G, G
Roads, Henry C. C
Roberts, Humphrey Substitutes
Roberts, Isaiah A
Roberts, Solomon M. G
Robinson, Alfred G
Robinson, Charles H
Robinson, John F. A, A, A
Rockwood, William J. H
Roots, Albert A
Rosalien, George A, A
Roslein, George C, C
Ross, Angus F, F
Rowe, Isaac D. H
Royer, Neri H
Ruby, John M. H
Ruby, John M. H, H
Ruckle, David G, G
Rudrauff, Edwin I, I, I, I, I
Ruppelins, Jacob D, D, D, D
Rush, Benjamin A. C
Russell, James G. E, E, E, E
Russell, Samuel H. C
Russell, Traverse C, G
Ryus, Emmet A
Sample, Samuel G
Sanders, Bazil C. A, A, A, A
Sanders, Wiley T. H
Sanderson, Charles D, D
Sargent, G. Sargent C
Sargent, William G. C
Sauncers, Edwin L. E
Saunders, Edwin T. A, A, A
Saunders, William C
Sawin, Isaac A. A, A, A
Schamp, Albert C
Schappell, Charles C, C
Schelley, Robert E. B
Schilling, Francis C, I
Schlemmer, Charles I
Schmidt, Adam A, A, A
Schmidt, Andrew A
Schmidt, John H
Schmidt, Michael A
Schneider, George I, I
Schroder, Frederick H
Schwint, Henry C
Scott, David G
Scott, James B, B, B, B
Scott, Rice L. G
Scrafford, Henry C. A
Scrafford, Martin A, A
Scribner, Samuel R. F
Seacrist, Joseph K, K, K, K
Seaman, William B. A
Sebastian, Robert A
Seeley, William C
Seibel, George D
Seigler, Samuel C. D, D
Selleg, Edwin C, I, I
Sennet, Philip H
Sergeant, Charles A. D, D, D, D
Seribner, Samuel R. F
Seright, William G. G, G, G, G, G
Service, James C. H, H, H, H, H
Setter, Bernard G, G, G, G
Setter, Martin G
Sevier, Moses C
Sexton, James F, F, F
Shaffer, Peter E, E
Shaiffer, Jacob I
Shaiffer, William H. I
Shaiffler, Jacob I
Shaiffler, William H. I
Sharp, George W. K, K
Sharp, Levi H, H, H, H, H, H
Sharrai, Frank C
Shaw, James L B
Shaw, Lewis A
Sheely, Moses E
Sheldon, William D, D, D
Sherman, Stephen A
Sherman, Thomas H. A, A
Shide, Andrew Substitutes
Shields, L. Craig I, I, I, I, I
Shirley, George I
Shugrue, Michael E, E
Shurtleff, Samuel A. D, D
Sibert, William E. A
Simpkins, Robert A
Sinex, Joseph C, C, C, C
Sipes, Franklin K
Slater, Amos K, K
Slater, Ira K
Slawson, Oscar M B
Sloat, George R. K
Smiles, John I
Smith, Benjamin F. G, G
Smith, Charles D, E
Smith, Con H, H, H
Smith, Edward Z K
Smith, Erastus D, D, D
Smith, Frank F
Smith, George B. F
Smith, George E. G
Smith, George W. H
Smith, James A, A, C, C, C, Field and Staff
Smith, James B. H
Smith, James E. I
Smith, John A, A, B, G, H, H, H, Substitutes
Smith, John W B, E
Smith, Joseph O. G
Smith, Leander H
Smith, Marcus L. K, K, K, K, K
Smith, Martin E, E
Smith, Martin V. G, G
Smith, Sidney M. K
Smith, Thomas E, E
Smith, Thomas J. H
Smith, William E, G, G
Smith, William A. D
Smitles, John I
Snively, John M. C, C
Snoddy, James D. C
Snoddy, John T. Field and Staff, Field and Staff
Snyder, Ebenezer Field and Staff, A
Southern, William B. H
Spaulding, William G
Spear, Albert G. A
Spear, Frederick M. A, G
Spear, Isaac N. A
Speer, Albert G. Non-Commissioned Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff
Sperry, Luther A, A, A
Spielman, John D, D
Spinning, George L. C, C
Springer, George H. T. G, G
Springer, James W. G, G, G
Springer, William B. G, G, G, G, G, G
Stafford, Lewis B. H
Staley, William G
Stallows, Silas M B
Stamm, Christian K
Stanford, James L. F
Stanford, Jeremiah E, E, E
Stanley, Levi A
Stanley, Robert B. D, D
Stanley, Sino A, A, A, A, A
Stanton, John I
Stanzell, George W. K
Stark, C. L. H
Starr, Lewis A, A
Steinbrenner, George J. K, K
Stevens, Bradford E, E
Stevens, George H. A, A
Stevens, Henry E. C
Stevens, William A, E
Stevenson, Jesse G
Stewart, Charles B, B
Stewart, George C. K
Stewart, Judson G. G, G
Stewart, Matthew M. C
Stewart, Stephen A, A, A
Stice, Josiah A. C
Stilwell, Carlos G
Stilwell, Jacob S. A, A
Stilwell, Stephen A
Stimson, Charles E, E
Stock, Leroy D, D
Stockford, Charles B, B, B, B
Stone, James C. Substitutes
Stormbaugh, Martin F
Stout, Joshua T. C, C
Streeter, George O B
Strickland, Landen B
Stricklin, Michael G
Strombaugh, Martin F
Stumbo, Francis M. A, A
Stumbo, John J. A
Sutton, Almond C
Swan, Hollis P. B, B
Swanson, John A. D, D
Swigget, John I, I
Swinchen, Joseph C
Swoyer, Fred. B, B
Syfritt, Charles W. B
Sylleyfin, John F, F
Sylvester, Henry G
Sylvester, John W. G, G, G, G
Sylvester, Richard G
Tackpole, Henry H. K
Taggart, William G
Tambor, Anotonia I
Tambor, Antonio I, I, I
Tams, John H. H, H
Tanner, John A. C, F
Tapley, Samuel D
Tarbox, George B, B, B
Tatlow, Noah A, A, A
Taylor, DeWitt C. A, A, A
Taylor, Eugene E. G
Taylor, Rolla A. G
Taylor, Theodore A. D
Taylor, William I, I, I, I
Teben, John B
Tefft, James M. G, G, G
Tefft, John Q. G
Tefft, Pha G
Tefft, William G, G, G, G
Thatcher, John S. K, K
Theobold, Philip H
Thomas, Bryan A
Thomas, David E
Thomas, John D, D, D
Thomas, Philip K. H
Thomas, William H
Thompson, Charles G
Thompson, Charles L. B, B, B, B, G, G
Thompson, George H, H, H, H
Thompson, James H. H
Thompson, James M. K, K
Thompson, John B. C
Thompson, Maurice J. K, K, K
Thompson, Robert T. C, C
Thompson, William H, I
Thompson, William W. F
Thornton, Edward G, G
Thorpe, Simeon B. I, I
Tibergheim, William M. G
Tice, George M. H
Tighe, John G
Tillotson, Frank B, B
Timney, John E
Tipton, Charles H, H, H, H
Toben, John B
Toler, James W. Substitutes
Tolliver, Enoch B. B
Tompkins, Christ. C. G
Tompkins, Christopher C. G
Toppass, James F
Topping, William A. B, B, B, B
Tourgee, Henry C. K
Tourgee, Henry H. K, K, K
Trail, James A. F, F, F, F, F, F
Trail, Thomas F
Trail, Wiley F
Trasper, George M. A
Trasper, Hugh G. A
Travis, Calvin M. K
Triplett, Elay D
Triplett, Elzy D
Triplett, Milton C. D
True, Daniel W. D, D, D
True, Walter A. Substitutes
Tucker, John C
Tuggle, John R. H
Tuis, Elias W. H
Tuls, Elias W. H
Tunney, John B
Turner, David E, E, E, E
Turner, William H. H
Tuxburry, Jesse Substitutes
Underwood, Marcus L. G
Underwood, Pleasant A, A
Utt, Levi H. A, A, Field and Staff
Van Dusen, George E. H
Van Morsal, Martin G, G
Vaughn, Burlington R. H
Vaughn, Edwin M. A, A
Vaughn, Lewis A, A, A
Vergrett, Peter I, I
Vickery, Ira M. A, A
Victory, Hardin G
Vincent, Frederick Substitutes
Vincent, James B, E, E
Vogel, Waldo C
Vogler, Martin H, H
Voscalder, Henry G
Wadley, John B. K
Wagener, William F. K
Wakes, James I
Walds, George Substitutes
Wall, Charles H. H
Wall, Charles L. H, H, H, H, H
Wall, Richard H
Wallace, Francis G
Wallace, George W. B
Wallace, John G
Ward, Elbridge E. K, K
Wardo, George B
Warren, James A. G
Warren, Joel S. E
Watson, Alexander H. C
Watson, James Jr. I, I
Watson, James Sr. I
Watson, John C
Waurley, Noah K
Way, Henry L. B
Wayte, Francis M. B
Wayto, Francis M. B
Weatherby, Edward L. D
Weaver, Charles E
Weber, Charles E, E
Weble, George D
Weedon, Joseph T. D, D
Weethe, James S. H, H, H, H, H
Wehle, George D, D, D, D
Weir, John A. G
Weldon, Peter Substitutes
Wells, Peter G
Wells, Solon B. C
Wells, Victor S. C
Weltermer, Jacob J. Substitutes
Wessel, Owen A
West, Milton B. K
Westgate, Junius B. E, E, E, E, E
Westlake, Orville H. Recruits Unassigned to Companies
Weston, William I, I, I, I, I
Wever, Joseph L. Field and Staff
Wheeler, James H. H, H
White, Amos K. H
White, Eli D, D, D, D
White, John A
Whitehead, Benjamin B
Whitehead, John M. Non-Commissioned Staff, I
Whitener, George C. A
Whitewell, John H. K
Whitney, Lucius Field and Staff, Non-Commissioned Staff, G
Whitney, Oliver C. A
Whitver, Jeremiah D, D
Wickham, William J. F, F, F, F, F
Wilcox, John D
Wildey, John H. C, C, C, C
Wilgus, Alexander B. F, F
Wilhite, Joseph G, G, G
Wilhoit, Greenup B. D, D
Wilhoit, William M. D, D
Wilkinson, William A, A
Williams, David H. K
Williams, James E, E
Williams, John A
Williams, Lewis D. C, C
Williams, Lyman E, E
Williams, Nathaniel A
Williams, Owen G
Williams, William G, G
Williams, William A. G
Williams, William H. H. G, G
Willis, Joseph M. H, H
Willis, William E
Willis, William H. K
Wilson, Henry G
Wilson, James F
Wilson, John D. A
Wilson, John N. F, F
Wilson, Robert H
Wilson, William D
Wilson, William A. A, A
Wilt, John F
Winans, George B. A, C
Wingold, John A. G
Winkles, Benjamin C
Winter, Adam C
Winterburn, Davis H
Wisecarver, Nathan H. K
Wix, Joseph Substitutes
Wood, Charles J. E, E
Woodburn, Thomas J. I, I, K
Woodford, William H
Woods, Daniel I
Woods, James H
Woods, John P. E
Woodward, Augustus L. I, I
Woodward, Francis C, C
Wormbold, William I
Wright, James G. I, I, I
Wroton, John D, D
Wyrick, Hugh W. Substitutes
Wyrick, Israel G. B
Yeager, George J. E
Yeary, John I
Yorke, Joseph B. C, C, C, C, C
Young, John G
Young, John W. G
Young, William C, C
Yount, James C
Zismer, John C. P. A
Zook, Henry I
Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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